-SkuLL n BoNeS-[CEMETARY] by Resphanto 2010/10/28 08:24


Am taller dan HEIGHT and heavier dan WEIGHT,am so wise cos am fuckin older dan AGE,dis is jst ma lil metaphorical SAGE!

No one fucks here wif me and goes freky free. Cos... Amma puLL TRIGGER and kiLL NIGGAS.

Quote: Resphanto: Blood Sheds every^WHERE/...Demons crys to deafen ma ^EARs/lots of niggas died by ma glock outta fakers ^FEAR/...FUCK DA WHOLE WORLD!

i was never born..but died 666(six hundred and sixty six) times

Fallen Angel

..SKULL n BONES[Cemetary]..

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 04:01
Had t0 d0 s0mthng 0n thiz track/4 da firsT tim3 I rapped inthz t0pic
0fc0urz, that waz wat it was cr3at3d f0r.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 04:05
Quote: sykopad: Boring no punchlines,senseles metaphors, no similies, same old multi's, no flow, no structure....url are like a empty perfume bottle url got no-sense (scents) lmfao


/smiley Dwizzard, waz h3r3 WTH0UT HIS CR0X3D BON3Z /smiley
-skull1- -skull1- -skull1-

Resphanto 2010/11/02 10:49
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard: Hey br0f,
Amma say sorry 4 wat I said.
I preach peace, it is my sermon and amma gonna prac-it.
Dnt take it to heart wat I mite hav said/cusz I wasnt even rappin, bt uttering. Man am done man.
I love wisdom and peace, and so do I to U.
Go-on bro Live Large.
'Wisdom is the pricipal thing, in all thy struggle, get wisdom'

hmmm! Good u got yr flag RAISED,but who's gonna be PRAISED...,...
hav been searchin for OUCH tru out d BASE,cos after ma PUNCH he ran for DAYZ,wifout a TRACE.

so DWIZZARD now u preach peace,ma advise to u is "try to SAVE n be SAFE"

"...those dat wants PEACE,finds PEACE..." cheers man

Ouch 2010/11/02 11:28
U've bn hidn in da BASE/cuz u tink u've bn biger like a MAIZE.
OUCH is alwayz alwayz around/u ran cuz im alwayz on d GROUND.
Murdrf**ker 2wap is my restn foot/i trample u,u ar jst my playn tool.
I shine hiher nd 4eva u gn call me most high.
U wr afraid of my lines/u taught i ran out of vibes/u knw im ur troublsome biles.
I feed on beef/drs no nd 2debrief/nd 4sure u gona die in ur grief.

Im bak,u dnt nd 2put of a frown/u taught i ws down/4cker u luk like a clown.

Ive bn busy 4ckn ur mama pusy/she taste so shmusy/her cunt ws always he2.
My cock hv 4ckd ur mother/nd nw im about 2murder/bt first pay atention,coz my cock is calln u 2other.

Idiot u tink im afraid of u/nw u gn b afraid of me.
Im bk so ur worstnitemare hs jst begun.


Ouch 2010/11/10 16:39
My knife sisho jst gt BLUNT/so ama gona kp her ass jst gt BURNT/i kp rymes diva wn am upFRONT/so fuckn niggaz stay of my upSKUNT/ur ama killa ya n eat u like a doNUT.
I've neva bn pt DOWN/i alwayz stay up TOWN n i hold d flow CROWN/so niga dnt pt up a FROWN or i'll disfigure ur face like a muderf**ckn CLOWN.
Dis aint abSURD/enemies dnt gt obSCURD/like samorai i hold my SWORD.
Res wats happenin,jamolous,lirt3d,d big EL-FOUGO,shaev,RAW,EL-jay,flames.psyko,smokey all of yall i miss u guyz.Ritenw we ar abt 2enter our lecture room,im havn fun,bt d rules ar 2strict,dey hv time 4everytn,meen i jst pray dis shxt wil jst end,
I jst fe3l like am bk,missn u all,bt i'll b jst testn d site,2say hi.am gne,catch ya later,bt guyz pls leave EL alone pls,luv u guyz,bye

Resphanto 2010/11/02 14:23
Quote: Ouch: U've bn hidn in da BASE/cuz u tink u've bn biger like a MAIZE.
OUCH is alwayz alwayz around/u ran cuz im alwayz on d GROUND.
Murdrf**ker 2wap is my restn foot/i trample u,u ar jst my playn tool.
I shine hiher nd 4eva u gn call me most high.
U wr afraid of my lines/u taught i ran out of vibes/u knw im ur troublsome biles.
I feed on beef/drs no nd 2debrief/nd 4sure u gona die in ur grief.

