who belives that the world will end by Chaisty 2012/01/15 21:53
Because i am scared that it might end ! :-)) hit me up everyone plzz i am newww ???

jaQui 2012/01/15 22:54
This t0pic exist at Faith and beliefs...
And n0, the w0rld will n0t end...
Why are u afraid?

Chaisty 2012/01/15 23:56
I dont know lol !
TheMouse 2012/01/16 00:04
Of course, the world will end. That's one of the most certain scientific statements. But U mustn't tag anything onto that statement as any modifyer would disqualify it as a valid statement. So, no ominous predictions, religious mystifications etc.
jaQui 2012/01/16 00:07
Its ok but g0 t0 fait n belief and read my t0pic abt "ARMEGEDON" /smiley

jaQui 2012/01/16 00:14
Click here ~>
topic id: 2882047

yes m0use in a milli0n years like u said.

Terry 2012/01/16 00:50
will believe it 'till it happen just go on wid ur life and make the best out of it we will die all anyway /smiley
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/01/16 01:26
It will end 1day.

Manal 2012/01/16 01:59
the end of the world?only God knows that and dnt worry,U,ME,WE,THEM,ALL OF US gonna be End first be4 the world.
Sonali 2012/01/16 07:16
until i am alive, the world will not end for me...
Boet 2012/01/16 07:20
Sure it will end. At least for human kind
GhAyAl 2012/01/16 07:25
Just a hoax
punamchand 2012/01/16 08:54
punamchand 2012/01/16 09:34
Cmpunk 2012/01/16 12:43
Science is telling that it would end.
lion 2012/01/16 16:02
its all just speculation and you are never going to get a real true answer. i say dont worry so much if it gonna happen, its gonna happen../smiley
LoneLy_heArt 2012/01/16 16:39
its a false statement
sagy086 2012/01/16 16:40
March 19 – Arab Spring and the Libyan civil war: In light of continuing attacks on Libyan rebels by forces in support of leader Muammar Gaddafi,[20] military intervention authorized under UNSCR 1973 begins as French fighter jets make reconnaissance flights over Libya.
yasmine 2012/01/17 08:59
i believ it wil bcus every beginin has an end...
samcigar 2012/01/20 02:05
The which u live in cannot end. but u that r living in the world will be the to end by giving up ur spirit.
kazzy 2012/01/25 08:32
Like me aconding to white people say nothing start that would end sO I BELIEVE THAT

Replies: 27

#78 Faith/Beliefs
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