chocolate.boy: I dont think its a freedom of speech if it hurts one's religious sentiments , and the guilty party must face the consequences as devil said , but i know he will not be punished never ,as long as america support him , thats why ppl are so furious with america
America dont want to stop violance coz he is enjoying all incident silently, so called super power america who ruined afghanistan and iraq , it is so difficult for them to catch the film maker and punish him? of course not!
Things would have been lot better if america had handled the issue sincerely
freedom of speech is sumthing we all have wot he done with the video so far from wot ive seen and read doesnt break any laws so not alot can b done theres many things in this world that ppl dnt agree with or feel insulted by or offended by but not every1 reacts like the reactions have been and those reactions went to far and did break laws religion thru out the centuries have been offended 1 way or another yet again they havent reacted above the law