Eishwar, Allah, The God by saahir 2012/12/02 15:50
In mother's wombs,
we were..
what religion
we had?
tell me if you know..

My self,
day I opened my eyes,
saw my parents
praying a God,
followed them..

I didn't found Him
any where,
but feel Him,
by His creations..

I call Him Allah,
I call Him Eishwar,
I call Him The God..

By what names,
others may call,
I call Him,
with all attributions,
Good and Beautiful..

for me,
It is right.

saahir 2017/06/09 17:40
Quote: TheOne: Welldone sahir,by seeing ur posts in news & faith forums i'd have never imagined u think as human & not a staunch muslim

Dear brother...! "Muslim" is not the name of any community, nor Islam is a name of any religion, but it's a code of conduct for every pious person.

Islam means submission and Muslim the one who, submits himself as commanded by TheGod.

Replies: 21

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