Dreams : G by EloraM23 2011/07/30 11:48
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

198+ Symbols Of G in Dreams.


To see the letter "G" in your dream, may be a pun on money.


*Please See Thong

EloraM23 2011/08/01 14:56

To pick or gather gooseberries in your dream, signify a happy and bright outlook. You have successfully overcome your problems.

To see or eat gooseberries in your dream, suggest that you are enjoying your time of leisure.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 14:58

To see a gopher in your dream, means that you are being used and manipulated by others. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "go for" it. You need to take initiative and act now.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 14:59

To see a gorilla in your dream, suggests that you may be too "over the top" in your behavior. Perhaps you are compensating for your rigidity and stiffness in your waking life. Alternatively, the gorilla symbolizes your primitive impulses, wild nature and repressed sexual energy.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 14:59

To dream that you are gossiping, suggests that you are engaging in counterproductive activity.

To hear gossip in your dream, indicates that you are using others to get information that may not be accurate.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:00

To see a gourd in your dream, represents abundance, longevity and fertility. It is also a feminine symbol denoting the womb.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:02

To dream you have gout, represents obstacles. Something may be hindering or slowing your progress.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:04

To dream of the government, signifies power and the qualities or feelings that rule your life. Do greed, lust, or love guide you in how you live? The dream may also reflect your views about society at large.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:05

To see or wear an evening gown in your dream, represents enjoyment, social pleasures, grace and culture. It also represents the image that you are projecting to others. Consider the color and design of the gown for additional significance. If the gown is very fancy or ornate, then it signifies an elaborate and luxurious lifestyle. If the gown is plain or simple, then it suggests a simplified lifestyle. Alternatively, to dream you are wearing an evening gown, indicates that you are looking for happiness.

*Please See Also Nightgown.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:05

To dream that you are using a GPS, indicates that you are on a path of self discovery. It symbolizes your goal and purpose in life.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:05

To see your grade in your dream, represents how well you are doing in life's lesson and how your are progressing through each stage in your life. Consider the significance of the letter. Perhaps it refers to someone's initials.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:06

To dream that you are at a graduation, represents your achievements. You are successfully transitioning to a higher level. And you are ready to move forward with your accomplishments and perform more important things.

To dream that you do not have enough units or credits to graduate, suggests that you are not giving yourself enough credit about your successes and achievements. You are short-changing yourself for your accomplishments.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:07

To see graffiti in your dream, indicates that you have low self-worth. If the graffiti in your dream is a positive symbol, then it suggests that you see the good in everything and everyone.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:07

To dream that you are grafting something, indicates that you are making connections and bonds. You may be bringing together two different things that would better exist apart.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:11

To see grains your dream, signify abundance, wealth, fertility, growth and happiness. It also represents all the hard work that you have done and completed.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:12

To dream that you are studying grammar, suggests difficulties in getting your point across and communicating your ideas.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:14

To see your grandchild in your dream, represents the renewal of life and reflection of your own past. It refers to your family line, generations and tradition, as well as innocence and purity. Alternatively, you may be expressing a desire to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:15

To see your grandfather in your dream, symbolizes tradition, protection, wisdom, and a caring nature. Consider the qualities and characteristics that exist in your own grandfather.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:16
Grandfather Clock

To see a grandfather clock in your dream, signifies the past or a passage of time. Perhaps a decision has been weighing on your mind for quite some time. Alternatively, a grandfather clock may refer to the patriarch and perhaps some outdated views and way of thinking.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:16

To see your grandmother in your dream, represents nurturance, protection, and unconditional love. Consider the qualities and characteristics that exist in your own grandmother. She may also be the archetypal symbol of the wise old woman.

EloraM23 2011/08/01 15:17

To see your grandparents in your dream, symbolize love, security, wisdom and protection.

To dream that you are searching for your grandparents, signify your search for love and protection. You may be regressing to childhood needs.

To dream of your grandparents' home, refers to longevity, security and good old fashion values. You need to lay a solid foundation in order to grow. Obviously, your own personal associations with your grandparents' home will factory strongly into its significance. What did you do while you were at your grandparents? What sort of memories did you have? What did you do when you visited your grandparents?

Replies: 200

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