_LeGoLaS_2012/12/02 16:36 My mother is my Bharath matha and iam her son in her womb. Eshwar only the truth , Srirama jayam (hindu)
i did n't saw any God or I did n't feel any God . God send me to do my karma here then only i can feel him. I WANT TO JOIN WITH SOUL OF LORD GREAT MAHA VISHNU AND IAM DOING MY KARMA HERE AS GOD BRAHMA WRITTEN.
_LeGoLaS_2012/12/02 16:49 My mother is my earth and my religion is my culture
KingFISHER2012/12/03 04:16 May ALLAH bless You. Nice topic.
Fantasy2012/12/03 15:21 wish everybody think like you ...then there is no fight between any human being ...almost all fights occur the name of god and the name of religious ...everybudy plz if you agree with sahir, post here atleast 99% people must post here
Quote: Riddhi: wish everybody think like you ...then there is no fight between any human being ...almost all fights occur the name of god and the name of religious ...everybudy plz if you agree with sahir, post here atleast 99% people must post here
r u dreaming? Terrorist people are born to kill hindus and christains