-SkuLL n BoNeS-[CEMETARY] by Resphanto 2010/10/28 08:24


Am taller dan HEIGHT and heavier dan WEIGHT,am so wise cos am fuckin older dan AGE,dis is jst ma lil metaphorical SAGE!

No one fucks here wif me and goes freky free. Cos... Amma puLL TRIGGER and kiLL NIGGAS.

Quote: Resphanto: Blood Sheds every^WHERE/...Demons crys to deafen ma ^EARs/lots of niggas died by ma glock outta fakers ^FEAR/...FUCK DA WHOLE WORLD!

i was never born..but died 666(six hundred and sixty six) times

Fallen Angel

..SKULL n BONES[Cemetary]..

Resphanto 2010/10/28 08:27
Niggas wit Real EyEs....reALize...REal LiES!
Ouch 2010/10/28 08:54
Hey,its nt abt rattln is abt kpn it up,u wana say sumfin,dnt wory sm newbies wil tk u out,niga dnt wory kp spitn
Elfuego 2010/10/28 10:20
more fish scales....... -wft-
Ouch 2010/10/28 12:32
Mr dan a fish scales,were do heck does dis guyz kom 4rm,sucks
Elfuego 2010/10/28 19:24
Quote: Resphanto46: Come on pussy

wasted piece o' sh?t

Resphanto 2010/10/28 21:28
Oh Sh1t! am really scared these dogz cos dey re hungry n dey want bones but ain't gat nofin but stones,hmm... I jst fink i should lay pity on these scally wags wif tags n give 'em som fish scales dat dey really wanted,come on damn dogz wag your tails.
Ouch 2010/10/29 05:40
Wat da fuck?kid beta watch wt u say,or gona hv stnes in ur mouf
Resphanto 2010/10/29 06:12
Hey am sorry is just dat am so worried abt the torrid things u say cos to me dey re so horrid....Respect! U d king but wen i gat u killed amma be your next of kin,wat do u Xpect,mur'fuckin bitch made ass nigga,am here prayin for peace,u sneaked in to look n got a interlock wit d smiles of ma Gloc.Sh1t just pray u dnt go in pieces.OH! I tot u re a dog dat love bones but u love stones,guess u'll get stones in yr mouf for d rest of dis monf.
Ouch 2010/10/29 11:27
Hmmm!go suck ur mama's pusy,oh? 4Gt her breast are ful of stones!haha
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/29 17:47
Quote: Ouch: Mr dan a fish scales,were do heck does dis guyz kom 4rm,sucks

laughing..br0f, he sayz u suck! Spitin t0picz n0 lines_no linez/gu3ss u havnt m3t tha c0p -police1- dat wud say st0p/U R3FUS3? Im be stickin ya stif n3ck t0 tha gr0und s0 dat ya g0nn grow like a cr0p/& mak ya eish fl00p/but amma c0m3 t0 mak ya t33th dr0p!

say arrrh br0f cant see/am ya dentist/chiselling ya freaking colourful teeth like a rasist/replacin yaz wit ma research APepist_think ya dr3aming? Wakup Face this/thz ma linez nt ma drawingz/DNT Trace it/thz da rat3 tha I create/dnt Wounder, U Cant Chang3 IT!/somthngz stinkin br0F, Dress Plz!/

wounderin h0w I d0 ma stuff? Cox All ya d0 is snuff dnt bother 'd best u can d0 is U CANT C0UGH!

Dnt dare m3 cox thz iz a rare m3/dnt 3v3n, even thnk about it u cant tear m3! My gentlity makz M3 WiLDer/Am t00 R0ugh! U CANT RAR3 M3! Try thiz cox I thnk U can Fear Me

...playing br0f
ma freestyle?
Ya badstyle.

Resphanto 2010/10/29 22:12
Hey! Stop being LOSER dat u really ARE,cos u sound more like my kid BROTHER,but dnt BOTHER,jst com 2 me 4 som spank in yr ASS,wif ma lil word of ADVICE "TRY HARDER".
i jst threw u a PUNCH and all i heard frm u was OUCH!.i'll tel u dis BRIEF,dnt add BEEF to yr FUCKIN LIFE cos i'll fuck yr WIFE n add GRIEF to yr FUCKIN LIFE.
u re still a BABY or PROBALY milk is wat u NEED,it a pity yr mum's breast is ful of ACID.

