HitMan or MaxPayne by 2elt 2006/11/23 05:48
which game do u prefer most? 4 me MaxPyne is more better

Dhillon 2007/05/15 14:07
Max Payne series. Max Payne gotta lots of actions and you can increase its functionality by adding mods to it. Its the best.
shamil 2007/01/07 07:48
Max payne
Bravo 2007/05/31 18:06
Maxpayne, love the fact that you can go into bullet time
Syadira 2008/12/27 06:21
I prefer hitman..
Frost_Ogre 2007/12/29 21:11
Gamerboy 2007/08/09 09:22
Hey max payne rocks
Elle-Mai 2008/09/13 02:19
Max Payne
F3RNANDO 2007/05/09 06:17
I dont know the two Games
T-k 2007/05/15 20:04
Hitman is brilliant
ROMEO_ 2007/05/31 08:52
glitter 2007/08/09 09:50
Maxpayne cool but never playde hitman
djshiran 2007/05/26 14:03
Hitman is good
Devil-land 2007/06/03 08:54
Divya 2007/06/04 15:06
havent playd hitman..i hav playd only MAX PAYNE
DarK_PRINCE 2007/06/05 08:25
Not both !
Doofy 2008/06/14 11:38
Bakgat 2007/08/13 03:23
Max pyne
Fyah17 2007/08/10 02:20
I cant remember if i posted on this topic . . .but i prefer hitman. . .maxpayne is 2 easy and short
Kleo_l4r4 2008/09/15 08:04
Hitman rock..
matZes375 2008/09/10 17:40

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