DEATH ARENA {BLOOD BATH EMPIRE} by Resphanto2012/01/25 10:30 yeah yeah yoh!!! Shaev7 and El-jay lets nail all 'em diss bitches upside down to da Cross wit bones.
Sippin 'em bloods with Straws! You got Brawl? Settle it Here.
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Shaev72012/01/25 11:01 Who gona survive? haha lyk el-jay shoot me 9times and i'l stil survive/
even if i die i'l stil Revive/
i com 2wt my Revolver 5/
phuk al yal b.chez Hoes/
I put yal deep down six feet Holes/
and wont 4get drinkn yal blood with-d Hoss/
Ressy, SHAEV7 n El-jay we go em Moss! lol
smokin my dick ain flamin da Sperm/
tryn 2impreg ds b.tchez bt dy alrdy got infctd wt Germs/
my gas fart flows wt flamez of Hemps/
haha... who wana rol should off all ya Heads/
ds diabolical fight rite nw nw i walk wtout Legs/
i surviv wtout Redblood Cells/
my ear got deaf by d sound of Vatican Bells/jeah jeah jeah 7 grabin da Tech/
sh.t i gota go pray b4 i behead ya Neck/
blah! tortology...daz how we spit of our Deck!
Resphanto2012/01/25 12:09 oh wtf!!! Who are diss??????
On and off i Burst da SAME^SWITCH/2012 nd im hooked up wit diss LAME^BITCH/fuckin SLEEKGURL's pussy til its due for da SAME^STITCH/Narcoticz waves his flag to be Gud wen his NOT/like a fag u stuck yr dick in yr BUTT/am so alive cos ma shadow slept wit DEATH/u smell yr pores nd hold yr fuckin BREATH/like Whizkalifa ''i roll up'' in ''BLACK^n^YELLOW''/yr rhymes are WACK'n'SHALLOW/i ditch haters like eminem and wayne i hit u wit ''NO^ LOVE''/i make u brawl wit yr lifes screamin OH^LORD/..Narcoticz barely walk or talk after El-JAY broke his SPINE/dnt brawl on Ressy cos u might be sippin outta a sweet poisioned WINE/SLEEKGURL is jst a bitch every rapper is gonna hit ONCE/spreadin yr wack infected CUNT/u blabbin wit SHEAV7...who da fuck is NAR^CO^TICZ/maybe a assholer bunch of FAG^GO^TICZ/dnt want be HARD^at^YOU/cos ASkARI aint MAD^at^YOU/lame burstas whu keeps HATING/no love in SHEAV7's heart he aint DATING/u love his rhymes nw u wanna kiss him..fuckin FAGGOT/u feedin on worms yet u hate MAGGOT/cant count hw many bitches i hav LAYED/u wasted half yr life battling El-JAY nd still got SLAYED/on yr spine i CRACk^da^ BOTTLE/yr a baby in da game i BACK^da^ LITTLE/Am a STAR/am stickin to da SKY/eagles scared of how i FLY/strollin on CLOUD/wit 99.9million CROWD/SLEEKGURL wanna TALK?/bitch...shut da fuck UP/and hold ma dick like a fuckin GLOCK/ama stuck ma POLE/rite inside yr fuckin HOLE/u keep up wit a loud SCREAM/am so addicted to GREENS(weed)/ma eyes could see beyond ma phone SCREEN/
On and off i Burst da SAME^SWITCH/2012 nd im hooked up wit diss LAME^BITCH/fuckin SLEEKGURL's pussy til its due for da SAME^STITCH/Narcoticz waves his flag to be Gud wen his NOT/like a fag u stuck yr dick in yr BUTT/am so alive cos ma shadow slept wit DEATH/u smell yr pores nd hold yr fuckin BREATH/like Whizkalifa ''i roll up'' in ''BLACK^n^YELLOW''/yr rhymes are WACK'n'SHALLOW/i ditch haters like eminem and wayne i hit u wit ''NO^ LOVE''/i make u brawl wit yr lifes screamin OH^LORD/..Narcoticz