Your phone? by NinthElement 2009/01/01 16:12
Which Symbian phone(s) do you have, and which would you like to get next? -phone-

WilLow_DarkSky 2009/05/12 16:32
i have 2610 7610 nd N82 I hve plan to buy n96 or sonyericson.
Nibras 2009/05/13 14:29
Presently ihv nokia3110c.
mAnNu 2009/05/14 06:58
presently i have nokia 1100 /smiley
maegan03 2009/05/15 14:51
i have n99
crissle06 2009/05/22 12:57
me, i have only asus v80, n0kia 5310,
crissle06 2009/05/22 13:01
my ph0nes have n0 symbian, h0w sad! huhu T.T
Nitro 2009/05/29 06:06
hoping to get a new phone Anyone Help ME>>>>>>>>>
Sri123 2009/06/10 02:12
I'm having E6.
madmak 2009/07/09 23:59
Nokia n97
Thompson 2009/07/11 06:45
Nokia 6230i
Sivakumar 2009/07/16 09:59
I don't have symbian.
Sivakumar 2009/07/16 10:00
I have symbian40.
ZAFAR 2009/07/20 04:40
N72, wana n95
_ReGuLuS_ 2009/09/05 04:18
I have N95 i want 2 buy a phone wid mch change in features so m gona wait.
criss 2009/09/11 20:38
i have nokia 1100
N3WL1F3 2009/10/02 04:16
I use 2 hav a N70-1. No using a Nokia E66-1(recieved free 4rm my service provider after they cnt fix my N70)
Replicant 2009/10/02 05:50
I have nokia 6080 and sendo s330 presently


Anwarsha 2009/10/02 17:05
Sony ericson w910i...nex n95
LostProphet 2009/10/03 12:43
nokia 5530 touch screen s60v5. Cant bear a phone without wi-fi, its just so much better. I very rarely use gprs.
Jesseleong 2009/10/04 03:18
My phone is Nokia 2600c..
Replies: 149

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