~Happy Birthday of latrine~ by KingFISHER 2012/04/18 00:31
user name: latrine
Age: 33yrs and 364days (at the time when topic created)
Sex:Male (I heard it)
Level:3 Crown and 2 Sun
Forum Post:23869(at the time when topic created)
Signature: lord of the porcelain throne
User infos: .....Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.

Yes, 2wapperz He is our dear Administrator. He has a birthday on 19 April

-bestwishes-wish him and flood his Guestbook.-birthday2-

WilLow_DarkSky 2012/04/18 15:35
/smileydear admin..more bday to come/smiley
Manal 2012/04/18 16:30
GhAyAl 2012/04/18 17:08
Many many happy returns ov d day
Happy birthday

Mace_Seiler 2012/04/18 17:26
Happy happybirthday to u..bless u always!
Manal 2012/04/18 17:43
8;43pm saudi time.happy Birthday
____THe.bosS 2012/04/18 17:56
Happy birthday bro
Lelsi 2012/04/18 20:49
/smiley latrine and many happy returns of the day/smiley
jaQui 2012/04/18 20:59
*happy birthday 2u*

Tweetylicious 2012/04/19 03:05
/smiley I'm late! Happy birthday stoutgat!! /smiley
Alebi 2012/04/19 03:22
enjoy your day/smiley
Trax 2012/04/19 03:43
but when was latrine birthday ??
Amywilliam 2012/04/19 03:50
Happy b-day latrine/smiley
Manal 2012/04/19 05:03
party party party/smiley
latrine 2012/04/19 07:06
Thanks to u all for the wishes!! Now ladies I will b excepting kisses!
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/04/19 08:31
Happy birthday bro/smiley time to get the free kisses from the lovely ladies/smiley
Amorian 2012/04/19 10:06
Happy bday bro. I hope we ll get avhance to knw each oda beta someday
Mace_Seiler 2012/04/19 10:10
This is my /smiley to Latrine.. No murmurs.. Hmm here i go.. /smiley haha
aprillia 2012/04/19 10:11
Quote: EpIcInCoGnItO: Happy birthday bro/smiley time to get the free kisses from the lovely ladies/smiley

/smiley i dnt know u /smiley bt i wish u
always in h@ppiness n widom.
Godbless u.....

Ginamarie 2012/04/19 10:13
/smiley & many more joyous ones to come /smiley
*kiss* & here's your birthday kiss /smiley

harry_potter 2012/04/19 10:43
Hermione send some kisses to you sir.she said u look awesome in that red bikini.
Replies: 67

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