She was so pretty. When I saw her for the first... by Rohan7862013/11/12 13:35 She was so pretty. When I saw her for the first time near by the cinema, she was looking for someone. At first sight I fall in love with her. She has a nice figure and beautiful face. I wanted to talk with her somehow. She was wearing a nice blue color trouser and pink color blows. She gave a nice smile for me, but suddenly a guy came by a car and picks her up and they went. He was a wealthy guy, I assumed. Its because he dressed well, he wore a rich watch, and even he came by a Jaguar. So that day finished like that.
After two weeks later, I saw this girl siting on a bench of city park. She was reading a book. My mind began trembling and I suppose to go to her and ask permission to sit on the bench nearby her. Then I moved to her, unexpectedly, that same guy came and picked her up to his car and went. So this time I realized that he is the boy friend of her. so I felt so sad about that.
One day, again I saw her at a parking lot. She was very beautiful on that day, I got my car and ride nearby her slowly, she suddenly looked in to my car and smiled at me. So I stopped the car and, asked,
Ohihave we met before?
Oh yesNonoI have seen you several times around here in town she replied.
Oh wellI seeSo bye for now!!! Have a nice day
I said and moved from her. It was one of happiest day of my life. because she talked with me for first time. When I moved I saw in the side mirror that a guy came to her by car and picked her up in to his car and went.
adamjr2014/11/07 11:09 True love comes from the heart. It does not come from what we may think in our minds, but what we feel in our own hearts. It takes allot out of us to know that.