To dream that you receive or give a floral bouquet, signifies respect, affection, approval, graciousness, admiration, and love. It is indicative of some healing energy. Consider the flowers and their colours in your bouquet for additional significance.
To see or tie a bow in your dream, symbolizes femininity. Alternatively, the bow can stand for a social cause. Consider the color the bow for additional significance.
To see an archer's bow in your dream, refers to the pursuit and accomplishment of your goals.
To see a bow and arrow in your dream, represents a combination of female and male energies. It may refer to your libido or some sexual energy/desire. Alternatively, it symbolizes anger, aggression, or tension. This dream symbol may also be a metaphor that you are aiming for perfection.
To dream that you have a bowel movement, signifies that you are successfully getting rid of your old habits/ways and thinking patterns. It is usually analogous to the release of strong emotions, such as anger or hatred.
To dream that you have a bowel movement in a public place, suggests that you are expressing regret about something that you said. You may have spoken your mind a little too loudly.
To dream that you are bowing, symbolizes respect, honor, humility, and reverence. You are acknowledging a greater and higher power. Or perhaps you need to be more submissive to another's wishes.
To see a bowl in your dream, symbolizes the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl and how it is treated or handled in the dream. This may offer clues as to how you feel you are being treated in a particular relationship.
To dream that you are bowling, represents the strikes, hits, and misses in your life. If you are bowling a bad game, then you may be expressing some regrets. If you are bowling strike after strike, then it suggests that you are on your way toward a successful future. The dream may also be a pun on your striking performance and/or stellar ability.
To dream that you bowl a gutter ball, suggests that you are stuck in a rut and need to make some changes of where your life is headed.
Alternatively, bowling and bowling alleys may also be a metaphor for sexual conquest. Consider the sexual innuendos that are at play in the bowling alley. The pins and bowling balls can be viewed as masculine symbols. The pin deck is symbolic of the womb or vagina (as is with any dark receptacle like caves, bowls, containers, etc.).
To see a box in your dream, signifies your instinctual nature and destructive impulses. Alternatively, you may be trying to preserve and protect some aspect of yourself. The box may also symbolize your limitations and restrictions. Consider the pun of "being boxed in".
To dream that you are opening a box, indicates an aspect of yourself that was once hidden is now being revealed. It symbolizes self discovery. Consider your feelings as you open the box. If opening the box fills you will fear, you may be uncovering aspects of yourself that cause you to feel anxious.
To watch boxing or dream that you are a boxer, suggests that you are experiencing some internal struggle or conflict. The dream may also be a pun on "boxing" things up. It suggests that you are limiting yourself and your goals/ideas. It may also indicate that you keep your emotions inside.
If you are female and dream that you see or are a boy, then it indicates that you are developing the masculine aspects of character. Alternatively, it may represent your feelings about a real-life boy who is important and significant to you. You may have a crush on this boy and your waking thoughts of him has carried over into the dream world. Your motherly instincts may be taking over.
If you are an adult male and dream that you see or are a boy, then it suggests your playful, innocent, childlike nature. Alternatively, it can symbolize the immature aspects of yourself that still needs to grow. Your inner child may be trying to draw your attention to parts of yourself that you need to recognize and acknowledge.
Your own experience as a boy scout will definitely affect this dream symbol. If you were never a boy scout and dream that you are, then it signifies your commitment and discipline toward some task. The dream may emphasize a sense of community, belonging, and helpfulness.
To see a boy scout in your dream, denotes that you or someone else has displayed exemplary behaviour. You will gain the ranks necessary to achieve your goals and success.
To see your boyfriend in your dream, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him.
To dream that your boyfriend is dead, indicates that something in your own Self that is no longer functional and is "dead". You are not being allowed to fully express yourself. It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship.
If your boyfriend is away and your dreams of him involve a lot of touching, then it signifies how much you are missing his presence and having him nearby. The dream is telling you not to take the day to day things for granted. Learn to cherish the smaller things in life.
To dream that your boyfriend tells you that he is gay or that he doesn't love your anymore, represents your own insecurities with the relationship. It may also mean that the relationship is moving to a new level to which you are expressing some anxiety and fears about the changing situation. You may feel left out it in his life or that you are unable to share in all his experiences. It boils down to trust and communication.
To dream that you are wearing a bra, signifies support and protection. Perhaps you need to have your spirits uplifted. Alternatively, it may represent your nurturing side and maternal feelings.
To dream that you are not wearing a bra, indicates that you have no discipline or control. Alternative, it may reflect your sexual nature.
To see or wear a bracelet in your dream, refers to an expression of deep passion and fire. The dream also highlights your need to reach out to others. It is a sign that you need to rekindle old friendships and to call up an old friend that you haven't heard from in awhile.
To see a broken bracelet in your dream, suggests that you tend to sacrifice your own comfort and happiness for others.
To dream that you have braces, indicates your brashness and critics of others. You should not be so quick to criticize. You need to stop talking too much and listen to what others have to say. The dream may also be a pun on "brace yourself".
To read Braille in your dream, suggests that you are trying to express yourself without words. Perhaps the dream means that you need to learn to better verbalize your thoughts and express your emotions.