Of course am the streetz LEGENDARY but this time i guess its very NECCESSARY to get u SMASHED in a TRASH n have u thrown in d CEMETARY.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/30 06:55
Hah! /smiley U asK3D 4 iT br0f/ and Amma gonN Giv3 iT t0 ya lyk3 ya ScH00L FEEZ!
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/30 07:59
/smiley /smiley /smiley

Am so SKY HIGH_u're jst a sky fly_pestin 0n tha shxt 0f_ALliens_itz so radiant_and I wouna how u cope/ bt h3r3 M3 c0m3 DWIIZZZ wit tha sM0K3/4 ya doll brains & green-bl00d cellz I shall rake/plac 'em on tha st0v3/boil 'em/sm0ke it/c00k 'em/fry 'em/t0ast it/thr0w it away... .u knw wat? Amma g0nna bring it again re-t0ast it at a 950'celcius/and thr0w 'em dip int0 tha dumpsit3 of tha Belgium./ Ya Gizzard I DWIZZARD shal puLL & cut & put in the mortuary's Frizzer/ cox I GU3S U n3va knw: D C3M3TRY IS MA R3ST R00M /& surely ya want3d it & am g0nna mak ya f33l unconfortaBL3/& m33t ya DOOM in tha upper RooM[/ 4 n0 0ne caN RESIST THA G00DI3Z of DWIZZARD -haha1- 4 tha M0r3 ya try, I mean Freakin TRY,t0 fite 4 ya unpopular life, u Liv3r startz t0 shiver lik3 a Frozen Lizard

ma fellerz say ya a Fool in tha River_& s0m3 sayz you're that SHARK/tha us3less Police-dog eaten 4 campin,cox u dnt BARK/I AM tha light, u scared 0f me cox I placed U on tha Dark/they said yA a FAG!, that big SCUMB BAG

I Kncking ya h3ad, s0 they turn Bald/& dere u are, takin piLLZ cox itz as hard as Zuma R0ck/I MAKe evry u know, u 0wn Sink-SUNK/& stand 0n u Lik3 a mighty big BLOCCK /u say m3 spit WacK? I did it 4 jst toilet sake/ & U're jst tha human dat dnt TalK/AND THAT freaking Duck dat d0 tha Gr3atest Wack-QUAK/I am so Immune 0n you/YOU FLEW! I MAK3 it rain on ya/cox u'r3 a f3ath3rless P3ac0ck/and THa M0st Wanted C0ck RapisT/w8t tiL RAPBATTLEZ c0p(sheav) Mr. 77 g3t 0n ya!

foolz alwaz l00se!
I said I waz playing/but u want3d ya Sch00l F33Z/MAK Sur3 ya Pay It!
Folz L0ze!

Ouch 2010/10/30 11:05
Wow,kp spitn till u gt notn,wacko.
Resphanto 2010/10/30 14:08
Ha ha! Come on dog,match yr CLUTCH, cos its nt yr TURN. so be in a RUSH cos u'll die 4 FUN. i had a lot of SEX ,dat hav got me STRESSED.
*** ShXt ***
i feel YOU but dat dont mean i aint gonna kill YOU.

Yo! round-head,yr sound's good but yr rap's still a WHACK, amma lay yr ass hard on d ground wif a SMACK. BOUND u up from yr hood back to ma POUND in a SACK,and let ma six HOUNDS tear u up in a ROUND like a SNACK.

DICKOSI4NEVA_DWIZZARD u re just a fuckin lazy LIZZARD,i'll trample on u n yr fake ass BITCHERS wif no HITCHERS.ride u on d streetz like HORSES,so hard dat u'll be countin yr LOSSES.

Resphanto 2010/10/30 15:10
Quote: Ouch: Wow,kp spitn till u gt notn,wacko.
Hey dog,u worth nofin.nd yr silence has proven dat u aint volent.so cool fool stay low cos d next time i hear OUCH!,i would hav u thrown in ma POUCH!

