Eishwar, Allah, The God by saahir 2012/12/02 15:50
In mother's wombs,
we were..
what religion
we had?
tell me if you know..

My self,
day I opened my eyes,
saw my parents
praying a God,
followed them..

I didn't found Him
any where,
but feel Him,
by His creations..

I call Him Allah,
I call Him Eishwar,
I call Him The God..

By what names,
others may call,
I call Him,
with all attributions,
Good and Beautiful..

for me,
It is right.

The_Torpid 2012/12/02 16:03
Nice Religious Topic Bro!!/smiley
chezBEE 2012/12/02 16:14
mashaAllah.! this one touches the core of my bieng! all praises to Allah...!
--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2012/12/02 16:22
nYc OnE ReLiGiOuS ToPiC
_LeGoLaS_ 2012/12/02 16:36
My mother is my Bharath matha and iam her son in her womb. Eshwar only the truth , Srirama jayam (hindu)

i did n't saw any God or I did n't feel any God . God send me to do my karma here then only i can feel him. I WANT TO JOIN WITH SOUL OF LORD GREAT MAHA VISHNU AND IAM DOING MY KARMA HERE AS GOD BRAHMA WRITTEN.

_LeGoLaS_ 2012/12/02 16:49
My mother is my earth and my religion is my culture
Rango 2012/12/02 16:55
Good one .THanKs
Fantasy 2012/12/02 18:40
Wow ! Good one ..
mary 2012/12/02 19:34
Mashala and Alhamdulila../smiley
KingFISHER 2012/12/03 04:16
May ALLAH bless You. Nice topic.
Fantasy 2012/12/03 15:21
wish everybody think like you ...then there is no fight between any human being ...almost all fights occur the name of god and the name of religious ...everybudy plz if you agree with sahir, post here /smiley atleast 99% people must post here
_LeGoLaS_ 2012/12/03 16:18
Quote: Riddhi: wish everybody think like you ...then there is no fight between any human being ...almost all fights occur the name of god and the name of religious ...everybudy plz if you agree with sahir, post here /smiley atleast 99% people must post here
/smiley r u dreaming? Terrorist people are born to kill hindus and christains

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/12/03 20:50
Sweet_Divyanka 2012/12/03 22:36
confused so many Gods here but there exists just One -luk-
Mu-ayd 2013/01/23 20:29
Nice one again...another unity topic...very gud!!
TheOne 2013/01/23 21:05
Welldone sahir,by seeing ur posts in news & faith forums i'd have never imagined u think as human & not a staunch muslim
saahir 2013/01/24 01:39
Quote: Sweet_Divyanka: confused so many Gods here but there exists just One -luk-

Thaz only the fact, no matter u call him by what ever name. All beautiful & good attributions belong to him.

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/10/18 10:15
Milisha 2017/05/30 00:51
izac 2017/05/31 23:53
Quote: _ShAnE_StArK_: Nyc..../smiley

We miss u brother.

Thapasya 2017/06/09 16:58
Good one...
Replies: 21

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