Your phone? by NinthElement2009/01/01 16:12 Which Symbian phone(s) do you have, and which would you like to get next? -phone-
redbLue2009/10/04 09:30 I use 7610 for a years then now i use 3230..Both really good yeah! But now im not planing to get new one..
Lord_raister232009/10/05 19:39 I have a sek810i serves me well 4 quite a while
Khurram2009/10/07 16:49 I have 3110c maybe ill buy N96.
Shush142009/10/08 18:19 mine is nokia xpress music..1 i want to buy new mobile but not now, with my first sallary...!
at that time which would be the best i will bye that one...!