Your phone? by NinthElement 2009/01/01 16:12
Which Symbian phone(s) do you have, and which would you like to get next? -phone-

redbLue 2009/10/04 09:30
I use 7610 for a years then now i use 3230..Both really good yeah! But now im not planing to get new one..
Lord_raister23 2009/10/05 19:39
I have a sek810i serves me well 4 quite a while
Khurram 2009/10/07 16:49
I have 3110c maybe ill buy N96.
Shush14 2009/10/08 18:19
mine is nokia xpress music..1 i want to buy new mobile but not now, with my first sallary...!
at that time which would be the best i will bye that one...!

romeo 2009/10/11 03:28
im using nokia N96 now
reumat 2009/10/20 10:16
I have nokia 6300 wish 2 have nokia E71
babagana 2009/11/13 22:45
my phone is tv968dual sim
magnet 2009/11/24 09:25
nokiA 5800 N nxt would be satio or n97/smiley
Marlou 2009/11/24 10:38
N0w i have 6120c and has n0 plan to own an0ther ph0ne.
Righteous 2009/11/25 00:33
I hate synbian phone blc it gives me headaqe
abubakarmutairu09 2009/11/25 13:00
Nokia 3110c s how can u help me.
dovegirl 2009/11/30 08:53
I have N5800 and I wanna get Blackberry next.
prabhu 2010/02/03 06:09
I have LG cookie.planned to buy NOKIA N96 ma dream phone
Jamotech 2010/02/04 20:33
Now av nokia n81 planning to av n85
Zee 2010/02/07 09:43
Very old phone Nokia 6600 n very old phone O2 XDA II mini /smiley
Raul09 2010/02/11 23:24
now i have N73...planning 2 buy N97 next month.
rock_chaser 2010/02/14 05:22
I have used 6630,3110,6600,N73,
now using samsung SGH L700

arie85 2010/02/16 14:55
i have nokia 6120c and planning to buy nokia N900.. /smiley
LoneLy_heArt 2010/02/16 23:50
Nokia N81 ,5800express music and nokia 7210supernove
raju222 2010/05/27 18:45
i hav n73
Replies: 149

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