barely walk or talk after El-JAY broke his SPINE/dnt brawl on Ressy cos u might be sippin outta a sweet poisioned WINE/SLEEKGURL is jst a bitch every rapper is gonna hit ONCE/spreadin yr wack infected CUNT/u blabbin wit SHEAV7...who da fuck is NAR^CO^TICZ/maybe a assholer bunch of FAG^GO^TICZ/dnt want be HARD^at^YOU/cos ASkARI aint MAD^at^YOU/lame burstas whu keeps HATING/no love in SHEAV7's heart he aint DATING/u love his rhymes nw u wanna kiss him..fuckin FAGGOT/u feedin on worms yet u hate MAGGOT/cant count hw many bitches i hav LAYED/u wasted half yr life battling El-JAY nd still got SLAYED/on yr spine i CRACk^da^ BOTTLE/yr a baby in da game i BACK^da^ LITTLE/Am a STAR/am stickin to da SKY/eagles scared of how i FLY/strollin on CLOUD/wit 99.9million CROWD/SLEEKGURL wanna TALK?/bitch...shut da fuck UP/and hold ma dick like a fuckin GLOCK/ama stuck ma POLE/rite inside yr fuckin HOLE/u keep up wit a loud SCREAM/am so addicted to GREENS(weed)/ma eyes could see beyond ma phone SCREEN/
just a warnin Note...tink twice
ayt ayt I see I see stay tuned got a wave coming ur way by the names of narco three 1 third n sleek gurl
Askari2012/01/25 13:06 Narcoticz***dats d fuckin NAME/hidin at a bitch's back damn ur fuckin LAME/Ressy boss bitch MAGNET/Sickgurl bred off diss fuckin PLANET/El-jay,SHAEV,RESSY takin turns at her BOOT/got more bars to SHOOT/feel dhe briston HEAT/from yr ass it drops like SHIT/blow outta da GHETTO/got ma niga RESPHANTO/paparazzi wit no fuckin PHOTO/killed ya'll and buried in PLUTO/Narcoticz n Sickgurl got no rhymes in their brains so dnt try to stress IT/ where is d Mic cos i keep eating IT/so fast like TWISTA/pussies followin dicks TWEETER/am a pure rap MA^CHINE/sickgurl's pussy aint deep like da dimple in MA^CHIN/ i flows so grenade BARS/blow u both to MARS/
SLEEKGURL2012/01/25 13:07 Wow wow wow!
I love it when its same room,same maker.
When it comes to wrestling call me the rope braker.
And if its dissing you can call me hope taker.
Someone please help me get an undertaker.
Dig six feet for this beast of no gender.
Resphanto is cute,I wanna make him feel it.
But if I want a friend,I'll prefer a goat or a rabbit.
F%*king a block hole is your motive,you're an addict.
There's a story,am happy I got heart it.
I heard you're mum threw you out when you were 2 weeks old.
Wondering what mum who can leave you in the cold.
When am damn cruising on on heavy load.
Let me make it clear,sleek is da gurl this year.
Bragging right comes and you all disappear.
Gangstar girl and you fools come next.
Resphanto you don't need to be too complex.
Am big enough and you're just at middle.
As****e relax,I can feel your libido.
When you poke you nose,I know you're from da little.
I wonder why you're acting like a son of mosquito.
Upgrade that,HELL INTRO!
My swag tells you what am into.
Google my names and check ma info.
Here ma word,I know you want promo.
You're standing way to close,you're so Homo.
You need to clean up your flows,you need OMO.
Beefing any damn fucking wacked rapper is my motto.