Im bak,u dnt nd 2put of a frown/u taught i ws down/4cker u luk like a clown.

Ive bn busy 4ckn ur mama pusy/she taste so shmusy/her cunt ws always he2.
My cock hv 4ckd ur mother/nd nw im about 2murder/bt first pay atention,coz my cock is calln u 2other.

Idiot u tink im afraid of u/nw u gn b afraid of me.
Im bk so ur worstnitemare hs jst begun.


ha Ha ha....i had a LOT,wat is yr WORTH being an IDIOT.cos
"only men like me speak wif CLOUT,but niggas like u gat yr mind full of DOUBT".
y dnt u stand like a man wifout FEARS look directly in ma EYEZ and say CHEERZ to anyone wif in yr PEERS,but aftermath i dnt CARE if life isn't FAIR.
u re such a big FOOL so FEARFUL wifout a single trace of MACULINITY,u only consist of great attributes of FERMININTY.u such a waste to 2wap COMMUNITY.
i fink i rushed my THOUGHT,its really nt yr FAULT cos u hav been emasculated by a BITCH (YR MOTHER) who fucked u at d BEACH.u fuckin SNITCH,u move an INCH and i'll slay u up in d DITCH.

u face a lot of STRUGGLES in yr LIFE,a little sense u dnt fuckin HAVE,now u hav come to meet me for more TROUBLES,how will u SURVIVE.
***OH SH!T***
am so TIRED,i fink i hav TRIED.let me sit and sip a cup of COFFEE,while i see yr fuckin body thrown right inside yr COFFIN.
i'll make u nigga suffer,till u REALIZE dat there is blood in ma EYEZ.


Resphanto 2010/11/07 12:19
Quote: internetlord: Com hv a teaste of me

hey little son go play,daddy is busy! As****e

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 15:32
Quote: Resphanto46:
hmmm! Good u got yr flag RAISED,but who's gonna be PRAISED...,...
hav been searchin for OUCH tru out d BASE,cos after ma PUNCH he ran for DAYZ,wifout a TRACE.

so DWIZZARD now u preach peace,ma advise to u is "try to SAVE n be SAFE"

"...those dat wants PEACE,finds PEACE..." cheers man

I am Dwizzard, that kill or spearz, am tha 0ne whose lyrick is ill than Mr. President/u mit3 be a cat, bt w3n I say AM DON3 u wont be betta dan a C0rn.
/smiley /smiley
I pr3ach p3ac3 even b3f0re y0ur Inc3rti0n ask ar0und br0...
/smiley /smiley

Ouch 2010/11/03 06:37
Were's dat idiot
Resphanto 2010/11/02 17:13
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard:

I am Dwizzard, that kill or spearz, am tha 0ne whose lyrick is ill than Mr. President/u mit3 be a cat, bt w3n I say AM DON3 u wont be betta dan a C0rn.
/smiley /smiley
I pr3ach p3ac3 even b3f0re y0ur Inc3rti0n ask ar0und br0...
/smiley /smiley

hey LIZZARD! u had better go preach PEACE or hav yr body cut in PIECES.
nigga am addicted to KILLIN,be at peace or get yr blood SPILLIN.

