-SkuLL n BoNeS-[CEMETARY] by Resphanto 2010/10/28 08:24


Am taller dan HEIGHT and heavier dan WEIGHT,am so wise cos am fuckin older dan AGE,dis is jst ma lil metaphorical SAGE!

No one fucks here wif me and goes freky free. Cos... Amma puLL TRIGGER and kiLL NIGGAS.

Quote: Resphanto: Blood Sheds every^WHERE/...Demons crys to deafen ma ^EARs/lots of niggas died by ma glock outta fakers ^FEAR/...FUCK DA WHOLE WORLD!

i was never born..but died 666(six hundred and sixty six) times

Fallen Angel

..SKULL n BONES[Cemetary]..

Nelsado 2012/04/27 09:08
huh i see the success, it seems am possess,no toastin bt it seems the gals are obsessed.
cal me the finalist,
coz am topping everylist,
am not afraid of u even if u say my name is a myth.
they cal me nelsado,
ad u to my friend list on 2go,
u thnk am bad u thnk am gud,
dnt worry very soon u would knw.

Resphanto 2010/11/03 17:13
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: juz open a fucking topic,n u both settle it there..n see whos better...its the best way dude..let 's see who get eaten ..-

yeah dats really true,thanks 4 d idea BLACK LIST3D,at let me get dis fuckin nigga(Ouch) TWISTED.

Asshol3(Ouch) if u re ready for BATTLE,i'll be waitin for u right in ma death CASTLE.

Resphanto 2010/11/30 09:59
Saviola ma boy stop wastin d little rhymes u ve got.save em for battle.sucka
jamolus2003 2010/11/18 18:56
Quote: Elfuego: Wen l'il birdz learn ter fly they soar higher f0rgettin dat d sky is ruled by much bigger birdz dats wot i c here l'il niggaz fink they r shiny as a nu ^DIME^ mur'fuqka imma make ur punishment fit ur ^CRIME^ i waz meant 2 entertain 2ru ^RHYME^i went safe m0de bt al c wen i chk d z0me is fuqkin slimes claim 2 b d game^I AM^nigga u beta watch ya mawf wen u tok here dis aint marketplace wia u advertize by gettin attenti0n o' ya cust0merz quotin krs-0ne " a dope mc is a dope mc even wit0ut a rec0rd deal al can SEE"keep running ya mawf f0ol imma beat ya as flat as a ^PANCAKE^is hi we fuqkin rake dis place and rid it of fags dat got n0 klass let d kings ^RETAKE^ their p0siti0n i feed 0n d green u li'l niggaz gat n0 dr0p gr8nes in ya imma make ur death an obscene syt real g's ryd dis game lyk a ^LIM0USINE^ RESY u nid a fuqkin vaccine bitch shut d fuqk up u and IGNEY cuz im here 2 ^QUARANTINE^ dis place spray methylene 2 make it clean den intr0duce acetylene ter ^GUARANTY^ hygiene u fink u r t0uf as a chain bt also rememba dat a chain is 0nly as str0ng as its weakest ^LINK^ i gat ma eyez 0n u 4rm d start u 2 r fuqkin ^CYNICS^ mur'fuqka IGNEY battlez in d ^PIT^ bitch cum 2 arena if u fink u g0t wot it takes i swear even ma weakest gang member wil tear ya ^BIT by BIT^ u nt a gangsta u r ^BALLERINA^ a fuqkin fo0t st0ol in ur face i wil make ur bitch ma ^SERAPHINA^ and make her suck ma dick and u RESY a ^HYENA^ claimin a lion nigga dis water is 2 large 4 ya 2 swim u fuqkin fink u r as solid as d r0ck of ^GIBRALTAR^bt u jst a paper ^TIGER^ u r cold as a cucumber gas up ur ^CAR^ and d fuqk 0utta ma t0wn. . . . . . .
go get some attitude mann...

Ouch 2010/11/03 17:47
Dis punk wana battle/u litle punk rattle/i beat u up in ur castle/cut u up like a cattle
idiot am d axle/u bleed like a marble.