-sleekgurl ^_^
Resphanto2012/01/25 13:27 Am checkIN^ in.....1....2 wat da fuck i lost ma ^WRIST/how do i fuckIN^ write diss ^SHXT/on da paper cos ma words ar so ^TWIST/am back wit ^TERROR dey call da NIGHT^MARE/i do some ^HORROR shxt and still FIGHT^FARE/damn! da time is TEN^PAST^EIGHT/com for ma lesson,i'll give u a LEARN^FAST^RATE/ama ^PLUCK out yr eye^BALL/^SUCK all da worms in yr ^SKULL/make u so empty and ^NULL/i rate 76666 volts while droppIN^ ma ^DOPE/electricut yr ass so lean like a ^ROPE/pop ma ^DICK and ^BLOW out ma ^CUMZ/ma rhymes ar ^SICK so ^SLOW burstIN^ yr ear^DRUMZ/i fuck ^STRAIGHT Sleekgurl ^ONCE/she gave ^BIRTH to Narcoticz ^TWICE/i rocked her ^TITs da bitch fucks ^NICE/da ^GAME has STARTED^CALL me da ^BRAWLER/i cause yr ^LAME ass a RETARDED^FALL cos am a life ^SUCKER/i TURN^STONE to ^BREAD in da ^BIBLE am next to ^JESUS/a game in FUN^TOWN i ^PLAYED on yr ^NIPPLEs ask ^JAMOLUS/i cause da WHOLE^WORLD a THUG^WAR/as i spill ur ass^HOLE wit a ^WORD just as i FLOGGED^YA'ALL/
Quote: Askari: Narcoticz***dats d fuckin NAME/hidin at a bitch's back damn ur fuckin LAME/Ressy boss bitch MAGNET/Sickgurl bred off diss fuckin PLANET/El-jay,SHAEV,RESSY takin turns at her BOOT/got more bars to SHOOT/feel dhe briston HEAT/from yr ass it drops like SHIT/blow outta da GHETTO/got ma niga RESPHANTO/paparazzi wit no fuckin PHOTO/killed ya'll and buried in PLUTO/Narcoticz n Sickgurl got no rhymes in their brains so dnt try to stress IT/ where is d Mic cos i keep eating IT/so fast like TWISTA/pussies followin dicks TWEETER/am a pure rap MA^CHINE/sickgurl's pussy aint deep like da dimple in MA^CHIN/ i flows so grenade BARS/blow u both to MARS/
I know am a bitch cos thats what you call your mother.
If she was an art,I promise I'll mud her.
Gay ass licking dude,I don't wanna murder.
Mind you bulldog lemme get further.
Am da yardstick bombastic,there can never be another.
Askari forming like daft charlse taylor.
I won't mind sowing your black ass like am a tailor.
Bad guy I know you're a failure.
You're welcome to ma ship here am a sailor.
Face me and leave narcoticz outta this.
Am so rude cos I won't say please.
This game is diss,welcome to da feast.
Askari pants down or you hate ma fist.
-sleekgurl ^_^
SLEEKGURL2012/01/25 13:51 I've got a small silly question that I wanna ask you.
Wanna know how large is a room for two.
Where Resphanto is busy shedding cumz on his mama.
And I wonder if He's normal.
My words are just straight forward no comma.
You can spy through thy dick,If you're effing with ma grammar.
Am a goddess like prof.Lord Rahmah.
When I was 10 year old,I wonder where your grandma was.
Slayed by me am spartacus.
Everything around me takes vex cos.
Am tryma make your life pause.
Thats cool cos you're masturbating.
Checking ma glowing belly keep you vibrating.
Resphanto!am on it,top rating.
Yungboss,el jay,narcoticz are ma friend,we're not dating.
Lame goat RES.............T IN PEACE,perhaps I want you in pieces.
Open your eyes and check out what diss is.
Am doing that shxt,call your dogs to eat ma faeces.
-sleekgurl ^_^
SLEEKGURL2012/01/25 15:14 Hello guys,am going back to school so if anyone has beef package I can always come back when am home.okay?
And Is there any of you at lead city university so we can rock da school as close pals?
So I'll be going back soon,I promise to come back soon.
