BB2WAP MANSION sn1 by Amorian 2012/05/18 05:05
This is wher players do their daily signings so as to proove that they are still playing the game. If in two days there no signing by a player? He or she will receive an automatic eviction with or without vote. But posta by two prominent mods can lift the eviction...ALL BREKING NEWS OF THE GAME CAN BE FOUND HERE.


THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/06/06 12:07
present. . . . . .
Kumz 2012/06/06 12:51
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/06/07 00:21
Ting tong m in
Kumz 2012/06/07 04:43
Kanchan 2012/06/07 08:02
Knock knock /smiley
HandsomeDon 2012/06/07 12:32
present bro /smiley
Jill 2012/06/07 12:42
June 7th..
Barbiecute 2012/06/07 15:32
again m present
Tweetylicious 2012/06/07 19:38
I wanna play too!!!!! /smiley
samii 2012/06/07 23:23
I am also playing
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/06/07 23:53
M present....
HandsomeDon 2012/06/08 00:52
present bro -ghi- have a nice day starts ...
Kanchan 2012/06/08 07:52
Present today -June 8 /smiley
Kumz 2012/06/08 08:50
Jill 2012/06/08 12:51
8th m in..
Barbiecute 2012/06/08 15:36
present sir /smiley
HandsomeDon 2012/06/08 23:59
good morning bro and all participates yes present -ghi-
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/06/09 09:16
M Present
Kanchan 2012/06/09 09:21
Present -June 9
Jill 2012/06/09 10:03
Iam in
Replies: 197

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