-SkuLL n BoNeS-[CEMETARY] by Resphanto 2010/10/28 08:24


Am taller dan HEIGHT and heavier dan WEIGHT,am so wise cos am fuckin older dan AGE,dis is jst ma lil metaphorical SAGE!

No one fucks here wif me and goes freky free. Cos... Amma puLL TRIGGER and kiLL NIGGAS.

Quote: Resphanto: Blood Sheds every^WHERE/...Demons crys to deafen ma ^EARs/lots of niggas died by ma glock outta fakers ^FEAR/...FUCK DA WHOLE WORLD!

i was never born..but died 666(six hundred and sixty six) times

Fallen Angel

..SKULL n BONES[Cemetary]..

Resphanto 2010/10/30 20:12
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard:

I wounda how u managed t0 spell thz Wordz///HeYYY! Fellerz CALL (112) I s33 s0mke on thz STRE3E3S3D head!

u need t0 g0 back t0 cache/cox all I see h3rE are wAST3D 3FF0RTz!
Ya nt my, 'I mean Our Mat3 neither grade.'
Nxt time I hav ya usel3s time, I promise t0 smack you wit ma spade & mak u reLIGAT3 realizin ya r3al ag3 matez.

u such an IDIOT,cos u r d least of ma DOGZ.instead of BARKIN,y nt try and cut yr CHAIN,cos amma gat u SmAcKeD IN d DRAIN.
d only thing u inherited from yr POOR FATHER was an old BICYCLE,now amma throw u and yr POOR MOTHER in d RECYCLE.
damn! Today is meant to be HOLY,i guess i just have to leave u demon UGLY,cos these wordz i've SPOKEN ar just ma TOKEN.

Resphanto 2010/10/30 20:16
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard:

I wounda how u managed t0 spell thz Wordz///HeYYY! Fellerz CALL (112) I s33 s0mke on thz STRE3E3S3D head!

u need t0 g0 back t0 cache/cox all I see h3rE are wAST3D 3FF0RTz!
Ya nt my, 'I mean Our Mat3 neither grade.'
Nxt time I hav ya usel3s time, I promise t0 smack you wit ma spade & mak u reLIGAT3 realizin ya r3al ag3 matez.

DWIZZAD d lazy LIZZARD,u such an IDIOT,cos u re d least of ma DOGZ.instead of BARKIN,y nt try and cut yr CHAIN,cos amma gat u SmAcKeD IN d DRAIN.
d only thing u inherited from yr POOR FATHER was an old BICYCLE,now amma throw u and yr POOR MOTHER in ma own RECYCLE.
damn! Today is meant to be HOLY,i guess i just have to leave u demon UGLY,cos these wordz i've just SPOKEN ar just a little TOKEN.

Resphanto 2010/10/30 21:16
Quote: Ouch: Time 2play d Gaamme!

Dis pussy,i told ya 2run 2ur mama/u ar playn wit fire dis aint no drama.
U ar playn wit niga wit atitude,nd surely w'll gt at u.
Dis aint warnin,u'll b dead b4 mornin,nd ur soul 2my grave i wil b burning.
Ur mama ws a disgrace,dts y i 4ck her crase.
Wit my oversize dick,i 4ck her 2pieces,ha ha,dere's no more pussies 4ur fader 2insert his bent dickies.
As 4u am gona screw u,moderfuka dis shxt u aint used to.

Jst a warnin pusy
aargh waooh!wat a day dat was so HECTIC,am sittin on ma COUCH so PATHETIC of yr death OUCH.u talk like a KID,well u re born of a goat dat y u re a KID.ma heart re full of evil SEEDS tryin to GERMINATE,cos i hav u dyin WEEDS to TERMINATE.i wonder how u got into dis WORLD,cos i hate u PERIOD.u re a world class IDIOT,i over heard people sayin dat u re a FAGGOT. ISH u re so PRUDISH wen it come to sex,cos u re so FOOLISH.....SsHHh! u re fuckin yr mama's HOLE and u CAME out of dat SAME HOLE,wat a big SHAME u ASSHOLE.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/31 12:47
Hahahahaha -haha1- hear dz puPPY barking...hey kitty,kitty hz angry/ma w0rdz cuT u lik3 a kniF3/placing ya t0tz, lif3,& ya 10th0usand wifiv3z/in Strif3!