-sleekgurl ^_^
narcoticz3132012/01/25 17:41 Tempers FLARInG,narcoticz n sleekgurl got 2wap scared,fuck punchlines cus spitting fast n strawy is calm n DARING,I'm a common rapper just like ur mom is usually seen being MolESTED by elderly blokes getting STD n AIDS InFECTED,I've made my mark ere already da pains being INFLICTED/ by verbs el jay won cus of homies INTERFERING/ bt dat bitch got scared wen I spat n ripped it nw its a female hiz FEARING/have to put a group together to get to me sheet dawg u cnt scoop any LOWeR /instead of muffing sleek u nw BLOW HER /use think ure hardcore damn use spit all jumbled up words dnt make SENSES cnt even complete a SENTENCE jesus I'm so evil I apologise wen I say this ur sisters my HOBBiE that I tear up with my FLOPPY I've got trapped in ma JOCKEY shxt that was my dark side I never meant THIS rhyme to be so OFFENSIVE wen I enter ur mother I blow ChUNKS like yela popping his TRUNKS and ending his jail SEnTENCE ahhhhhhhhh! take a deep BREATHE cus ur buttons I'm about to fucking PREsS, fuuuuuuuck! I need a REST cus I'm spitting so SICk I'm like a perverted PRIESt forking a young boy in the temples of BUdAPESt ,I cum and we have a FEAST over askaris mamas OvARIES make a her QUEEF till she SInGS like a amy winehouse WANNABEE "valarie" n yeah I love shaevs rhymes cus hz da only mc I give respect TO cus hz true to his nature n doesn't run up 2wap like el jay with some kind of MENTAL IsSUE issue....death CREW plz....FUCK YOU !
Yungboss2012/01/25 18:57 shxt goin on rite here. Mmmh so fuckin dump. YB
Shaev72012/01/25 21:46 I piss on any phukn TOILET/
u tink u got bad motive, i alrdy SPOIL IT/
my barz shorter dan ur dads DICK/
impreg ur mum n gav brth 2a SQUID/
namez nt nid 2b MENTION/
if narc got brainz he wudnt b in my deteNTION/
i neva meant 2bt phukd dat hoe gurl pussy wt bad inTENTION/
wt a crowbar-like ripin out ya whole FLESH/
i com str8 wt my BELT/
2whoop ya head til it rip out ya NECK/
am off da hospital wt da SYRINGES/
got d hoe zone doin ds TRUMENDOUS/
yae SKOOL/
com tak a bath wt me n gt drownd in ma POOL/
ya spit sh.t uh um DROOL/
Now who's next? Did u cal 4ma bloodt test?
Ds is BloodBath/
am nt here 2phuk mere Whorepant/
hehe lil sh.t now gona drop er. N let da mic bang ur hole!
SLEEKGURL2012/01/26 08:26 Wow Wow Wow,haterz gats to bow.
Am rolling in rage now.
I wanna kill that cow.
I'll get you screaming "WHY ME?"
Before I start deeping my KNIFE IN.
Dat bee stunged cherry brain of yours.
Act like men and not like boys.
Resphanto's brain is expensive,cos its unused.
Thats why is barking cos I've gat him confused.
I saw the fool giving his mama a BLOW JOB.
Your dad is a tiger cub and you've got NO JOB.
Go bring your family or you can call em on my ZAIN.
Am not tony cos I feel no PAIN.
Never be hot like me,even if they boil you.
Never grow like me,even if they plant you.
Am indestructable,I'll chop you off like vegetable.
My flow is unstoppable.
Am so hot am unlimited degree celcius.
Google SLEEKGURL and check ma qualifications.
Am waiting for that green blooded beast called ASKARI.
I've killed so many beast like you,go ASK HARRY.
POTTER in da lake of hell.
He'll tell am hot and you're not well.
I heard you dad cut his new suit to patch his old nicker.
Thats interesting thats why you mum stole a cheap snicker.
My rhyme will make you sick,just fix your fever.
Don't come close or I'll make you an orphan.
You've got a little fly,but sleekgurl is in orbit.
Making more green life to feed ur goat dad.FUCKING!
Narcoticz da guy,don't ask me why.
I feel him so steady,don't give him a try.
We've got fever like lyrics killing there families like malaria.
Sure we gonna perform really well at there funeral.
They're more of a gun with no cartridge.
So we'll shut em down like FASHOLA DID TO THE MAINLAND BRIDGE.