Ouch 2010/10/30 18:03
Time 2play d Gaamme!

Dis pussy,i told ya 2run 2ur mama/u ar playn wit fire dis aint no drama.
U ar playn wit niga wit atitude,nd surely w'll gt at u.
Dis aint warnin,u'll b dead b4 mornin,nd ur soul 2my grave i wil b burning.
Ur mama ws a disgrace,dts y i 4ck her crase.
Wit my oversize dick,i 4ck her 2pieces,ha ha,dere's no more pussies 4ur fader 2insert his bent dickies.
As 4u am gona screw u,moderfuka dis shxt u aint used to.

Jst a warnin pusy

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/30 18:49
Quote: Resphanto46: Ha ha! Come on dog,match yr CLUTCH, cos its nt yr TURN. so be in a RUSH cos u'll die 4 FUN. i had a lot of SEX ,dat hav got me STRESSED.
*** ShXt ***
i feel YOU but dat dont mean i aint gonna kill YOU.

Yo! round-head,yr sound's good but yr rap's still a WHACK, amma lay yr ass hard on d ground wif a SMACK. BOUND u up from yr hood back to ma POUND in a SACK,and let ma six HOUNDS tear u up in a ROUND like a SNACK.

DICKOSI4NEVA_DWIZZARD u re just a fuckin lazy LIZZARD,i'll trample on u n yr fake ass BITCHERS wif no HITCHERS.ride u on d streetz like HORSES,so hard dat u'll be countin yr LOSSES.

I wounda how u managed t0 spell thz Wordz///HeYYY! Fellerz CALL (112) I s33 s0mke on thz STRE3E3S3D head!

u need t0 g0 back t0 cache/cox all I see h3rE are wAST3D 3FF0RTz!
Ya nt my, 'I mean Our Mat3 neither grade.'
Nxt time I hav ya usel3s time, I promise t0 smack you wit ma spade & mak u reLIGAT3 realizin ya r3al ag3 matez.


rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/30 19:06
At ma First, I stated dat I waz playing br0f.But u went ahead insulting... Amma g0nna give it t0 you to tha xtrim /st0p staring at ma Rimms/l00k at me in tha face am Talking t0 you!..W3ll All am tryin t0 stat3 here iz G3t ya seat b3lt Buck3d in!/cox ya 0n! 4 dz race/and am g00na kip knockin ya tilL U craze/I DNT US3 G3ARZ /I US3 PHAZ3 on ma N3w riD3 HoNDA DusT3r! -tractor- M0ve! -race- ya c0ckroach/AM G0NN CoaH YOU! I pr0MIZ3!

YOU DNT WANNA B MA PAL.N0W U JUST CHOS3 TO B UNA MA WH33LZ. I dnt belive in B33fz! But u gat urself unlucky cox now I don3 Fasting! Now ya butt amm g0nna b smackin & casting/I g0nna Cast 0n you on3 0f ma special spell thaz g0nna g3t ya skiN Dried and Crackin & ma Dawgz g0nna f33d 0n ya lik3 a dried frikin m3at that U really ar3 physical & spiritually & M3ntally!
u'r3 one rar3 puck m3at! DAMN!

I AINT G0t ya usel3ss tim3/w8t till 'I g3t u s3RV3D!'

Resphanto 2010/10/30 20:10
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard:

I wounda how u managed t0 spell thz Wordz///HeYYY! Fellerz CALL (112) I s33 s0mke on thz STRE3E3S3D head!

u need t0 g0 back t0 cache/cox all I see h3rE are wAST3D 3FF0RTz!
Ya nt my, 'I mean Our Mat3 neither grade.'
Nxt time I hav ya usel3s time, I promise t0 smack you wit ma spade & mak u reLIGAT3 realizin ya r3al ag3 matez.

u such an IDIOT,cos u r d least of ma DOGZ.instead of BARKIN,y nt try and cut yr CHAIN,cos amma gat u SmAcKeD IN d DRAIN.
d only thing u inherited from yr POOR FATHER was an old BICYCLE,now amma throw u and yr POOR MOTHER in d RECYCLE.
damn! Today is meant to be HOLY,i guess i just have to leave u demon UGLY.

Replies: 323

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.