TheMouse: pOINT 1: Folks, stop calling it a 'film', or 'movie', because it insults the art of cinema. POINT 2: I tried in another thread to explain that USA cannot 'punish the culprits behind the film' because in a democratic state with no state religion there is no culprit, no crime, no punishment in the case, meaning there is no case. For folks like chocolate boy etc. this will probably remain completely unintelligible, for some reason they can't comprehend that there are societies outside their own. POINT 3: By saying you only need to punish the makers of the ... video in order to keep the muslims peaceful one actually makes a statement which lets all muslims appear as complete idiots who are not responsible for their actions. So, choc boy and company, is THAT really what U wanna say repeatedly?
would like to say somethin about ur point number 2 lol..
Julian assange, wikileaks man manager or chairman, whatever he is.. Has been deported frm america by american govt, and he is residing smwhr far frm america.. he disclosed american govt's corrupt offices and scams. Didnt insult any1, neither mocked or gave a hate speech. He was within that so-called freedom of speech, which U.S always talks about. Then why this double standards?
You cant find a law to ban a film which is insultive and provocative to a religious sect or group, and the excuse you give is freedom of speech, then why julian assange isnt allowed to speak what he sees or feels has got to say about american govt and it's leaders.
Clear case of double standards.
Julian assange slammed obama adminstration over his stand on freedom of speech lol..