Abbott Condems 'Evil' Islamist Protest by Spoon 2012/09/25 06:14
VIOLENT protests over a controversial US film about the Prophet Mohammed were a demonstration of "evil", Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says.
Mr Abbott told the RSL annual conference in Sydney on Tuesday that free speech was necessary for a free society but that this month's outbreak of violence was unacceptable.
"This notion that there can only be one path to God, with death for all who disagree, is simply evil," he said, adding that such attitudes spawned September 11, Bali, the London and Madrid bombings and the Mumbai massacre.

Spoon 2012/09/25 06:15
It also drove suicide attacks in Iraq and elsewhere, Mr Abbott said.
"It's probably the greatest threat to the world's security because it admits of no compromise, yet here was a kindred spirit aggressive and outspoken on our own streets," he said.
Mr Abbott said fighting the consequences of religious fundamentalism in Afghanistan could seem pointless if violent intolerance was not adequately dealt with in Australia.
He thanked the efforts of Australian Muslim leaders to call for greater tolerance and respect.
"As a people Australians don't reject any particular religion but we do reject extremism," Mr Abbott said.
"Newcomers to Australia don't have to surrender their heritage but they do have to surrender their hatreds."

sisfreak 2012/09/25 07:11
yes great post! /smiley here in uk many "VISITORS" are trying to make uk bongobongoland with there rules and very anti uk,,they need respect there hosts country laws and ways and if dont like it they can love off back where they came from ,im sick and tired of this Crap! weve had quite a few familys here arrange marriage for teen daughters and the teens wants to be like other uk teens and choose own partner ,but OH NO thats against their homelands laws n ways so they kill own daughter ,luckily they are being drawn to justice as in uk you obide by uk laws and not Bongobongoland laws,,,and bye bye Abu Hamza we dont allow you to preach evil here in uk /smiley
Spoon 2012/09/25 07:14
Quote: sisfreak: yes great post! /smiley here in uk many "VISITORS" are trying to make uk bongobongoland with there rules and very anti uk,,they need respect there hosts country laws and ways and if dont like it they can love off back where they came from ,im sick and tired of this Crap! weve had quite a few familys here arrange marriage for teen daughters and the teens wants to be like other uk teens and choose own partner ,but OH NO thats against their homelands laws n ways so they kill own daughter ,luckily they are being drawn to justice as in uk you obide by uk laws and not Bongobongoland laws,,,and bye bye Abu Hamza we dont allow you to preach evil here in uk /smiley
my next topic was going to b about Abu Hamza and how his appeal was denied

sisfreak 2012/09/25 07:17
yes put that up n maybe that will cause 2wap outrage /smiley pooor preecher sent to usa death camp ,death to all christians , blowup some innocents in protest ect
chocolate.boy 2012/09/25 10:22
Mr Abbott first ask obama to catch those culprits behind the film and punish them ! Defaming and insulting one's religion is freedom of speech for you? oh man Get a life , huh
sisfreak 2012/09/25 10:45
yes it is freedom speech were allowed to speak our minds than doesnt give muslims the right to impose a death penalty on the author ,they did the same on salman Rushdie "The Satanic Verses" wow its a book! you burn usa uk and other countries flags in the street chanting death to usa death to wherever now thats a little more harsh than a cartoon,film,or book but do you get punished? oh no its allowed so please do enjoy the films ,cartoons and books were not chanting death to your countries ,well not just yet anyhows ,you need to chill out goodstyle and worry about "REAL" things that Matter /smiley
Spoon 2012/09/25 11:46
Quote: chocolate.boy: Mr Abbott first ask obama to catch those culprits behind the film and punish them ! Defaming and insulting one's religion is freedom of speech for you? oh man Get a life , huh
ok first off it is freedom of speach and unless it breaks any laws it can be said and shari law and islam isnt worldwide laws its religious laws so they dnt count 2nd abbott is australian hes saying about australia a country that had nothing to do with the video so why shld the australian ppl cop the crap from sumthing that happened in a different country that they had nothing to do with? read wot he said in australia we dont tell u to leave ur heritage behind when u move here just ur hatred we welcome free speach but wont stand for extremist that think they above the law. like most countries we have laws and when in that country u have to obey them muslims aint above that