Resphanto2012/01/26 08:38 yeah going...where's da fuckin MIC #
I graduated from da skool of HARD^KNOCKS/two fools wanna hit da block wit BAD^LUCK/i spit broken words no one can FIT/i build on mce like am stackin up BRICKS/i hate fashion but d devil wears PRADA/Ressy holds da hood becomes HARDER/am lost in ma DREAMS/left for me to skip sum SCENES/i turn da world around and walk on da CLOUD/am d most brawler makes mama PROUD/sick gal so dirty,she got SPIROGIRIA/growin on da walls of yr VARGINA/ma dick up im cocaine am fuckin DOPE/diss haters wanna get to ma level,raise up yr HOPE/yall hit lower bt i spill da rap dome like da POPE/sleekgurls pussy so lame she got fucked wit a ROPE/fuck da 'W.C' i drop SHIT/hip hop is like ma FEET/walkin..gets better by every single STEP^i^MAKE/breath in ma flows and feel d dopeness in every AIR^u^TAKE/ama impregnate u, jst to use yr tummy as my punchin BAG/Wackoticz stucks his ass up for 'em FAGs/SLEEK's hair clean up ma sperm like 'em RAG/i gat da game locked up like a playstation in a BOX/NARCO-GURL aint up to ma level washed up a million bars of LUX/ma flows crazy like weezy's DREAD^LOCKZ/SLEEKGURL slept wit da dead..her pussy ate a DEAD^CORK/cum arund and talk abt hw to KILL^ME/bt 4real bitch even if u held a magnum up in a toilet..u still wont KILL^SHIT/
SLEEKGURL2012/01/26 09:36 Am back with death in a NUT-SHELL.
Ressy is ready to feel da HOT-HELL.
He's just a KIDSTAR,I know that He's NOT-WELL.
Thats why ma dog logged his SISTER in a HOTEL.
His brain is in exile,just like CELTEL.
Hahahaha,he said I've got spirogyra in ma pussy.
Am not baffled,I was like lets see.
Why his mum pussy got covered by cobweb.
I got her clear big picture got dog on da web.
And his dad keep driving his bent dick into the key-holes.
This is my game,am not scared of loop-holes.
You're just on the bench when da game already kicked-off.
Am da bad stricker everyone keep speaking of.
Much pinging on my blackberry curve 2.
Messages coming in at da count of 2.
I don't mingle with dogs like Resphanto.
Idiot,I know you wanna fuck me.
I wish you can block me.
Am just independent,nothing can flop me.
You dick can't stand,Its got epilepsy.
And I feel ur family's got leprosy.
If I turn raggae,bob malley can't sing me.
If am Blackberry,nobody can ping me.
If I turn lips,nobody can kiss me.
Even if I turn rap,M.I cannot rap Me.
SLEEKGURL2012/01/26 10:40 Violence In Da air!
Thrillerz got em scare.
I warned him but he won't listen.
Ressy is under his mama's pussy trying fixing.
Her damn pawpaw like opening.
He's got her screaming and cumming.
Oh my god,her ass is burning.
She feel so good like a world class dummy.
Making-up like masqurade,she looks too funny.
I can bet she swallowed a goat with her jar like tummy.
Ressy's dad is just a dickhead.
He is blind and wicked.
With da way He fucks all his daughter.
Kitchen fuck,bedroom fuck,even in da gutter.
Cum pouring like spoilt butter.
Resphanto might be hot but I feel am hotter.
SLEEKGURL makes a move,there can never be another.
Am a sharp sword with two sides.
Mess with me and get two slice.
Am a slippery rock,with full slides.
I though Ressy had sense but its otherwise.
I've checked his I.Q but he's not that wise.
If you wanna approach me,use your eyes.
Resphanto2012/01/26 13:16 yeah yeah....