I dnt Hav3 usel3s tim3 t0 lecture thz Pussy-Puppy(confus3d speci3) how to Talk t0 hz ElDeez/WEN U S33 US H3R3 IN 2wapw.c, rise-up t0 ya f33t & GR333T!/0r I personally, gonn sh0w u 'd striaght& propa way t0 ya Defeat/

U'r3 s0 c0nfused ab0ut lif3 dummy/I put that f00d in ya tummy/...u see, u dnt 3ven wat I fed u with HAHAHA it waz ALLIEN SHXXXT!

U'r3 s0 c0nfused/u inherited wat 4rm ma Dad? IF U DID U WUD B3 HAVING THA WORLD/hahaha -haha1- bt th3re u ar3 living p0t hol3 plac3/ d0ing cutting/& chase /smiley OSAMA-BIL-LADIN is m0r3 visible than that ya plac3...HAHAH! S0,s0,s0,s0 confused
c0m3 out of that place we aint gonn catch u no mor3/cox u so usel3ss to reality & disgraz to humanity/come g0 visit t0 a m3ntal h0us3 NT A D3NTIST U FR3AKIN CONFUS3D AP3-rapisT.
/smiley /smiley

u're s00 s0 coNfuseD.
Ya t0pic tittl3: Resphanto Vs. WH0? u dnt ev3n Knw wat ya guez wat it is br0, itz your C0nfusi0n.

I LIK3 U, BUT U HAT3 YA-S3Lf, wat els3 can I D0 but t0 mak3 Ya HAT3 M3 & I d0 it p3rfectly!/coX u aint mat3-m3!/u cant Create-m3! U cant Rat3-m3! U can Stag3-m3... U FREAKIN CANT fac3-m3

U'r3 s00 c0nfused/I knw u havnt paid ya sch00l f33z/cox u dnt knw wher3_cach3-baby/g0 pay iT T0 ya sch00l bulli3z...CRACCCK Azz!

C0nfussi0n/c0nfussi0n ! Iz ya nam3! L00kin 4 wh0m t0 d0 tha Distributi0n/g0 away, learn tha Intuiti0n cox I s3nt u t0 an Instituti0n/nt 4 anythng cox I knw u cant off3r n0 c0ntributi0n/al ya d0 is t0 utter r0bbisH v0cal Difusi0n!

U'r3 s00 c0nfused U call m3 idiot/u stupidly dnt knw dat th0sz that Talk/refer t0 idiots 'r3 foolishly foolish F00LZz F00L!

Hahaha U canT BIT3-me/u cant fite-m3/u cnt might-me.

U'r3 soo c0nfus3d that u da M0st Want3d C0ck-rapist -warn- wait till sheav7 tha c0p I call Mr.77 g3tz u!

Funny cat tha fear ratz/tha gutless d0g eat3n by RApppP0LICE/4 ya barkless v0calz!

Pay Ya ScH00L F33Z!! U scumb-bag

umoh 2010/10/31 12:58
Kill hIM.
Yess, y3s, yes. Hear em al screaming...

Ouch 2010/10/31 15:33
I heard dem calln ur pusy name RAS-FAT-FOOL/bcos u ar 1hek of a big FOOL/i feed ur family in my tiny POOL/in my wastebin dr yall ate ur FOOD.
i told u 2start dign ur GRAVE/cus rite nw im abt 2put yall in a CAVE/like a pest ama put u in a CAGE/nd crush u nd ur family like GRAGE.

I d niga dt 4ck ur mother 2IMORALIZE/U ar a victm dt a mad man BASTARDIZE/Ur sister is 1gud 4ck dt melts like an IZE(ICE)/Ur father was begn mercy 4my hot dick 2MORTALIZE/U cnt touch me bcos im IMORTALIZE.
Ur father was my house BOY/nd 2my children he ws a mere hand TOY.
Ur mother ws nt my MATE/bt she ws alwayz my 4ck MATE/she died 4rm my hot sperm STATE/nd nw ur sis is nw my dead DATE.
All ur family ar POOR/dats y u all hv bcom a WHORE.
And 4u,u ar jst 1kid/dat tink he cn pid.
U jst a swine pad RAT/dt my cat jst play wit like a bat.
I kild u,tk u 2my penetary/nd i hv no mercenay.

Anoder warning boy.
Ur blood is abt 2split.

