"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/05/30 07:03
EVERYONE knows americans r white but there hearts r black
missu 2013/05/30 07:12
This pastor and other pastors r narrow minded we muslims can also do so but we did not do so BUT we respect all religion
Dashman 2013/05/30 09:31
Show respect in attitude not in words.. Muslim or non-Muslim it is just words.
missu 2013/06/08 00:25
Dear outlaw we muslims can also burn bibles but we respect all the scripture so act of pastor is cowrdice.
missu 2013/06/08 06:43
Dr outlaw those who fly aeroplane into the building are product of america muslim can'and will not do such cowardice act
missu 2013/06/08 13:09
dr outlaw christ was crusified by whom?saddam hussain was hanged in the name of destructive weapon by whom
missu 2013/06/08 13:12
where r those destructive weapon?noone knows who did jaliawala bag mascare in amritsar your these so called innocence
missu 2013/06/08 13:13
christians are responsible in which 9/11 pretext
missu 2013/06/08 13:16
dr outlaw list is very long by these christian mahatma gandhi was thrown out of running train why ?why was it written
missu 2013/06/08 13:19
outside the hotels INDIANS AND DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED during the reign of lord cragen in india why which 9/11 was then
missu 2013/06/08 13:22
History shows these so called christians are always full of hate for everyone first read history then comment
missu 2013/06/08 13:41
oh then in what name and how can u say plane crash was in name of islam shame on u why tony blair appoloziesed
missu 2013/06/08 13:43
Then what for
missu 2013/06/08 13:44
How can u say plane crash was in name of islam
missu 2013/06/08 13:46
Change your mentality the world is not slave now
missu 2013/06/09 08:29
dr outlaw not one man's action was the action jaliawalabag mascare one man's action guantemala jail atrocities one man's
missu 2013/06/09 08:33
You should condemn the act of pastor and should not say this the product of 9/11becoz 9/11conspiracy was of america
missu 2013/06/09 08:36
becoz can u tell me whose planes and pilot were why they agreed do so why so advanced country could not know about this
missu 2013/06/09 08:40
u know america or u can say christians want to tarnish image of muslims
missu 2013/06/09 08:42
What authority does america have to hang saddam is america a court what is socalled uno doing why is uno slave of americ
Replies: 571

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