How many bookmarks do u have on ur phone? by BlouBul7 2006/10/15 09:06
On my 1 phone i have 16 & on this phone i have 11 bookmarks.

papyrus22 2009/09/17 19:21
I cant count
Ravikumar08 2009/09/18 04:40
I've 12 Bookmarks
khokz 2009/09/18 12:28
I have a lots of bookmarkz in my fone..aww
Starboi 2009/09/18 18:51
Am avin over 100, is't good?


Angelle 2009/09/19 00:34
I have 2.
Sivakumar 2009/09/19 01:34
Quote: Lovebug-1: On my 1 phone i have 16 & on this phone i have 11 bookmarks.
nothing i have

coraykim_04 2009/09/19 13:18
on my phone i have 25 bookmarks
buzzard 2009/09/19 23:38
I got 20!
RaFa008 2009/09/24 01:13
i hav 10 bookmarks
N3WL1F3 2009/10/02 23:24
Dnt knw how many on phone nor on opera. Al i knw is tht tht is not enough.
FalL 2009/10/03 01:28
kaizer25 2009/10/03 07:53
i have 30 bookmarks
Bad.devil 2009/10/03 14:50
I hav 40 bookmarks in my mob
Luvcastle2 2009/10/03 15:03
I get them 4 d memory card in my head
Bipinnnn 2009/10/03 16:21
I hve only 13 bookmark in ma fone
zak_1010 2009/10/03 19:12
Monsur-16 2009/10/18 05:25
I have 150
fashyakin 2009/10/18 06:23
As many as possible. I have 8 operas and the latest bolt.
Authentic 2009/11/08 03:27
dimples 2009/11/08 07:40
3 only..-lolface-
Replies: 95

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