BB2WAP MANSION sn1 by Amorian 2012/05/18 05:05
This is wher players do their daily signings so as to proove that they are still playing the game. If in two days there no signing by a player? He or she will receive an automatic eviction with or without vote. But posta by two prominent mods can lift the eviction...ALL BREKING NEWS OF THE GAME CAN BE FOUND HERE.


Kumz 2012/06/09 11:27
I is here!
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/06/09 13:00
present. . . .
HandsomeDon 2012/06/09 23:45
good morning brother and all our participate /smiley presenet .-ghi-
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/06/10 01:19
Gud morning all. M present
Kumz 2012/06/10 04:56
Kanchan 2012/06/10 09:42
Jill 2012/06/10 12:10
Iam In.!
HandsomeDon 2012/06/11 00:03
good morning brother and all /smiley/smiley present -ghi-
Jill 2012/06/11 00:18
S., present.!
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/06/11 03:03
..M presernt
Kanchan 2012/06/11 05:52
Present /smiley
Kumz 2012/06/11 06:41
//;===' |BANG|''''V
Amorian 2012/06/11 10:15
Go to press today
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/06/11 18:37
11 jun.
Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/11 23:35
HandsomeDon 2012/06/11 23:49
good morning all of ........ present brothe -ghi-
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/06/12 02:04
Present here .
Jill 2012/06/12 06:52
Yupp yupp.. June 12th
Kumz 2012/06/12 08:56
In!!!!! m/
Kanchan 2012/06/12 10:57
Presenttttt /smiley
Replies: 197

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