Godric 2010/11/30 09:44
Quote: Resphanto:

By the last breath of the fourth winds blow
Better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knock at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you have got some company

The horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have came to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

Resphanto 2010/11/18 18:17
Shxt Niggas keep runnin dere mouf around ma EARS/dey forget dat am a nigga killin wifout FEARS/
am just sittin and sippin ma strong WINE/but foolish niggas(Igney and Shaev7) false me to use ma NINE/and if this fucker SHAEV7/ wouldnt shut his mouf,amma cut it,chop it and stuck it in a SHELVE in ma ROOM 7/
i sit and relax wif ma snipper gun on ma roof....and guess who i see....waoh i see the fuckin head of this nigga IGNEY/,nigga u had better cool or hav your head chopped off cos amma hav ma dogz eat up yr KIDNEY/
Ma nigga OUCH!/it will be too much if you use yr PUNCH/on this lousy nigga(Igney).wif just one SLAP/he will get his ass out of 2WAP/dey can go ask ASKARI/wif just ma simple toss he ran back to his state(Niger-Delta) to rest and drink GARRI/

Take note! dis is RESSY's CASTLE/dnt trespass ya'll fuckin CATTLES/am d EMPEROR of dis EMPIRE so PISS HAUT!


jamolus2003 2010/12/07 20:01
Yungboss 2010/12/31 20:14
Lemme take u resphanto, who u do u tink u r bobby or racko, lets do freestyle what do u say, i make u luk like M.A.C.K.O.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/03 13:21
juz open a fucking topic,n u both settle it there..n see whos better...its the best way dude..let 's see who get eaten ..-
Resphanto 2011/03/27 22:52
OOh! oh!!wat ^TICK^ says da time ^FUCK^ went wrong cos Shaev's ^BRAIN^ got ^KNOCKED/he got his ^DICK^SUCK^ed and died ^INSANE^ witout gettin ^FUCKED/my rhymes smells like shxt in shaev's ^ASS/am on ma lowest key ^BURSTIN^ yr ears wit ma silent ^BASS/i spit to yr ear^DRUMS^ split yr ass ^FILLIN^ wit ^CUMS^ as i put down ma one ^VERSE/so ^FUNNY^ i hear ^JAMOLUS^ calls ^RAW^ a ^BOWL^LICKER(Raw n diabolical)/witout paid ^MONEY^ made him gain ^LOSS^es eatin his ^CLAWs^ like an ^OWL^FLICKER/...i can rhyme no more cos am ^VOICELESS/splittin yr spine apart made u fuckar ^SPEECHLESS/d time comes ^FORTH^ as we ^DRINK^ d blood of our lord ^JESUS^(Shaev)..during d ^LAST^SURPER/i feed u wit ^MAGGOT^STINKs^FOETUS^ and named u d ^FAST CHOPPER/wat a ^WASTE^ in ^SLAUGTHER^HOUSE^ i see a ^DEAD^PUNKED^MURDAFUCKIN^ shaev's -SKeleton sitted on a ^THONE/as i ^TASTE^ d real Geez ^DAUGTHER's^ ^POUSE^(pussy) pinkish ^RED^FUCKED^LATTERIN^ ma -SKull n BONEs/wher d ^FUCK^ u ^HIDIN^ cos yr ^WORLD^ is ^DIVIDIN^ n0w nigga Shaev is ^SCARED/u ^SUCK^ed ma dick and started ^FIGHTIN^ or mayv ma ^WORDs^ still ^RHYMIN^ got u confused u dnt knw wher last u ^READ/...ama ^FILL^UP^ yr ^VEINs^ wit ma ^CUMZ/^SPILL^UP^ yr ^BRAIN^ n stab deafin yr ear^DRUMZ/ma phone is so ^SICK^ of ^DISSIN^...n0w ma pads ar ^PSYK(psykopad)/and ma ^DICK^DRAGGIN^ yr ass on a ^BIKE/am ^SERVIN^ god in ma ^SHRINE^ and dey'll ^CALLIN^ me ^HEAVENs^DEVIL/^KILLIN^ d ^SHINEs^ of a ^FUCKIN^RAVEN^SHAEV7/after ^DRINKIN^ ma ^PISS/da asshole rested in ^PEACE/

...dissin shxt(shaev)wasnt part of me! but d asshole gat me! So i had to spill shxt dis fucker cos am fuckin blind to see....fuck shaev7,fuck Raw and if u want to be down wit em den fuck u too cos dis time....INVOLVEMENT MUST BE INVOLVED!



Resphanto 2010/11/04 15:09
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: okay resphanto..put ya name on da tourney...we startin a new game battle here ..

waoh am now in d TOURNEY,watch me on dis JOURNEY.

