School memories by Barbiecute2011/05/14 17:13 school MEMORIES:
Onesided love...
Silent mode Mobiles...
Bus stand comedies..
Escape from Seminars...
Last period cuts..
Birthday treat's...
Last minute prepration...
Over ight study 4next day Exam..
Friend's family functions..
Internal marks problem..
Mass bunk 4 a film..
Eager wait 4 feb14..
shortage of pocket money
nd attendance..
Thse day's will nvr come again :)
TheMouse2011/05/14 17:22 Silent mobiles? Oh dear, in my school days, they were even invisible!
Quote: barbiecute: school MEMORIES:
Onesided love...
Silent mode Mobiles...
Bus stand comedies..
Escape from Seminars...
Last period cuts..
Birthday treat's...
Last minute prepration...
Over ight study 4next day Exam..
Friend's family functions..
Internal marks problem..
Mass bunk 4 a film..
Eager wait 4 feb14..
shortage of pocket money
nd attendance..
Thse day's will nvr come again
Sweet_Divyanka2011/05/14 18:59 Yeah thats good to remember school days like in indian movie "Happy Days" its something good,thoes moments sure never come back,but our memories remembers to us the childhood when we meet together at school,learn someting,have fun,party together and also quit some hours from school -run- thats a good remember
soweyung2011/05/14 19:11 i was ever a suspect even when there was clear evidence i was not involved