who belives that the world will end by Chaisty 2012/01/15 21:53
Because i am scared that it might end ! :-)) hit me up everyone plzz i am newww ???

Sulley 2012/01/26 23:02
Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha no size
Muwale 2012/01/27 02:09
Its real and it will happen.
jaQui 2015/01/17 13:26
Quote: Boet: Sure it will end. At least for human kind

maybe it happens every day.

Rango 2015/01/17 17:50
Quote: jacki:
maybe it happens every day.
Am starting to laugh over this.And by the way, all of u don't have to worry about the end of the world.There will be no physical destruction of the planet we live on, but there will be destruction of the evil people and there master satan.

The good news is that you can choose to survive the so called "end of the world" by seeking and practicing the Bible truth.If u r faithful, u'll worry no more.

Rango 2015/01/17 18:04
Quote: jacki:
maybe it happens every day.
If surely there is no end, then there is no resurrection and there is no judgement.You may say that judgement is on the day of death, but the bible say "...the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a ressurection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgement." John 5:28-29

If there is no end, when will this be? In heaven?

Rango 2015/01/17 18:18
Perhaps you may say ressurection is in heaven.But still the bible says: "...no man has ascended into heaven but the one who descended from heaven, the son of man"

These thing must take place on this earth and after the last days

rahul0kumar 2015/02/01 11:45
This world will end, but the spiritual world (heaven and hell) will never end. Its for forever.

Replies: 27

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