Godric 2010/11/30 09:47
Quote: Elfuego: fuqkin cowardz in here

Has taken it's toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
For what you have had to endure
And what you have put others through
Deliverance for you for sure
There is nothing you can do

Godric 2010/11/30 09:45
Quote: Resphanto:
hush saviola dnt rush.wait 4 battle where i wil slay u up like a cattle and -bloodmoney- wil congratulate me for
treatin yr fuckups.nigga shill are u scared of me or may i should give u someone much easier.As****e

You have been dying since the day you were born
You know it has all been planned
The quartet of deliverance rides
A sinner once a sinner twice
No need for confession now
Cause now you have got the fight of your life

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 03:56
N0w ist3n,ar 1,ar 2,ar 3... Ya,ya,yah!-Ya vex lik ar vers-man/ u knw wat it iz cox it iz wat it iz man! Dnt d0 n0thing cox u cant t3st ma Charisma cox amma Charis-Man!
Ya wanna taste ma Lyricks cox I cooked 'em in a Dexters laboratory making tha freeble rapperz leave their t3ret0ry/ causing dust, so they cl0s3 'em r3spirat0ry raising duST wit ma HUMMER-lorry/peepz be bowing down to m3 sayin 'rec3IV3 thA gL0Ry' sculpturing me like their g0D but a ment0r, so 'em make me a Rosary tellin their unb0rn of ma history & ma story/I C00K ma lyrikz without curry so ya aint gat to be sory/itz 0nly g0nn raise ya fury/unc0nf0rtably-m0lesting tha c0nstabl3 & that dumb-seat azz jury/
I r0de on tha yet launched 'H0NDA-DUSTER' I r0de IT on ya streetz creating ma 0wn speed lane raining dust 0n ya & ya entir3 3xistence & p0sessi0n/DNT b3 freaked cox I'hv been d0ing it sinc3 tha Inc3rti0n ordaining fellers with c0nv0cti0n & anytim3 I d0 it, they g3t thz straight c0nvicti0n 3rasing otherz by EVICTI0N placing their mindz-setz & totz 0n T3NTI0N cox 'em neva met ma kind-0ff Inv3ntI0N =s0 t0 clean yaself, u need a Duster/t0 eat I gave ya c0untry's-man including ya family a feeding r0ster. R0d3 0n ya nw al ya need iz a h0p3-4-humanitarian Clust3r/amma r0ck_star whil u a fraudster/am nt ya br0tha cox amma g0nn ch0p-0ff ya .ass. Like a L0bst3r/I dnt knw u, bt am ya F0st3r= an p0ss3sed/0bsesed obesed Base-man! Nw datz wat ya ar3/evry-m0ment wantin t0 licK tha dust 0ff ma DusteR/refusing wat I 0ffered ya a r3d m3at rost3r!/amma bring bak tha 0ld-dayz, amma bring back Esther/t3sting h3r righte0usn3s, amma g0nna d0 dat with ma t3ster sh3 g0nn b3 t3st3d cox am Inv3st3d & int3r3st3D/I was th3r3 wen sh3 waz create & 0n tha day I AND GOD R3ST3D bcox al0t in h3r w3 hav inv3st3d/wit a seal 0f l0v3 cr3st3d/she's w0rth it, & amma lease her like a Rank-List3r/taking h3r t0 Mr. Black_lisT3d/& itz g0nn b3 l0udly said dat, dat waz tha Last h3 3va Visit3d.
Ma fl0wz,
tha r3al style,
a fr3e-style,
a Gangst3r, d0sz hz wit hz a baDstyle.

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/02 03:08
Hey br0f,
Amma say sorry 4 wat I said.
I preach peace, it is my sermon and amma gonna prac-it.
Dnt take it to heart wat I mite hav said/cusz I wasnt even rappin, bt uttering. Man am done man.
I love wisdom and peace, and so do I to U.
Go-on bro Live Large.
'Wisdom is the pricipal thing, in all thy struggle, get wisdom'

Resphanto 2011/01/26 01:46
Hey bitch,its time you watch where u stand,cos wen am tru wit u might nt realise wat has hit you.Watcha Dog
Vers1tile 2011/01/23 16:56
Vers1tile 2011/01/25 20:05
quote this! FUCKING REALY LAME!....
Elfuego 2010/11/29 19:46
fuqkin cowardz in here

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.