Students Who SELL SEX by Manal 2011/08/29 05:56
Accourding to Lisa Brinkworth from UK

Student debt are soaring,but how did it get so bad that some women will resort to selling their bodies for extra cash...And at what cost to themselves?

Manal 2011/08/29 05:59
What are the best solution to help students who worried about DEBT?
Manal 2011/08/29 06:01
I thnk if they are worried abt debt,they must go to their student union and ask for advice.
MaG 2011/08/29 06:14
debt?? /smiley
they shud do part-time job to clear debt,

dad_ash 2011/08/29 06:27
Remember the scandal of teenage malaysian girl , few months back who had earn billions of dollars through webcam prostitution and from highly paid sex in real? Actually you can't do much now a days to help them. Temptational satanic gadgets make humans as an prostitute in one way or other. Look at the parishilton ,she is born billionaire , she does not need to earn money that way she does, but she does. Hilton family is known as a business tycons in the world, they are into every business exists on earth, banking, oil, cars etc, and their child is a amateur sex worker, unbelieveable. World,s needing tobe clean up otherwise i see no hope at all. Nice topic-up-
Manal 2011/08/29 06:37
Quote: As_Ash: Remember the scandal of teenage malaysian girl , few months back who had earn billions of dollars through webcam prostitution and from highly paid sex in real? Actually you can't do much now a days to help them. Temptational satanic gadgets make humans as an prostitute in one way or other. Look at the parishilton ,she is born billionaire , she does not need to earn money that way she does, but she does. Hilton family is known as a business tycons in the world, they are into every business exists on earth, banking, oil, cars etc, and their child is a amateur sex worker, unbelieveable. World,s needing tobe clean up otherwise i see no hope at all. Nice topic-up-
wow! Paris hilton so rich and she is not satisfied bt still amateur sex worker/smiley?Unbelievable really.

Manal 2011/08/29 06:40
They even can inform ther bank that they're in difficulty.In some cases,they'll suspend charges,or extend ther repayment period.
SpArKo 2011/08/29 06:46
The basic point is, why did they resort for such high debt? Why do they need to take debt beyond their capabilities? I know situations sometimes force everybody to take debt, but there is a limit to everything. For your basic necessities u might not need so much money.
Manal 2011/08/29 06:52
Quote: SpArKo: The basic point is, why did they resort for such high debt? Why do they need to take debt beyond their capabilities? I know situations sometimes force everybody to take debt, but there is a limit to everything. For your basic necessities u might not need so much money.
i think they are college or university students that cant afford bt wants to graduate bt many ways to earn money than selling sex. They can even work in restaurant or shop like other asian country that do partime job and study

dad_ash 2011/08/29 06:52
Google for her parents ( Richard Howard Hilton)assets im sure you are going to bite your finger by knowing the wealth details she owns as the only heir of her family but she is still doing amateur sex work, gee!
Manal 2011/08/29 06:55
Or they can talk to their tutor,prof and dean that debt can lead to high stress levels and its important that ther college or university is aware.
Manal 2011/08/29 06:58
Quote: As_Ash: Google for her parents ( Richard Howard Hilton)assets im sure you are going to bite your finger by knowing the wealth details she owns as the only heir of her family but she is still doing amateur sex work, gee!
google might.punish.My head-hahaha-yes i heard it in Good morning America celebrity news

waleed_khan 2011/08/29 07:32
Marlou 2011/08/29 07:41
Well, we cant judge them. I agree with Sparko's post, they can work at their spare time to earn m0ney instead of pr0stituti0n.
If they r in need or a working student, they sh0uldnt spend bey0nd the m0ney that they have. In sh0rt, these people sh0uld have a l0ng lecture in order for them to change the way they think!/smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/29 09:25
There are a few cases in which money drives people into that career but then soon it becomes the lifestyle that keeps them in that profession.
abbey4united 2011/08/29 12:52
I tink d gvment should see to dis
Horlahmighty 2011/08/29 12:58
Body selling in replace of debt is too bad.they should try and do legal part time job instead
jay6600 2011/08/29 13:25
/smiley ha ha with the active partying lifestyle uk students live im not surprised at all /smiley theyre shagging everything going anyhows so a little for cash wont hurt much /smiley im going to manchester tonight nodoubt theyll be selling themselves for 50quidz a go
Muwale 2011/08/29 14:27
Quote: Mag: debt?? /smiley
they shud do part-time job to clear debt,
you are right.

Rajjar 2011/08/29 15:07
there shud b a union of student, thay might help them by doing some job /smiley
dad_ash 2011/08/29 16:49
Sorry to say but jay sahb your statement is quite irresponsible ,honestly i didn't expect this way from you.
Replies: 32

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