Abbott Condems 'Evil' Islamist Protest by Spoon 2012/09/25 06:14
VIOLENT protests over a controversial US film about the Prophet Mohammed were a demonstration of "evil", Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says.
Mr Abbott told the RSL annual conference in Sydney on Tuesday that free speech was necessary for a free society but that this month's outbreak of violence was unacceptable.
"This notion that there can only be one path to God, with death for all who disagree, is simply evil," he said, adding that such attitudes spawned September 11, Bali, the London and Madrid bombings and the Mumbai massacre.

chezBEE 2012/09/26 03:54
so spoon you now telling me its because obama is muslim he will be then judged bias? ohh well thankfully then obama is muslim..btw you need not tell me obama is muslim...cuz I know it super aunty since the start of his politics/smiley
Spoon 2012/09/26 06:22
Quote: chezBEE: so spoon you now telling me its because obama is muslim he will be then judged bias? ohh well thankfully then obama is muslim..btw you need not tell me obama is muslim...cuz I know it super aunty since the start of his politics/smiley
ok u know hes muslim yet muslims r having ago because america isnt doing anything yet he runs america. did you ever think its because by LAW the movie hadnt done wrong im not saying its not wrong by ur beliefs just by LAW its not wrong and even then it doesnt give the right for innocents around the world to b killed harmed or property damaged in protest of it

chezBEE 2012/09/26 09:31
Quote: Spoon: ok u know hes muslim yet muslims r having ago because america isnt doing anything yet he runs america. did you ever think its because by LAW the movie hadnt done wrong im not saying its not wrong by ur beliefs just by LAW its not wrong and even then it doesnt give the right for innocents around the world to b killed harmed or property damaged in protest of it
have it ever cross your mind aswell that muslims were quite and living all happy until this idiot produced a vedio which clearly attack the muslims? you just saw what blaspmy did. it hurts you think hurting people is good?I feel sad how this idiotic come up a vedio that is offending that tells about bullcrap and over the information the producer himself doesnt even know?why this idiot come up with this kind of movie just to hurt others why wud they do that? now the riot and the bounty are but the consequences of the people behind the overly reaction? of the muslims are they to blame?of course the blame must lies with the people who incited the muslims to violence...

sisfreak 2012/09/26 09:46
Can i come to your muslim country and start preeching christianity?? oh no like love i can youd kill me because you dont consider other faits have right to be,yet thats what muslims are doing here in uk and other countries .rule 1 if you goto live in other country RESPECT there laws and ways Dont try to make that country a satellite of your homeland YOU left ,your a guest in the country youve turned up in respect it!and obide by its laws n ways of go home if dont like it because we dont like your trying to change us to muslim states ,you know maybe we write books and draw cartoons and make films to display general feelings to how your behaving in other countries
TheMouse 2012/09/27 18:48
POINT 1: Folks, stop calling it a 'film', or 'movie', because it insults the art of cinema. POINT 2: I tried in another thread to explain that USA cannot 'punish the culprits behind the film' because in a democratic state with no state religion there is no culprit, no crime, no punishment in the case, meaning there is no case. For folks like chocolate boy etc. this will probably remain completely unintelligible, for some reason they can't comprehend that there are societies outside their own. POINT 3: By saying you only need to punish the makers of the ... video in order to keep the muslims peaceful one actually makes a statement which lets all muslims appear as complete idiots who are not responsible for their actions. So, choc boy and company, is THAT really what U wanna say repeatedly?
haris 2012/09/27 22:17
Quote: TheMouse: pOINT 1: Folks, stop calling it a 'film', or 'movie', because it insults the art of cinema. POINT 2: I tried in another thread to explain that USA cannot 'punish the culprits behind the film' because in a democratic state with no state religion there is no culprit, no crime, no punishment in the case, meaning there is no case. For folks like chocolate boy etc. this will probably remain completely unintelligible, for some reason they can't comprehend that there are societies outside their own. POINT 3: By saying you only need to punish the makers of the ... video in order to keep the muslims peaceful one actually makes a statement which lets all muslims appear as complete idiots who are not responsible for their actions. So, choc boy and company, is THAT really what U wanna say repeatedly?
would like to say somethin about ur point number 2 lol..
Julian assange, wikileaks man manager or chairman, whatever he is.. Has been deported frm america by american govt, and he is residing smwhr far frm america.. he disclosed american govt's corrupt offices and scams. Didnt insult any1, neither mocked or gave a hate speech. He was within that so-called freedom of speech, which U.S always talks about. Then why this double standards?
You cant find a law to ban a film which is insultive and provocative to a religious sect or group, and the excuse you give is freedom of speech, then why julian assange isnt allowed to speak what he sees or feels has got to say about american govt and it's leaders.
Clear case of double standards.
Julian assange slammed obama adminstration over his stand on freedom of speech lol..

