Upgrade ideas by NinthElement 2012/01/24 04:28
Please post here any ideas you have for technical improvements which haven't yet been implemented or addressed. If you recently posted a suggestion which hasn't received a response please repost it here as the last thread was removed prematurely. Pluses will be awarded for implemented original ideas. Thanks

NinthElement 2013/05/18 19:30
Quote: chaPPies: cant u have a automatic system 2 delet outbox messages every 10 - 30days. Gosh the pms stay thr 4ever. Even when some members aint arround anymore. /smiley
There is already a delete option to clear read sent PMs from your outbox (however the recipient will retain their copy). Unread sent PMs can be deleted individually (and the recipient won't see it).

NinthElement 2013/05/18 19:34
Quote: Hareesh:
in 2wap pop-msgs
will automatically send our mobile numbs
as like facebook
i mean message alearts...?
You will do this type of software ?
SMS alerts would be too expensive for us, however we can arrange optional email alerts for messages.

NinthElement 2013/05/18 19:35
Quote: Hareesh: Change chat room names....
1) india
2) pakistan
3) nigeria
4) malay chat
what is this
all is country names....
You ill change that chat room names
please make gud names
1) friends
2) lovers
3) kids
4) adults
5) English
6) Reading room
7) staff
Thanks for the suggestion, maybe it's time they were refreshed.

Hareesh 2013/05/19 05:37
Quote: Ragnorak: SMS alerts would be too expensive for us, however we can arrange optional email alerts for messages.

ok bro
tnx 4r replay

Hareesh 2013/05/28 07:36
Quote: Ragnorak: please post here any ideas you have for technical improvements which haven't yet been implemented or addressed. If you recently posted a suggestion which hasn't received a response please repost it here as the last thread was removed prematurely. Pluses will be awarded for implemented original ideas. Thanks

if we are log in this site then its shown online list
you ill make that on/off-option
i mean turn off chat as like facebook. . .as our wish to shown online list. . .
U will make turn off or on online list option
iam sorry bro
i dnt knw english very well. . .

ACIDized 2013/05/28 15:54
RSS Feeds for new topics made at 2wap (The RSS feeds should only show feeds of topics created by verified users / quality topic creators, to avoid spam in feeds)
Aita 2013/06/02 15:05
Can we get CRICKET PLAYING in the CHATROOM area. Whr ppl can play against each other. That will be lost of fun 4 ALL Members. A admin can then arrange a Competition between members.
The_Torpid 2013/06/03 15:40
Can We Have More & More Competitions Here via topics,polls & Blogs?The Organiser Should be Supported by every method for this. /smiley
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/09 15:10
/smiley We want a option that me already like this topic or replay... /smiley
Lil wayne 2013/06/10 19:32
it the site should lok splendid
Lil wayne 2013/06/10 19:35
Quote: Ragnorak: Thanks for the suggestion, maybe it's time they were refreshed.
it should be intusticated by nower feature.. Like being able to ad facebook frnds.

Lil wayne 2013/06/10 19:41
Quote: Ragnorak: There is already a delete option to clear read sent PMs from your outbox (however the recipient will retain their copy). Unread sent PMs can be deleted individually (and the recipient won't see it).
it should newer improvement

Lil wayne 2013/06/10 19:46
nd let md, admins always be online regular in case theres is any complain
The_Torpid 2013/06/13 04:05
Can't We Have The Feature,to add 2wap members as family Members just like that Fb?? /smiley
The_Torpid 2013/06/15 20:06
We Should Also Get The Date On Which We Were Online For The longest session!!
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/06/19 06:55
Quote: ACIDized: RSS Feeds for new topics made at 2wap (The RSS feeds should only show feeds of topics created by verified users / quality topic creators, to avoid spam in feeds)

Scythe 2013/06/19 18:13
upgrade your wits
kangaman 2013/06/19 23:26
2wap prisons /smiley better than full ban banish norty membes to just certain forums ,eg i currently can't enter the redlightzone ,if im norty in news then extend it there also ......bad news for me as id be currently in solitary confinement zone /smiley but surely some1 would join me there also/smiley
kangaman 2013/06/21 00:31
site staffs members needs our dear jacki back its fookin crap and boring with most the others,,very few them have any sense of humour,ffs come back harris even you were better than a lot theese depressive mods
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/22 16:58
We can't upload files other than pic/video in attach.
Members should be able to upload audio files etc in attach as one may want to send it to a user personally.

Replies: 385

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