To see glass in your dream, symbolizes passivity or protection. You may be putting up an invisible barrier to protect yourself in a situation or relationship. If the glass is dirty, cloudy or discolored, then it suggests that you are not seeing something clearly. You need more clarity in a situation. To dream that you are drinking from a glass, is an omen of good luck.
To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself.
To see broken glass in your dream, signifies disappointments and negative changes in your life. Alternatively, it could be symbolic of an aspect of your life that is in pieces. A relationship or situation has come to an abrupt and untimely end. If you are walking on broken glass, then it suggests that you will be experiencing some heartache or pain. You are unsure with how to proceed with your life.
To dream that you are eating glass, highlights your vulnerability, confusion and frailty. You may have difficulties in communicating your thoughts across and getting the right words out. Alternatively, it may symbolize your hurtful and cutting comments. Perhaps you have been hurt or disappointed by something that someone had said. Or you need to be careful in how you phrase and word things or run the risk of offending others.
To see a glass house in your dream, suggests that you need to be cautious about what people are telling you. They may be telling you what you want to hear, and not necessarily what you need to hear.
To dream that you are living in a glass house, signifies a threat to your reputation. It may also suggest that you are being watched or are under scrutiny. Consider the proverb of how people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. In other words, the dream may be advising you not to criticize others, especially if you are also guilty of those same faults. You need to be more accepting.
To see a drinking glass in your dream, signifies healing, rejuvenation, and healing. Alternatively, it indicates a transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness. Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Do you see life from an optimistic or pessimistic point of view. Consider also the contents of the glass. If you are drinking form a glass, then it is a positive omen.
To see a broken glass in your dream, denotes feelings of powerlessness, guilt and/or low self-esteem. Perhaps you feel unqualified or inadequate in dealing with a situation.
To see or ride a glider in your dream, represents your tendency to go with the flow of things instead of taking your own initiative and making changes in your life. It may also mean that things are a breeze for you.
To see or throw glitter in your dream, suggests that you need to be more outgoing. Express yourself! The dream may also be a metaphor for fame, glitz, and glamour, as in the glitter of Hollywood.
To dream that something is glittering, indicates that something or someone is trying to get your attention. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that things are not always what it seems. Consider the phrase "all that glitters is not gold." Don't be fooled by what is on the outside or how things may appear to be.
To see a globe in your dream, suggests that you need to step back and look at the wider perspective. It also indicates that you are in complete control of your life.
To see a spinning globe in your dream, signifies that your life is going out of control.
To be surrounded by gloomy things and situations in your dream, indicates that you need some direction or clarity in a waking situation. A situation or person in your life is having a negative impact on you.
To see or wear gloves in your dream, represent the way you handle things. You are getting a handle on a problem. Consider the phrase "handle with kid gloves" and how you need to be more cautious in some situation. Or perhaps you are overly cautious. Alternatively, wearing gloves may mean that your creative abilities are still latent. You need to acknowledge and express that creative side.
To dream that you are taking off gloves, symbolize respect.
To dream that you are wearing work gloves, represent a difficult situation that may get your hands dirty. If you are wearing driving gloves, then it means that you need to take control of your life. If you are wearing boxing gloves, that it indicate that you are involved in a some sort of conflict. Is there something in your life that you are struggling with? To wear white gloves in your dream, signify luxury and richness.
To dream that you throw a glove on the floor, suggests that you need to challenge or address someone about an issue that is bothering you.
To see a glow in your dream, symbolizes enlightenment and understanding. New light has been shed onto a situation. You have gained a fresh perspective.
To see glue in your dream, indicates a fear of being trapped in some situation and not being able to get out of it. You have a fear of partnership or commitment and a general distrust of people around you. On the flip side, you may be too clingy. Alternatively, you are holding on to some false hope.
To dream that you are gluing something together, suggests that you are piecing together aspects of yourself and acknowledging those previously rejected parts. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for a sticky situation.
To dream that you are gnawing at something, suggests that you are trying to attack or confront a situation or problem that has been menacing you. The dream may also be a metaphor to mean "nah" or "no".
To see a gnome in your dream, signifies the inner child and its fantasies. Alternatively, a gnome represents protection, luck, fruitfulness and fertility.
To see or drive a go-kart in your dream, represents your ability to navigate through life's twists and turns. The dream may also be a pun on your "drive" and ambition.
To score a goal in your dream, symbolizes your achievements and successes. Your path to success is within reach. The dream may also be a metaphor for the goals you have in your life. Or it may suggests that you need to start making goals for your future.
To miss a goal in your dream, indicates that you are not utilizing all your resources to achieve your goals. You need to re-evaluate your choices.
To see a goat in your dream, represents your lack of judgment and your gullibility. Alternatively, goats are symbolic of sexuality, sexual desire, and lechery. Also consider the associations with the goat as in "scapegoat" or "getting someone's goat". Do you feel that you have been blamed for someone else's deed?
To dream that a billy goat butts you, forewarns of deceit, underhandedness, and lies.