Resphanto 2010/10/31 23:02
SHXT! Evrybody PLEASE!,ma DOGZ re MISSIN,and THEZE re their ugly NAMEZ: UMOH, DICKOSI4NEVA_DLIZZARD and OUCH,pls ya'll stay on a WATCH,and anyone who see 'em,shuld get me in TOUCH.i thank ya'll very MUCH!

hA Ha hA! First of all Mr.UMOH,u re such a moron wif no sense of HUMOR.its like u love d CRUXIFIX of JESUS,y nt come join US,so i can cruxify u fuckin ass like JESUS,u bitch made ass.

F%*k u! DWIZZARD d lazy LIZZARD,dnt cause yrself a dangerox HAZZARD,cos u stil ma NIGGA,an asshole LICKA,...am a death PREACHA and nt yr school TEACHA.i heard u talk of SHAEV7,dnt try to please him,cos he's a rap DEVIL.guess u re scared of me,am EVIL.

OUCH u talk 2 MUCH,d last time i DAZED u wif a PUNCH,u sat yr ass BLAZED for hours,on yr COUCH.
Oh! I fink i like u,cos u re only tryin sound FEARLESS,but to me,u re too USELESS n too HARMLESS.
now fuck d world cos its CAUSED and u re d CAUSE,cos u re CAUSED. i dnt want to KILL,but amma SPILL yr blood wifout REMORSE,dnt make things WORSE,cos no BEGGIN and aint STOPPIN.
SEE u DECEASED is a thing i would be glad to SEE,but till then u have no PEACE.until i murder u and have yr ass dragged on d STREETZ.i fear NOBODY,cos hav got ma nine kissin d head of SOMEBODY (OUCH),now i hav yr fuckin BODY as a shield from EVERYBODY.

ma nigga y nt die for SOMTHING,instead of dyin for NOTHING,but u know one THING it will be very bad if i say NOTHING,u sound like a RAT wifout SKELETON.u fuckin BRAT.
special thanks to GUM SLONE for makin me meet u fuckin CLONE,cos u re nofin but a fuckin SIMPLE-TON.
until u re DECEASED,there will be no PEACE......

Shaev7 2010/11/01 03:09
Quote: Resphanto46: SHXT! Evrybody PLEASE!,ma DOGZ re MISSIN,and THEZE re their ugly NAMEZ: UMOH, DICKOSI4NEVA_DLIZZARD and OUCH,pls ya'll stay on a WATCH,and anyone who see 'em,shuld get me in TOUCH.i thank ya'll very MUCH!

hA Ha hA! First of all Mr.UMOH,u re such a moron wif no sense of HUMOR.its like u love d CRUXIFIX of JESUS,y nt come join US,so i can cruxify u fuckin ass like JESUS,u bitch made ass.

F%*k u! DWIZZARD d lazy LIZZARD,dnt cause yrself a dangerox HAZZARD,cos u stil ma NIGGA,an asshole LICKA,...am a death PREACHA and nt yr school TEACHA.i heard u talk of SHAEV7,dnt try to please him,cos he's a rap DEVIL.guess u re scared of me,am EVIL.

OUCH u talk 2 MUCH,d last time i DAZED u wif a PUNCH,u sat yr ass BLAZED for hours,on yr COUCH.
Oh! I fink i like u,cos u re only tryin sound FEARLESS,but to me,u re too USELESS n too HARMLESS.
now fuck d world cos its CAUSED and u re d CAUSE,cos u re CAUSED. i dnt want to KILL,but amma SPILL yr blood wifout REMORSE,dnt make things WORSE,cos no BEGGIN and aint STOPPIN.
SEE u DECEASED is a thing i would be glad to SEE,but till then u have no PEACE.until i murder u and have yr ass dragged on d STREETZ.i fear NOBODY,cos hav got ma nine kissin d head of SOMEBODY (OUCH),now i hav yr fuckin BODY as a shield from EVERYBODY.

ma nigga y nt die for SOMTHING,instead of dyin for NOTHING,but u know one THING it will be very bad if i say NOTHING,u sound like a RAT wifout SKELETON.u fuckin BRAT.
special thanks to GUM SLONE for makin me meet u fuckin CLONE,cos u re nofin but a fuckin SIMPLE-TON.
until u re DECEASED,there will be no PEACE......

dis kul man.. Ain calin ds newbie.. Ain no gona break my stride! Kultalks

Ouch 2010/11/01 08:55
I gt no REMORSE/4ur dead MORSES.
U ar jst 1NIGA/dt tinks he's BIGER.
U mama shuld hv warnd U/dt mesn wit me wil harm U.
Ur body i will gv 2d VULTURES/ur bones i wil gv 2my dogs in DUNGEONS.
In a pole i wil CRUSIFY u/nd nobody wil 2TESTIFY u.
In da oven i CAKE/nd it is u dt i BAKE/u ar nt bt a FAKE/nd u ar descendnt of an APE/dts y i 4ck ur mother nd she bent like a SNAKE.