i spit ma rhymes to u BARGAR,cos wen u flow all i hear is "BARICA BARICA BABA RICA BARICABA".which are all NONSENSE,y nt for once make SENSE,even if u re so TENSED and SENSELESS.
LIZZARD am DONE,cos am gonna kill u and u wont be MOURNED.
FUCK OFF! u re nt ma TYPE,cos yr rhymes aint RIPE.do u fuckin feel ma VIBE.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 17:47
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 17:52
Quote: Resphanto46:

hey LIZZARD! u had better go preach PEACE or hav yr body cut in PIECES.
nigga am addicted to KILLIN,be at peace or get yr blood SPILLIN.

i spit ma rhymes to u BARGAR,cos wen u flow all i hear is "BARICA BARICA BABA RICA BARICABA".which are all NONSENSE,y nt for once make SENSE,even if u re so TENSED and SENSELESS.
LIZZARD am DONE,cos am gonna kill u and u wont be MOURNED.
FUCK OFF! u re nt ma TYPE,cos yr rhymes aint RIPE.do u fuckin feel ma VIBE.

u see I waz just F_styling.
U dnt understnd thng ar3 d0n3 h3re(read topic & battles) why dnt u r3lax?
U're g0nna get H.b.p broth3r!

... I guez dat waz my last advice... /smiley

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 17:53
R3ST 'N' P3AC3

Ouch 2010/11/02 18:04
I came bk 4rm dead,cuz 1soul i brougt 4my deck.
Niga cmon b a man,cuz u at is a sinkn sand,me nd my crew we hv our plan.
A needle 4a niddle,a tooth 4a tooth,nd a scater 4a scater.
2wap ws in piece,until u brt ur disease.
Am asignd xterminate u,so abt 2terminate u.
U gt an ugly eyez,dats y u stink like a rat.
Like a snake i hiss u,like a sperm i piss u.
Resphant?i told ur mothr 2call res-ant.
U an idiot,i eat u like a peanut.
Ur rymes aint my type,i squash u like general pype.i cn beat u evry nw nd den,til ur egg hatch like a hen.
Do u nd glasses cuz i wil teach u lessons u wnt learn in classes.
Im 2wap no1 killer,im d pilar so avoid me cuz i kil witout fever.

Bring it on,i luv beef,dats y im brief.
Im always strait 2d kill,muderfcka tk my pill.

Let go nd fuck ur whore bitch mother.

Resphanto 2010/11/03 05:38
Quote: Ouch: I came bk 4rm dead,cuz 1soul i brougt 4my deck.
Niga cmon b a man,cuz u at is a sinkn sand,me nd my crew we hv our plan.
A needle 4a niddle,a tooth 4a tooth,nd a scater 4a scater.
2wap ws in piece,until u brt ur disease.
Am asignd xterminate u,so abt 2terminate u.
U gt an ugly eyez,dats y u stink like a rat.
Like a snake i hiss u,like a sperm i piss u.
Resphant?i told ur mothr 2call res-ant.
U an idiot,i eat u like a peanut.
Ur rymes aint my type,i squash u like general pype.i cn beat u evry nw nd den,til ur egg hatch like a hen.
Do u nd glasses cuz i wil teach u lessons u wnt learn in classes.
Im 2wap no1 killer,im d pilar so avoid me cuz i kil witout fever.

Bring it on,i luv beef,dats y im brief.
Im always strait 2d kill,muderfcka tk my pill.

Let go nd fuck ur whore bitch mother.

ha Ha ha....u back from d DEAD,i think u were MISLEAD,cos amma catch yr spirit in a bottle,and send u back to d land of d DEAD.2wap will never be at PEACE until u re DISMISSED n DECEASED. yr flows are nt well COOKED,u fuckin CROOK.
nigga dnt play wif ma GUN or die for FUN.while am GETTIN am nine TIGHTENED,see u RANTIN n PANTIN d whole place wif yr torn n dirty PANTIES.
murderfucker am a RATTLE,i cant fight a BATTLE wif u fuckin CATTLE.cos i cough n spit to u d RUDIMENTS of RHYMES,cos u dnt fuckin know d TREATMENTS of RHYME.
am d rap god,so pray to me to make u a rhyme lord.
Resphanto quotes " am FELICITY to d SOCIETY,and u re a fuckin NONENTITY to 2wap COMMUNITY,what a PITY.

y nt u go fuck yr mother's hole MORE,cos u and i know she's a fuckin WHORE.yr mother is so dumb dat she fucks for FREE,nigga she's got d virus(AIDS),y nt u FLEE......,,.

