Your phone? by NinthElement 2009/01/01 16:12
Which Symbian phone(s) do you have, and which would you like to get next? -phone-

elitenick 2010/11/07 19:42
I hv nokia 5200 am planin to buy 2 different fonez lyk e95 n blackberry
_Mr_Khan 2010/11/13 13:03
know get the nokia N8 is the most wanted phone N8 have 12 mega pixel camera and much more
uchetom 2010/11/14 18:13
Quote: Ragnorak: Which Symbian phone(s) do you have, and which would you like to get next? /smiley

uchetom 2010/11/14 18:17
Quote: Ragnorak: Which Symbian phone(s) do you have, and which would you like to get next? /smiley

InternetLord 2010/11/17 05:38
I hv 5300
klm 2010/11/17 18:17
Quote: ShAhZaDa: i have Nokia n95, n72, 2610classic, nokia 1600, nokia 2600, Motorola L6i, samsung x210, and i love to buy Windows mobile. Itz my favt one.
dude! Wat?u hv a shop kya? ?

Myn z nokia 3110c

Ginkz 2010/11/18 09:30
i'm currently using nokia E62 & i plan on getting E60 or nok X3/ X6, which ever i can afford.
TheAndyMan 2012/05/25 18:10
Now using lumia
dead786 2012/05/27 04:17
what kind to meet me
Replies: 149

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