Mang0 TreE by
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/08/23 14:05
Mango TreE :>
Mango Tree is one of the best known and most popular trees of India..
. Mango tree is popularly found in almost all the tropical countries...Though Mango tree does not have scented flowers, still the tree can be identified by its LeaveS,BarK AnD The Shape..The tree can retain its Leaves all round the year.. Generally, this tree spreads to a great extent to surplus its height., Interestingly,,the wind cannot break the tough and bouncy stalks of the leaves of Mango tree easily..
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/08/23 14:11
Structure of Mango Tree:-
Mango tree can grow upto almost 120-130 ftin height, with a radiusof 33 ft at the top. The root of the mango tree goes down to around 20 ft, in deep soil. The roots are usually plentiful and wide-spreading. The evergreen leaves of the mango tree contain a specific aroma and are almost 15-35 cm inlength and 6-16 cm in width. In the initial stages, the leaves are orange coloured, but turn dark red and eventually dark green as the leaves mature.. Flowering takes place generally in between January to March. The flowers have 4 or 5 petals and are 5-10 mm in length. The mango flowers are yellow-greenish in colour.. The petals have orange stripes on them. Amongst the thousands of flowers that appear in the tree, only a few have the ability to produce fruits. The stems of the tree are fat, green in colour and wavy. They can bear numerous retreating side stems. Each of these stems has a lot of little and stalked flowers..
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/08/23 14:13
FruitS(Eatable) :-
The fruit has a tough and thin skin that can be of green or yellow or red in colour.. They contain luscious flesh that is creamy white, yellow or deep salmon in colour. Sometimes the flesh is like fibres and sometimes it is very smooth..
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/08/23 15:25
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