U ar like a street TOUT/dats y u ar skool drop OUT/ur mama alwayz shOUT/wn my sperm intoxicate her like stOUT.
F***kr ur face ive disFIGURED/in 2wap u hv no FIGURE/i kill u wn u tk my LIQUOR.
Ur body i drag tru d HALLWAY/scrub ur face on d flor nd leave u tru d HALFWAY.
Im nt gna kill U, bt deadman wil b beta dan U.
U'll b my dick LICKER/anytm i sex u gon my dick CLEANER/taste my cum u gn c is SWEETER/ur miserble life wil b 4eva BITTER.
Im gna 4kn clat u boy/im blodyclat viper u gn feel my venom.
Bom-BoClat muder4cka.


sykopad 2010/11/01 10:43
Boring no punchlines,senseles metaphors, no similies, same old multi's, no flow, no structure....url are like a empty perfume bottle url got no-sense (scents) lmfao
Resphanto 2010/11/01 15:37
Quote: Ouch: I gt no REMORSE/4ur dead MORSES.
U ar jst 1NIGA/dt tinks he's BIGER.
U mama shuld hv warnd U/dt mesn wit me wil harm U.
Ur body i will gv 2d VULTURES/ur bones i wil gv 2my dogs in DUNGEONS.
In a pole i wil CRUSIFY u/nd nobody wil 2TESTIFY u.
In da oven i CAKE/nd it is u dt i BAKE/u ar nt bt a FAKE/nd u ar descendnt of an APE/dts y i 4ck ur mother nd she bent like a SNAKE.

U ar like a street TOUT/dats y u ar skool drop OUT/ur mama alwayz shOUT/wn my sperm intoxicate her like stOUT.
F***kr ur face ive disFIGURED/in 2wap u hv no FIGURE/i kill u wn u tk my LIQUOR.
Ur body i drag tru d HALLWAY/scrub ur face on d flor nd leave u tru d HALFWAY.
Im nt gna kill U, bt deadman wil b beta dan U.
U'll b my dick LICKER/anytm i sex u gon my dick CLEANER/taste my cum u gn c is SWEETER/ur miserble life wil b 4eva BITTER.
Im gna 4kn clat u boy/im blodyclat viper u gn feel my venom.
Bom-BoClat muder4cka.


who would be CROWNED d king of d TOWN if nt me,so u really dnt hav to FROWN,u re only here to entertain us cos u re a CLOWN.lyrically i want to tie u DOWN and hav u thrown to d sea to DROWN.

dog it will be so NICE,if u think TWICE and get yr ASS up in TIME,while i PASS stabbin yr ears wif ma RHYMES.
my flows re so ACIDIC,u really do know dat cos u re so ECCENTRIC and just tryin to be EGOCENTRIC.i wana spit DOUBLE in a ROLL,of course it really causes u fucker TROUBLE wen i FLOW.
am d highest ECHELON of d street millitary service,i do ma things on ma OWN cos am ALONE and if u murderfucker cant BONE,then i'll be left wif no choice but to feed u wif STONES.
u really hav to read d RARPSODY of REALITY,cos amma dog u and chain u in ma CUSTODY till ETERNITY.

u ought to give a very big thanks to SYKOPAD,cos i was made understand dat u re a very little TASK,and stil reply u wil be a waste of ATTACK.so baby BOY while nt go play wif yr TOY!,cos aint killin u NO MORE,but ma advise to ......"come back NO MORE"

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 03:08
Hey br0f,
Amma say sorry 4 wat I said.
I preach peace, it is my sermon and amma gonna prac-it.
Dnt take it to heart wat I mite hav said/cusz I wasnt even rappin, bt uttering. Man am done man.
I love wisdom and peace, and so do I to U.
Go-on bro Live Large.
'Wisdom is the pricipal thing, in all thy struggle, get wisdom'

