How many bookmarks do u have on ur phone? by BlouBul7 2006/10/15 09:06
On my 1 phone i have 16 & on this phone i have 11 bookmarks.

BACKSTREET_JOKER 2010/03/05 07:47
i only keep bookmarks of chatsites to which am linked nd its only 9
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2010/03/05 07:47
i only keep bookmarks of chatsites to which am linked nd its only 9 wid 2wapworld on top
Jamotech 2010/03/05 09:41
I cant count my bmk.
Ramraj 2010/03/07 17:54
35 bookmark
McMoriah 2010/03/07 18:25
i av 9 on my phone
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2010/03/11 16:23
i bookmarkS 36 paGeS.
Williams_d 2010/03/12 03:55
I have 52 on my phone
favourizatn 2010/03/12 07:02
i have only 3 on my phone and they are ineffective
setan-merah 2010/03/16 11:50
So many
Mensah 2010/03/16 14:15
I have 50 bookmark on my...
MFLOW 2010/07/16 18:41
I hav 45
PAOKARA_NEAPOLI 2010/07/16 19:52
I have 36 bookmarks.
Class 2010/07/16 20:13
14 only
Monsur-16 2010/07/16 21:08
Mine is 150,if its a lie you may have a check
Ayo. 2010/07/18 04:31
My is non.u dont believe it.
ALVINS 2010/07/18 04:39
I have 206 if it a lie have a cheak on my iphone
Lucky 2010/07/18 12:03
i hve just 9.
abbeylabs 2010/07/18 12:24
Mine has no number to be continous
abbeylabs 2010/07/18 12:25
If its lie check any 5200 nokia
Rilwan 2010/07/18 12:27
My bookmarks are in my brain,none on my phone(5130c)
Replies: 95

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