Girls vs Boys by angellove 2006/08/10 05:13
Goga 2007/04/27 21:46 My 8th husband was in technical suppport, and he kept saying, dont worry, it will b up any minute now.
Goga 2007/04/27 21:41 My 7th husband was a help-desk coordinator he kept teaching me how 2 do it myself.
Goga 2007/04/27 21:38 My 6 husband was a psychiatrist all he ever wanted 2 do was talk about it.
Mc-PamV 2008/08/12 11:55 Dr.loony our jokester go Dok
countryangel 2007/07/23 21:03 what did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? 'you know, if we dont get some support soon, people are going to think we're nuts!'
Trynitey 2007/04/24 10:59 Ok,guyz nt al of u's,bt nw u get that guyz like da guyz in ma life,bt i take it al coz i alwayz hav da last laughbt if i meet da luv of ma life&get married ag jene, No Mercy, NoN @ A_L_L!
Goga 2007/04/24 19:59 In a recent poll men were asked 2 identify womans ultimate fantasy. 97.8% respondents said womans ultimate fantasy is 2 have 2 men at once. Most men do not realize that in this fantasy, 1 man is cooking and the other is cleaning.
Goga 2007/04/24 20:00 In a recent poll men were asked 2 identify womans ultimate fantasy. 97.8% respondents said womans ultimate fantasy is 2 have 2 men at once. Most men do not realize that in this fantasy, 1 man is cooking and the other is cleaning.
tRuEbLuE 2007/05/03 18:19 The male sex organ is like a worker cause it works day and night...
tRuEbLuE 2007/05/03 18:21 The male sex organ is like an officer because it stands in attention at the right moment...
tRuEbLuE 2007/05/03 18:27 New Anatomy: Question: Can a man see clearly if his sex organ is in his forehead? Answer: no because his balls would cover his eyes!
Bhaavesh 2008/01/07 19:51 Girls is way of Hevan & Girl is way of hell..!
_yiella_ 2007/05/26 07:34 B0yz is cr0c0dile n girlz is s0me species like that..
countryangel 2007/07/28 15:08 hey boys, this ones just for you: what did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? answer: 'if we dont get some support soon, people are gonna think we`re nuts!'
Goga 2007/06/01 14:44 What is the difference between men and women? Women want one man to satisfy their every need, men want every woman to satisfy his one need.
-ReNZX- 2007/07/17 11:49 Hahaha..I thng boys win ...
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