Funny definitions by bad-apple 2009/03/05 06:36
A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other!

An art of transmitting Information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of students without passing through the minds of either

It's an agreement wherein a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her master

Future Tense of Marriage

The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece

The hydraulic force by which masculine will power is defeated by feminine water-power

A place where divorce comes before marriage

The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present

PinkCandyFloss 2011/11/01 01:26
SONG.....poem with rythm
TemPEST 2011/11/09 22:21
Hmm what cn i say,the mood of it is okay than better
Rapho1 2011/11/15 07:36
Whats the difference btwn a good lawyer and a great lawyer? a good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge.
milly 2011/11/15 10:00
Dude.....u've made my day!
yasmine 2011/12/22 00:49
Ahsan_khan 2012/01/18 10:38
Marriage:marriage is a lotery in which husbnd alwayz losez;-D
Gustydude 2012/02/04 09:02
This is nice
Shanna 2012/02/06 12:24
a place where dad pays wyl child plays

Bettle 2012/02/11 21:44
Thats a Cracker!
Shanna 2012/02/13 20:00
Quote: Rapho1: Whats the difference btwn a good lawyer and a great lawyer? a good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge.

haha. . .wicked. .

KingFISHER 2012/03/13 02:41
Big boss

he tell u thinking bout sumthing important whn he caught by u that he is actually sleeping by put head 1d desk.

J_Dz 2012/03/21 22:15
Dis kul, lOLzIc
Trax 2012/03/25 09:08
good definations u all write,i like it.
Hylwahty 2012/04/08 18:16
Joyce 2012/04/27 16:02
MEN:mistake entourage 2 neon. HUSBAND:heinious,unworthy selfish,betrayers,antagonitst,nonchalant and depressed
Lil wayne 2012/06/19 18:22
someone who is attracted 2 some one spirtually or physicaly. Hate
someone who has optimus felling 4 some one. Misunderstanding
a disagreement or agiument b/w 2 persons or animals. Easy virtue
something or someone that easily a comesby.

Lil wayne 2012/06/19 18:45
A guy no different from the
other, unless he gets caught
Someone who is early when
you are late and late when you
are early
A person who kills your ills by
pills, and kills you.

AbhiReddy 2012/07/24 14:02
Nice to read good collection frnd
The_Torpid 2012/10/04 15:05
Nice one keep it up.Interesting /smiley/smiley
The_Torpid 2013/06/05 02:32
Very Interesting!! /smiley

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