She was so pretty. When I saw her for the first... by Rohan7862013/11/12 13:35 She was so pretty. When I saw her for the first time near by the cinema, she was looking for someone. At first sight I fall in love with her. She has a nice figure and beautiful face. I wanted to talk with her somehow. She was wearing a nice blue color trouser and pink color blows. She gave a nice smile for me, but suddenly a guy came by a car and picks her up and they went. He was a wealthy guy, I assumed. Its because he dressed well, he wore a rich watch, and even he came by a Jaguar. So that day finished like that.
After two weeks later, I saw this girl siting on a bench of city park. She was reading a book. My mind began trembling and I suppose to go to her and ask permission to sit on the bench nearby her. Then I moved to her, unexpectedly, that same guy came and picked her up to his car and went. So this time I realized that he is the boy friend of her. so I felt so sad about that.
One day, again I saw her at a parking lot. She was very beautiful on that day, I got my car and ride nearby her slowly, she suddenly looked in to my car and smiled at me. So I stopped the car and, asked,
Ohihave we met before?
Oh yesNonoI have seen you several times around here in town she replied.
Oh wellI seeSo bye for now!!! Have a nice day
I said and moved from her. It was one of happiest day of my life. because she talked with me for first time. When I moved I saw in the side mirror that a guy came to her by car and picked her up in to his car and went.
Rohan7862013/11/12 13:38 After several months, on a rainy day I met her in the park. this time I directly went to her and said..
She also said Hi to me and at the end of the day we became such friends. But I always wanted to ask her about those guys, but I didnt. If I asked that, she get to know that, Im spying on her. But I figured not to ask about them. Instead, I thought if those guys really matters to her, she will tell me about.
When time passing, I was felling love with her so much. But she didnt know that. She also so much closes to me. I could feel it in her eyes when she looking to my eyes. Now I wanted to ask from her. I wanted to propose to her. When I went to bed one night, I was just laying on the bed and dreaming about her so much. I reminding how pretty she is, how adorable she is, how pleasant she is, how sweet her smile is, how close she is to me. So I decided ask her on following day, so that night sleep didn't come to me. I couldnt wait till the sun rise.
Early in the morning I dressed up and went to a florist and bought a Lilac flower bouquet. Suddenly my phone rang, and male voice said Do you know Miss. Clair? I said yes she is good friend of mine. So that man said, its good, please come to the city hospital, I couldnt believe and, I went there as quickly as possible.
When I reach there I saw her laying on a bed in the emergency ward, there attached many medical equipments to her and bandaged almost everywhere. I went nearby her and looking to her face, she moved her shaking hand to my hand and hold tightly, and then tears came out from her eyes. Her lips shivered, but she couldnt speak. I bent her face and gave a gentle kiss to her forehead and told Sweetie dont worry, I stay nearby you, this gonna be OK soon. Then I saw, so many tears came from her eyes and soaked her chicks. So I moved to hospital attendant and ask, Whats all about this? He replied me that...
WellWe dont know much, someone found her while laying down on a road last night. She was heavily beaten by someone nearly to death. So one kind taxi driver has brought her up here dont worry she's gonna make it.
After three days she was able speak, and thenshe began to tell her story
Rohan7862013/11/12 13:39 Im so sorry to tell you this, but I cant hold all this in my heart anymore. Since I first saw you near by the cinema, I realized you are a good guy; I wanted to talk with you sometime. Dont get me wrong, my heart was so heavy to hold my miserable life, I wanted a good friend to talk. You know what? Do you believe me if I say you, Im a call girl? Yes I was. But when I had your company, I wanted to stop my sinner life. I realized youre a good man, you respected me, you made me laugh, and you made my days. When you nearby me, I felt whole world is mine. But always I wanted not to let feel in your mind, that way about me. Coz I always scared, if you know about my real situation, you may leave me, I thought. You know, I had several boyfriends, all they wanted my body, not my heart. So they were leaving me in several months. But I wanted to be married to a good guy always. But that fortune never came to me. So I fed up with my miserable life, I cried almost every night a lot till my heart going to come out. Eventually, I wanted to revenge myself, so I became a call girl. But after I met you, I began to love me again, I wanted to stay with you foreverlike a .good friend. So I wanted to quit my sinner life and I went to church and confessed. At that very same night one rich guy called me and asked my service. But I told him Im not a call girl anymore. He forced me to do so. But I refused, I told him that leave me alone here after, Im leaving the sinner life. Then he threatened me and came to my apartment and he did what he came to do, I couldnt help, I cried a lot. then he beaten me to nearly death. After all, he took me in to his cars dickey and went. After going several miles, dropped me near a ditch beside the road. Thats how I came to hospital. You know, Honestly I just wanted only for your true friendship, its because I couldnt accept more from you rather than a friendship, I know, I am a sex doll who was passing by one hand to another hand. But after I found a good hearted person I wanted to stop nearby that person as a good friend. Thats all. Sorry for telling all this missarable story to you.
I freezed for a moment and looking to her eyes deeply. Then grabbed her to me and gave a kiss on her dried lips while tighten her body to mine, and whispered on her ear that saying I love you so much forever.
goodluckforu2013/11/14 11:42 A fine story telling us what a true love is ! A true love is always away from physical attraction. No sex, no bargain, no hatred only & love, never any wish except love ! Love of two souls...unification of two ideal tie of two visions !