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/28 01:54
Julian Assange is actually wanted in Sweden on sexual assault charges. So far the US has nothing on him. He fears that he will be extradited to US and prosecuted on some bullshxt charges but so far nothing of the sort has happened.

Also, wrong analogy. Leaking classified documents is not the same thing as making a stupid video or drawing a cartoon.

chezBEE 2012/09/28 14:26
If you like to preach your religion, preach! but dun just mock other religion that is the point..and yes anti islam always target the islam religion subject for mocking bcuz they know how valuable this to muslims..can you risk ur live in the name of religion? Islam yes...btw islam never attack first unless they are bieng attacked just what the result of the making of this crap vedio.
Manal 2012/09/28 17:00
Quote: chezBEE: If you like to preach your religion, preach! but dun just mock other religion that is the point..and yes anti islam always target the islam religion subject for mocking bcuz they know how valuable this to muslims..can you risk ur live in the name of religion? Islam yes...btw islam never attack first unless they are bieng attacked just what the result of the making of this crap vedio.
all they know is to show how bad they are

chocolate.boy 2012/09/28 18:31
who the hell deleted my post? what was wrong in that? I just said. "nothing less than death to film maker" as muslim I will say it again and again ,if you cant stand the truth then get a life somewhere else, huh
Kumz 2012/09/28 19:17
Quote: chocolate.boy: I dont think its a freedom of speech if it hurts one's religious sentiments , and the guilty party must face the consequences
Quran 2:254-2:258

A part of the quran which uses "freedom of speech" which "hurts one's religious sentiments".

2:257 God is the patron of the faithful. He leads them from darkness to the light. As for those who deny the truth, their supporter is Satan, who brings them out of the light into darkness. They are the heirs of the Fire, and there they will remain"

I'm yet to burn a quran or strap a bomb around my body and walk in to a mosque just cz a book implies that my belief is the way of Satan.

Grow the ef up and stop getting your thong twisted around your testicles just cz of a silly movie.(which would not have had even 1 percent of the publicity it has got now, if not for the cheap thongs they sell to you guys!)

Kumz 2012/09/28 19:37
Quote: chezBEE: btw islam never attack first unless they are bieng attacked just what the result of the making of this crap vedio.
Eye for an eye? Is that allowed in your religion?

Oh... Quran 5:33-34... I read it saying

"Those that make against god and his messenger and spread disorder in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternative sides, or be banished from the country. They shall be disgraced in this world, and then severely punished in the hereafter, except for those who repent before you gain power over them: for you must know that god is forgiving and merciful".

Eh... But then quran 2:109 says...

"Many among the people of the book wish, through envy, to lead you back to unbelief, now that you have embraced the faith and the truth has been made plain to them. But you should pardon them and bear with them until god gives his command. Truly god has more power over all things.

Oh man... No wonder you guys start PMSing over a movie... This stuff can confuse even Naik!

Kumz 2012/09/28 19:50
Quote: chocolate.boy: who the hell deleted my post? what was wrong in that? I just said. "nothing less than death to film maker" as muslim I will say it again and again ,if you cant stand the truth then get a life somewhere else, huh
Oh I'm sure everyone can stand the truth... But I suspect it's your...errrmmm...ignorance which is somewhat intolerable.

Not to mention your terrorist-ish tendencies...

haris 2012/09/28 20:32
I dont think our so-called senior 2wappers will stop posting insults to othr's beliefs.
This topic cant be kept open anymore/smiley

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