Hareesh 2012/09/25 11:53
I think voilence is ................?
devil_avocate 2012/09/25 12:34
its all easy for those who arent directly feels the impact brought about the filming of this I called the direct attacked on the belief of ISLAM..while others called it as freedom of express...dont the muslims has also the the right to protect and depend thier beliefs? in the first place the one responsible for the filming of this movie knows that his doing will produce negative impact to islam followers so let the guilty party suffer the consequences of thier doing...but am not saying am into violence...let the one who causes this conflict step forward appologized and withdraw the filming of the said more no less.
Spoon 2012/09/25 12:50
Quote: devil_avocate: its all easy for those who arent directly feels the impact brought about the filming of this I called the direct attacked on the belief of ISLAM..while others called it as freedom of express...dont the muslims has also the the right to protect and depend thier beliefs? in the first place the one responsible for the filming of this movie knows that his doing will produce negative impact to islam followers so let the guilty party suffer the consequences of thier doing...but am not saying am into violence...let the one who causes this conflict step forward appologized and withdraw the filming of the said more no less.
see that wld b a peacefull solution yet it didnt happen like that it wasnt given the chance to, very few ppl wld of even known about the video if sum muslims ddnt react the way they did and good chance it wld of been solved peacefully and quietly

chocolate.boy 2012/09/25 13:12
I dont think its a freedom of speech if it hurts one's religious sentiments , and the guilty party must face the consequences as devil said , but i know he will not be punished never ,as long as america support him , thats why ppl are so furious with america
America dont want to stop violance coz he is enjoying all incident silently, so called super power america who ruined afghanistan and iraq , it is so difficult for them to catch the film maker and punish him? of course not!
Things would have been lot better if america had handled the issue sincerely

Spoon 2012/09/25 13:18
Quote: chocolate.boy: I dont think its a freedom of speech if it hurts one's religious sentiments , and the guilty party must face the consequences as devil said , but i know he will not be punished never ,as long as america support him , thats why ppl are so furious with america
America dont want to stop violance coz he is enjoying all incident silently, so called super power america who ruined afghanistan and iraq , it is so difficult for them to catch the film maker and punish him? of course not!
Things would have been lot better if america had handled the issue sincerely
freedom of speech is sumthing we all have wot he done with the video so far from wot ive seen and read doesnt break any laws so not alot can b done theres many things in this world that ppl dnt agree with or feel insulted by or offended by but not every1 reacts like the reactions have been and those reactions went to far and did break laws religion thru out the centuries have been offended 1 way or another yet again they havent reacted above the law

chocolate.boy 2012/09/25 13:34
I dont agree , america have to stop these double standards and stop taking soft corner toward those film makers
Spoon 2012/09/25 14:15
u do realise if they ban every movie that offends sum1 there wld b no movies
chezBEE 2012/09/25 15:08
take note spoon its not just someone..have you read the yahoo news today? obama have give instruction to the united nation to investigate the unrest of the know well the root cause of the unrest of the muslim..if this culprit responsible for the unrest of muslims will be hold responsible for his act only then will muslim be calm..if you talk of non violence then why not come up with the solution to calm down these unrest muslims? is it that hard to give room for the sentiments of these unrest muslims..dont you think spoon if this movie will be stop it will serves as example for others to be responsible in producing movies.
chocolate.boy 2012/09/25 17:39
Movies are made for entertainment , knowledge not to insult any religion ,and in our religion , we respect other religion and dont call it entertainment or freedom of expression when some 1 insult a particular religion
SKYLARK 2012/09/25 17:55
A good piece of information by a pakistan muslem guy good WRITING, press karma+ if u agree.
_usman_pk 2012/09/25 21:18
Quote: sisfreak: yes it is freedom speech were allowed to speak our minds than doesnt give muslims the right to impose a death penalty on the author ,they did the same on salman Rushdie "The Satanic Verses" wow its a book! you burn usa uk and other countries flags in the street chanting death to usa death to wherever now thats a little more harsh than a cartoon,film,or book but do you get punished? oh no its allowed so please do enjoy the films ,cartoons and books were not chanting death to your countries ,well not just yet anyhows ,you need to chill out goodstyle and worry about "REAL" things that Matter /smiley
enjoy enjoy enjoy! Its ur nature! U r in world's just enjoy! But listen Muslims cant listen againt Islam n our PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBHM) ! If any muslim wil say 1 word againt another relgion ! Islam n tru muslim's 100% condemns! Islam teach us murdur of 1 inocent human is a murder of humanity! Islam giv us lesson to live wid love n peace forever!

_usman_pk 2012/09/25 21:28
stop speak againt Islam n muslims! Whats u doing in Iraqe, Afganistan, n nort Pakistan! Killing childs n womeans everyday! Y y y? Whar is ur cheap media ? Y who cant show that? U r a killer u r no.1 tararest no.1 criminal of humanity!
Spoon 2012/09/25 21:38
Quote: chezBEE: take note spoon its not just someone..have you read the yahoo news today? obama have give instruction to the united nation to investigate the unrest of the know well the root cause of the unrest of the muslim..if this culprit responsible for the unrest of muslims will be hold responsible for his act only then will muslim be calm..if you talk of non violence then why not come up with the solution to calm down these unrest muslims? is it that hard to give room for the sentiments of these unrest muslims..dont you think spoon if this movie will be stop it will serves as example for others to be responsible in producing movies.
take note urself did u now Obama is muslim?

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