Creative Work Zone by Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/07/27 15:05
Here we would paste link
of our daily CW
by seven club (except 2wap world club) and also the level of
completion by each of the Seven
Clubs and you should post link here
No Free Post
This topic is part of Nature Club Game Show 's working zone

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/07/27 15:09
In our first CW, we will create topics on animal life, specially some interesting phenomena exhibited by certian animals, highlighting unusual facts and their faculties
e.g we took SPIDERS example
here some description about spiders with suitable pictures as

Spiders Making Dummies of Itself
The South East Asian Spider ( Cycloses Mulmeinensis ) makes dummies of itself . *** It parcels of its prey in silk until they are the same size as itself. Then it plants them in strategy spots on its web. *** Spider hunting birds are quite likely to select a decoy, instead of the spider ***

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/08/11 16:12
Asian Club fail to post CW task timely , Now Nature Club Team are posting CW on behalf of Asian Club with panelty.

[b] All Club's Member create a topic on Animal Life illustrate with picture .
explanation of topic given in above example [/b]
let us starts creating topic in separate topic and after creating topic , here post done . ( Note: at the end of the topic paste this link NEW/topic/3203727>topic id: 3203727 )

_SnOwBoY_ 2013/08/12 00:44
My CW TherE.. Phenomena AbouT FireFlieS *AmazinG FireFlieS* /smiley
Phoebe3 2013/08/12 15:39
Grizzly Bear live in North America ./ Canada and United States.
Kumz 2013/08/12 15:42
poison dart frog. My CW.
ACIDized 2013/08/12 15:54
The Anaconda NEW/topic/3208739>topic id: 3208739
HandsomeDon 2013/08/12 16:43
Quote: phoebe3: Grizzly Bear live in North America ./ Canada and United States.

create separate topic and post link here . please don't post direct link here

Kakaji 2013/08/14 23:31
Asian Elephants NEW/topic/3209357>topic id: 3209357
Xiao Zen 2013/08/15 14:47
The Star-nosed Mole NEW/topic/3209518>topic id: 3209518
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/08/15 15:51
Behalf of Nature Club's Team _Panel my Good Wishes on the Independence Day to India & Pakistan.
Hope you Enjoy CW free look period. /smiley
Now once again here with pollution CW you just download attached picture.. watch and Create Topic according to picture s pollution

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/08/18 15:31
Second Week's first CW

Create topic on tree/ plant in your area , mention about size & type of leaf, stem , branches , flowers and seeds/ fruit . Which part of the tree / plant is eatable . In which type of climate it grows ?

Phoebe3 2013/08/18 16:24
I create topic on tree/plant. From Europe. Will be apple tree too.
GhAyAl 2013/08/19 17:40
pomegranate my cw
Kakaji 2013/08/20 18:06
my CW NEW/topic/3211289>topic id: 3211289 Tea-Plant
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/08/22 03:37
NEW/topic/3210945>topic id: 3210945 Theobroma cacao
Xiao Zen 2013/08/22 13:10
NEW/topic/3212018>topic id: 3212018 Sierra Redwood / Giant Sequoia
GhAyAl 2013/08/22 18:36
Pleasenotify wid pm thrd week cw
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/08/23 14:19
Mang0 TreE
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/08/24 16:27
Now time to remove inactive members , Now third week / third round ... difficulties level day by day Increasing , now enjoy with Nature ... We may ask to make short documentary film with the help your mobile camera's , /smiley don't be nervous that for last round
Replies: 41

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A forum for article style topics. Share your knowledge of nature, history, science & anything factual.