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 03:56
N0w ist3n,ar 1,ar 2,ar 3... Ya,ya,yah!-Ya vex lik ar vers-man/ u knw wat it iz cox it iz wat it iz man! Dnt d0 n0thing cox u cant t3st ma Charisma cox amma Charis-Man!
Ya wanna taste ma Lyricks cox I cooked 'em in a Dexters laboratory making tha freeble rapperz leave their t3ret0ry/ causing dust, so they cl0s3 'em r3spirat0ry raising duST wit ma HUMMER-lorry/peepz be bowing down to m3 sayin 'rec3IV3 thA gL0Ry' sculpturing me like their g0D but a ment0r, so 'em make me a Rosary tellin their unb0rn of ma history & ma story/I C00K ma lyrikz without curry so ya aint gat to be sory/itz 0nly g0nn raise ya fury/unc0nf0rtably-m0lesting tha c0nstabl3 & that dumb-seat azz jury/
I r0de on tha yet launched 'H0NDA-DUSTER' I r0de IT on ya streetz creating ma 0wn speed lane raining dust 0n ya & ya entir3 3xistence & p0sessi0n/DNT b3 freaked cox I'hv been d0ing it sinc3 tha Inc3rti0n ordaining fellers with c0nv0cti0n & anytim3 I d0 it, they g3t thz straight c0nvicti0n 3rasing otherz by EVICTI0N placing their mindz-setz & totz 0n T3NTI0N cox 'em neva met ma kind-0ff Inv3ntI0N =s0 t0 clean yaself, u need a Duster/t0 eat I gave ya c0untry's-man including ya family a feeding r0ster. R0d3 0n ya nw al ya need iz a h0p3-4-humanitarian Clust3r/amma r0ck_star whil u a fraudster/am nt ya br0tha cox amma g0nn ch0p-0ff ya .ass. Like a L0bst3r/I dnt knw u, bt am ya F0st3r= an p0ss3sed/0bsesed obesed Base-man! Nw datz wat ya ar3/evry-m0ment wantin t0 licK tha dust 0ff ma DusteR/refusing wat I 0ffered ya a r3d m3at rost3r!/amma bring bak tha 0ld-dayz, amma bring back Esther/t3sting h3r righte0usn3s, amma g0nna d0 dat with ma t3ster sh3 g0nn b3 t3st3d cox am Inv3st3d & int3r3st3D/I was th3r3 wen sh3 waz create & 0n tha day I AND GOD R3ST3D bcox al0t in h3r w3 hav inv3st3d/wit a seal 0f l0v3 cr3st3d/she's w0rth it, & amma lease her like a Rank-List3r/taking h3r t0 Mr. Black_lisT3d/& itz g0nn b3 l0udly said dat, dat waz tha Last h3 3va Visit3d.
Ma fl0wz,
tha r3al style,
a fr3e-style,
a Gangst3r, d0sz hz wit hz a baDstyle.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 04:01
Had t0 d0 s0mthng 0n thiz track/4 da firsT tim3 I rapped inthz t0pic
0fc0urz, that waz wat it was cr3at3d f0r.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 04:05
Quote: sykopad: Boring no punchlines,senseles metaphors, no similies, same old multi's, no flow, no structure....url are like a empty perfume bottle url got no-sense (scents) lmfao


/smiley Dwizzard, waz h3r3 WTH0UT HIS CR0X3D BON3Z /smiley
-skull1- -skull1- -skull1-

Resphanto 2010/11/02 10:49
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard: Hey br0f,
Amma say sorry 4 wat I said.
I preach peace, it is my sermon and amma gonna prac-it.
Dnt take it to heart wat I mite hav said/cusz I wasnt even rappin, bt uttering. Man am done man.
I love wisdom and peace, and so do I to U.
Go-on bro Live Large.
'Wisdom is the pricipal thing, in all thy struggle, get wisdom'

hmmm! Good u got yr flag RAISED,but who's gonna be PRAISED...,...
hav been searchin for OUCH tru out d BASE,cos after ma PUNCH he ran for DAYZ,wifout a TRACE.

so DWIZZARD now u preach peace,ma advise to u is "try to SAVE n be SAFE"

"...those dat wants PEACE,finds PEACE..." cheers man

Ouch 2010/11/02 11:28
U've bn hidn in da BASE/cuz u tink u've bn biger like a MAIZE.
OUCH is alwayz alwayz around/u ran cuz im alwayz on d GROUND.
Murdrf**ker 2wap is my restn foot/i trample u,u ar jst my playn tool.
I shine hiher nd 4eva u gn call me most high.
U wr afraid of my lines/u taught i ran out of vibes/u knw im ur troublsome biles.
I feed on beef/drs no nd 2debrief/nd 4sure u gona die in ur grief.