Ouch 2010/11/03 06:17
U ar a NONENTITY/u tink u hv ENTITY/idiot is a pity dt u ar so EMPTY.
Im d ryhme GOD/worship me let me comfirn u lyn DOG/bcos i derive MORE/as i c u squeak like a 4ckn BUG.
I derive joy u both,FATHER nd SON/like a judge i xecute yall as FATHER nd GUN/idiot ur noise hv bcon a FUN/2WAP all knw dt u fuckn DUMB/idiot muderfckn NUMB.
My hands on my9 stays BUSY/as i wipe u out so EASY/idiot ur mother's fukn pusy nds my GREASIN.

Like a GOD i CREATE/unwnte DOG i TERMINATE/likd a disease u CIRCULATE/2wap told me u,i shuld SORFACATE/dts y ur pains ar so XCRUCIATE.

Fcker i dnt nd prayers 2wipe u out/bt u gn nd divine powers 2tk me out.
Pusy follow my lead/dn i will guarantee u 2live.

Im d rap MESSIAH/watch me as i go HIGHER/ur mother likes my dick BANANA/as she 4ckn screams HALELUHA/as i 4ck her 2remember her MANERS

PUSY ur mama is teln me 2tk it easy on u

she's screamn it out WELL/bt my dick nd cut of her GEL.

Idiot im nt done wit u,let me c anodr imbicile like u.dt nd a lessn.WARNIN IDIOT

Resphanto 2010/11/03 10:31
Quote: Ouch: U ar a NONENTITY/u tink u hv ENTITY/idiot is a pity dt u ar so EMPTY.
Im d ryhme GOD/worship me let me comfirn u lyn DOG/bcos i derive MORE/as i c u squeak like a 4ckn BUG.
I derive joy u both,FATHER nd SON/like a judge i xecute yall as FATHER nd GUN/idiot ur noise hv bcon a FUN/2WAP all knw dt u fuckn DUMB/idiot muderfckn NUMB.
My hands on my9 stays BUSY/as i wipe u out so EASY/idiot ur mother's fukn pusy nds my GREASIN.

Like a GOD i CREATE/unwnte DOG i TERMINATE/likd a disease u CIRCULATE/2wap told me u,i shuld SORFACATE/dts y ur pains ar so XCRUCIATE.

Fcker i dnt nd prayers 2wipe u out/bt u gn nd divine powers 2tk me out.
Pusy follow my lead/dn i will guarantee u 2live.

Im d rap MESSIAH/watch me as i go HIGHER/ur mother likes my dick BANANA/as she 4ckn screams HALELUHA/as i 4ck her 2remember her MANERS

PUSY ur mama is teln me 2tk it easy on u

she's screamn it out WELL/bt my dick nd cut of her GEL.

Idiot im nt done wit u,let me c anodr imbicile like u.dt nd a lessn.WARNIN IDIOT

i dnt know y u keep comin BACK,wen u re a dog who cant even BARK,u stupid dog wifout ATTACK,u such a foolish WHACK and a simple TASK.
nigga Hail d rap LORD or die in cold BLOOD.
now am back wif ma SHIZZLE,its Resy FIZZLE,d rich RIZZLE.u murder fuckin NIZZLE.
u re a damn PUSSY!,though u re born of PUSSY,u stil sound more like PUSSY.oh! i forgot dat history recorded dat yr father was also a PUSSY,he SUCKED n FUCKED yr mother's PUSSY,and gave birth to a PUSSIES PUSSY(Ouch).so idiot dnt get too FUSSY over PUSSY,wen of course u re stil a damn fuckin PUSSY.

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/04 10:17
okay resphanto..put ya name on da tourney...we startin a new game battle here ..
Elfuego 2010/11/04 10:37
Jungle spungle
Resphanto 2010/11/04 12:10
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: okay resphanto..put ya name on da tourney...we startin a new game battle here ..

got it

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.