Upgrade ideas by NinthElement 2012/01/24 04:28
Please post here any ideas you have for technical improvements which haven't yet been implemented or addressed. If you recently posted a suggestion which hasn't received a response please repost it here as the last thread was removed prematurely. Pluses will be awarded for implemented original ideas. Thanks

Mahesh 2012/12/08 02:44
/smiley It would be good to have a simple like or an image voting feature for the gallery pictures....
NinthElement 2012/12/12 15:39
I have now added this as BBcode
Result of above code:
Quote: Striped_Comet: Is it possible to have BBCode or something like that? where, when a user types in [YOU] or /user or /you the forum will replace it with the Username of the User currently viewing the forum. For example if you make a post that says "Welcome, [YOU]" and your username is HELL-BOY, you will see, after submitting the post, "Welcome, HELL-BOY." Meanwhile at the same time another user, say Mowgli , will see "Welcome, Mowgli."

Sweet_Divyanka 2012/12/14 18:43
Quote: Ragnorak: I have now added this as BBcode
you #
Result of above code:
I like it brother is short but easily /smiley

NinthElement 2012/12/15 02:01
Quote: LoneLy_heArt: can we tag a url without using bbcodes ???
Now you only need to put url # before the URL which can begin with or without http://

NinthElement 2012/12/20 00:52
Quote: _EdGE_: Can we have a notification when someone votes our polls
Added /smiley

Mahesh 2013/03/03 10:10
It would be nice to have a 'Jump to page' option for the guestbook also...
Aita 2013/03/30 02:16
closed topics should be moved 2 USELESS FORUM.
Aita 2013/03/30 02:25
Quote: KingFISHER: topic closed reason sud be inform by smarty alert nd reason sud ve written bleow d respective topic with modarator name who closed d topic. It will make d forums more transparent n smooth.
a suggestion KF. Move closed topics 2 a USELESS FORUM. Becoz it has no use anymore.

Rebellion 2013/03/30 10:33
We are seeing too much unnecessary debates happening in almost every single forum .. why not have a separate DEBATE FORUM for that?
LoneLy_heArt 2013/03/30 18:11
facebook status update /smiley
The_Torpid 2013/04/11 15:21
Can we hAve online games at 2wap!! -2wap-
Aita 2013/04/27 08:16
Plz do something about the extra settings. It dont work. If i set my inbox 4 only buddies. Other members also can send u pms.
Aita 2013/04/27 08:24
cant u have a automatic system 2 delet outbox messages every 10 - 30days. Gosh the pms stay thr 4ever. Even when some members aint arround anymore. /smiley
Hareesh 2013/05/18 08:37
Quote: Ragnorak: please post here any ideas you have for technical improvements which haven't yet been implemented or addressed. If you recently posted a suggestion which hasn't received a response please repost it here as the last thread was removed prematurely. Pluses will be awarded for implemented original ideas. Thanks

in 2wap pop-msgs
will automatically send our mobile numbs
as like facebook
i mean message alearts...?
You will do this type of software ?

Hareesh 2013/05/18 08:49
Quote: jacki:
Pls give us the 0pti0n t0 de- and re-activate our acc0unts please? That way ppl w0nt ask f0r selfban. Thanx! /smiley

click cpanel

Hareesh 2013/05/18 09:09
Closed topic and meaning less topic are automatically delated as like messages
closed topics has no use
so plz tan q

Hareesh 2013/05/18 09:15
Change chat room names....
1) india
2) pakistan
3) nigeria
4) malay chat
what is this
all is country names....
You ill change that chat room names
please make gud names
1) friends
2) lovers
3) kids
4) adults
5) English
6) Reading room
7) staff

Hareesh 2013/05/18 09:18
Increasing pulses automatically
who 1 more time spending in 2wap

NinthElement 2013/05/18 19:03
Quote: _rOckin_Arij33t_: Can we hAve online games at 2wap!! -2wap-
I'll see what we can do. /smiley

NinthElement 2013/05/18 19:13
Quote: chaPPies: plz do something about the extra settings. It dont work. If i set my inbox 4 only buddies. Other members also can send u pms.
Is it possible you've already sent these users a message? That would allow them to contact you. If you try to inbox a non-buddy user who has this protection enabled, you should be assured that it works. However inbox me if you're sure there's a problem so I can look at the details.

Replies: 385

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