Im bak,u dnt nd 2put of a frown/u taught i ws down/4cker u luk like a clown.

Ive bn busy 4ckn ur mama pusy/she taste so shmusy/her cunt ws always he2.
My cock hv 4ckd ur mother/nd nw im about 2murder/bt first pay atention,coz my cock is calln u 2other.

Idiot u tink im afraid of u/nw u gn b afraid of me.
Im bk so ur worstnitemare hs jst begun.


Resphanto 2010/11/02 14:23
Quote: Ouch: U've bn hidn in da BASE/cuz u tink u've bn biger like a MAIZE.
OUCH is alwayz alwayz around/u ran cuz im alwayz on d GROUND.
Murdrf**ker 2wap is my restn foot/i trample u,u ar jst my playn tool.
I shine hiher nd 4eva u gn call me most high.
U wr afraid of my lines/u taught i ran out of vibes/u knw im ur troublsome biles.
I feed on beef/drs no nd 2debrief/nd 4sure u gona die in ur grief.

Im bak,u dnt nd 2put of a frown/u taught i ws down/4cker u luk like a clown.

Ive bn busy 4ckn ur mama pusy/she taste so shmusy/her cunt ws always he2.
My cock hv 4ckd ur mother/nd nw im about 2murder/bt first pay atention,coz my cock is calln u 2other.

Idiot u tink im afraid of u/nw u gn b afraid of me.
Im bk so ur worstnitemare hs jst begun.


ha Ha ha....i had a LOT,wat is yr WORTH being an IDIOT.cos
"only men like me speak wif CLOUT,but niggas like u gat yr mind full of DOUBT".
y dnt u stand like a man wifout FEARS look directly in ma EYEZ and say CHEERZ to anyone wif in yr PEERS,but aftermath i dnt CARE if life isn't FAIR.
u re such a big FOOL so FEARFUL wifout a single trace of MACULINITY,u only consist of great attributes of FERMININTY.u such a waste to 2wap COMMUNITY.
i fink i rushed my THOUGHT,its really nt yr FAULT cos u hav been emasculated by a BITCH (YR MOTHER) who fucked u at d BEACH.u fuckin SNITCH,u move an INCH and i'll slay u up in d DITCH.

u face a lot of STRUGGLES in yr LIFE,a little sense u dnt fuckin HAVE,now u hav come to meet me for more TROUBLES,how will u SURVIVE.
***OH SH!T***
am so TIRED,i fink i hav TRIED.let me sit and sip a cup of COFFEE,while i see yr fuckin body thrown right inside yr COFFIN.
i'll make u nigga suffer,till u REALIZE dat there is blood in ma EYEZ.


rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 15:32
Quote: Resphanto46:
hmmm! Good u got yr flag RAISED,but who's gonna be PRAISED...,...
hav been searchin for OUCH tru out d BASE,cos after ma PUNCH he ran for DAYZ,wifout a TRACE.

so DWIZZARD now u preach peace,ma advise to u is "try to SAVE n be SAFE"

"...those dat wants PEACE,finds PEACE..." cheers man

I am Dwizzard, that kill or spearz, am tha 0ne whose lyrick is ill than Mr. President/u mit3 be a cat, bt w3n I say AM DON3 u wont be betta dan a C0rn.
/smiley /smiley
I pr3ach p3ac3 even b3f0re y0ur Inc3rti0n ask ar0und br0...
/smiley /smiley

Resphanto 2010/11/02 17:13
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard:

I am Dwizzard, that kill or spearz, am tha 0ne whose lyrick is ill than Mr. President/u mit3 be a cat, bt w3n I say AM DON3 u wont be betta dan a C0rn.
/smiley /smiley
I pr3ach p3ac3 even b3f0re y0ur Inc3rti0n ask ar0und br0...
/smiley /smiley

hey LIZZARD! u had better go preach PEACE or hav yr body cut in PIECES.
nigga am addicted to KILLIN,be at peace or get yr blood SPILLIN.

i spit ma rhymes to u BARGAR,cos wen u flow all i hear is "BARICA BARICA BABA RICA BARICABA".which are all NONSENSE,y nt for once make SENSE,even if u re so TENSED and SENSELESS.
LIZZARD am DONE,cos am gonna kill u and u wont be MOURNED.
FUCK OFF! u re nt ma TYPE,cos yr rhymes aint RIPE.do u fuckin feel ma VIBE.

Replies: 323

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.