ohk check me as i bounce in like a TENIS//smack it to yr FACE/like yr dad's PENIS//u jst started runnin wen hav finished da RACE/u said my mums pussy full of COBWEB/bt yr dad's dick tried to enter and was caught in da WEB/if u were a Gladiator u would never DISS^TROY/dnt come close or ama DIS^TROY/cos am da EARTH^MOST^FEARED/am like da mixture of gases i choke da AT^MOS^PHERE/i leave marks in my BATTLE/wit a bite like a RATTLE/and forget ma fangs in yr BUTT/u wanna kiss da shxt under ma NUT/too lame to spit on da MIC/grab it and speak to ma DICK/diss is jst a SNEAK^PRE^VIEW/ur fight to be old wen yr NICK^IS^NEW/am playin wit u softly cos u aint up to da MEAL^I^EAT/cos only nigga wit REAL^EYEs^SEE/ama hang u upside down wit a hook to yr CUNT/at 45 ur dad could screw yr mum cos his dick was BLUNT/am da king of DISS/nd ur jst a fuckin MISS/i stuck ma dick in yr throat and make u RES..t in ma PISS/ma dog fucks yr pussy and GETS^AIDs/am so sick of rhymes...someone pls call me da FIRST^AID/SICK GAL wanna fuck no no NO^SHAWDY/its nt my birthday..its jst a SHOW^PARTY/
SLEEKGURL2012/01/26 14:13 Am gonna bounce on you fool,stop feeling like KING-KONG.
Bring out your broken balls and play it like PING-PONG.
You mum is so cheap like when the jackdow bird SING-SONG.
Call me da Queen,I'll sit on your family and LIVE-LONG.
You rap,your spit is so bitter,OH TWEEEH!
Sleekgurl,you're so merciless.
Taking Resphanto from one million to priceless.
Beef is my business and you're so jobless.
I told your dad,that your just wack rapper.
You've never grown,you're used to torn diaper.
Black ass out,here comes the laughter.
Yeah,yeah,yeah your dad is just interesting.
Killing him now,thats not the next thing.
He sold his junk house to buy a PADLOCK.
What a father,who brought you BADLUCK.
If you want beef,keep pressing your CAPSLOCK.
Before I break your dickhead with a fucking ICEBLOCK.
Am sweet but chilling.
Resphanto what ya filling.
My old school raps finished your tallest.
Nobody wanna try sleekgurl,am da best.
Don't fuck with me cos there isn't safe sex.
Moving about da rooms cannot but make you vex.
narcoticz3132012/01/26 16:00 I call this dEATH ROW". I'm a monster I eat rappers /then finish it with a shake n off to the crapper like a over wieght janet jackson taking a crap in a basin /im prankster sin/ur life span is beginning to decrease look through ur asshole n see it dim/ I've got eljays,ressys and askaris shxt ryhmes on my rims/that I just paid 3 G'S for/wat a waste I've got a taste for success like jays sis as a proffesional cute bunny!/awww ere we go agen with that's bitches family issues/u feeling heart sore son ? Wana cry ?ere take my rhyme papper and use that as a tissue /u think ure the shxt ? Bt na dude I heard ur spitting/was as boring as ur fucking old bitch granny knitting/ur moms clit ill be hitting/like a fat dyke trying to ignite a cracker dildo with a cricket bat ..willow /u suck asshole I'm nt even ere two months surfing this server n I've already got mre karmas cus ppls liking my shxt n feeling my flows so get prepared ,put on the armour / u were like a ghost on this forum/ there bt never seen/ bt nw I'm bk onda scene like em smashing ur spleen like a real ryhme machine/throw in a rand n I'm coming to eat u like a possessed pac man/ im south african ure probabaly out there in africas east starving/with a swollen stomach frm malnutrition marving/y u tring to hide it ? Admit it!ure my bitch that's y I call you darling
SLEEKGURL2012/01/26 16:28 Honestly,some dudes don't know who they're dealing with.
Maybe because their mum is a bitch or their is a nitwit.
Looking for needle holes he will sleep with.
Or a fuck ass dummy he will speak with.
I can feel you're starving,have da bloody sandwich.
I think it time to let ya know your mum's a witch.
Am not so proud cos I was born in United states of America.
Just saying I hate blabbing dude from wack down side of africa.
Feel me,free me,am da best.YES!
I've got a trigger in ma hand,now I wanna press.
Gotta lotta haterz in here,I wanna oppress.
With a single crash,that won't be a stress.
Your mama is a doomed witch,I gotta make confess.
Am not in the league but am already da first.
Blood sucker,get ready for blood to quench your thirst.
If your mama eff's with me,am gonna hit her breast.
Its not by pride,and am not boasting.
Come to ma party,where ma haterz are roasting.