HitMan or MaxPayne by
2elt 2006/11/23 05:48
which game do u prefer most? 4 me MaxPyne is more better
Rayquaza 2009/02/16 19:45
Hey max payne is the one for me
Spy27 2009/12/13 16:57
Hitman is better
Rajjar 2009/04/13 03:18
BoUgEnVilLe 2009/04/13 10:26
I liKe HitMaN,i rEmEmbEr thE missi0n 0n thE ship,i kilL alL pE0plE..thErE'S n0 0nE aliVe acCept mY sElf.. HehE..
Fonz 2009/04/21 06:24
Nice game.hitman indeed,is tactical,while max payne is some fun
GhAyAl 2009/11/24 17:53
Of course Hitman Blood
tai1 2009/12/15 10:48
pes 3D
Phoebe3 2009/11/28 11:36
Hitman i th.
neoneal 2009/12/03 08:29
Both is reallyx3 good 4 me..
Dmx 2009/12/08 15:24
Victobaba 2009/12/10 14:35
Hitman is special to me
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