~Happy Birthday of latrine~ by KingFISHER 2012/04/18 00:31
user name: latrine
Age: 33yrs and 364days (at the time when topic created)
Sex:Male (I heard it)
Level:3 Crown and 2 Sun
Forum Post:23869(at the time when topic created)
Signature: lord of the porcelain throne
User infos: .....Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.

Yes, 2wapperz He is our dear Administrator. He has a birthday on 19 April

-bestwishes-wish him and flood his Guestbook.-birthday2-

latrine 2012/04/19 10:50
thanx for the kisses but I want more!!!!!/smiley
harry_potter 2012/04/19 11:01
Quote: latrine: thanx for the kisses but I want more!!!!!/smiley
she cost 1mil a night.just saying.

NinthElement 2012/04/19 12:23
/smiley Happy Birthday Latrine! Have a blessed day and a fulfilling year ahead.
Misty 2012/05/11 16:53
Hppy bday with luv
Sweetcapricorn 2012/05/12 05:54
/smiley to u latrine be happy -happy- always./smiley
ShAhZaDa 2012/05/12 06:08
happy birthday bro. May ur dreams c0me true n may u live l0nger.
Barbiecute 2012/05/26 05:07
hppy bday latrine...god bless uh dear /smiley
Replies: 67

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