To see a bobble head in your dream, represents your tendency to go along with what other people do or say. You need to start thinking for yourself. Alternatively, the bobble head indicates indecision.
To see or use a bobby pin your dream, represents your need for order and neatness. Everything needs to be in placed. You are feeling insecure about something.
To dream about your own body, signifies your level of self-worth and self-esteem. Often times, these qualities are dependent on your physical appearance or how your perceive yourself. The dream body also reflects your conscious identity or is representative of your state of health.
To dream that you have body order, suggests that you are being offensive to others without realizing it. You need to adjust your attitude.
To smell body odor in your dream, signifies an issue or problem that needs to be addressed. Alternatively, the dream implies not to take too many things personally.
To dream that you have a bodyguard, indicates that you are uneasy about some situation in your waking life. You are feeling insecure, either physically or emotionally. Perhaps you have been hurt recently.
To dream that you are a bodyguard, represents your desire to protect others from emotional hurt. It highlights your sympathetic and nurturing side.
To see a bogeyman in your dream, symbolizes the repressed and rejected aspect of yourself. It also signifies fear. For children, to dream of the bogeyman represents the disciplinary aspects of the parents that brings about fear and punishment.
To dream that you are a bohemian or that you are living a bohemian lifestyle, symbolizes your carefree and easy going attitude. Alternatively, it signifies a lack of direction or motivation.
To dream that something is boiling, represents transformation and/or sacrifice. There is something that you need to get down to the heart of. In particular to dream that water is boiling, suggests that you are expressing some emotional turmoil. It also may mean that feelings from your unconscious are surfacing and ready to be acknowledged.
To see a bolt in your dream, suggests that you are protecting yourself from difficult emotions and experiences. The dream may also be a pun on your tendency or desire to flee from a situation.
To see a bomb in your dream, indicates that you are going through a potentially explosive situation in your waking life. The bomb could represent repressed desires and unexpressed emotions that are on the verge of exploding or bursting if not dealt with soon.
To dream that you are unable to disarm a bomb, suggests that your anger is out of control.
To dream of a bomb threat, suggests that you are experiencing some inner anger and/or pressures which are on the verge of exploding into violence.
To dream that you are in a bomb shelter, suggests that you are being overly protective with some emotion or aspect of your waking life. You are trying to keep your unexpressed feeling from coming to the surface.
To dream that you are in bondage, signifies that aspects of your emotions and/or character are too tightly controlled or that are repressed. You may be restricting your need for self-expression or feel that you are a prisoner of your circumstances.
In a sexual sense, dreams of bondage represents your desires to be more sexually submissive. Perhaps you have not acknowledged these sexual passions.
To see bones in your dream, represent the discovery of your personal, family, or cultural secrets. It is also symbolic of your underlying strengths that you have not yet recognized. Consider the symbolism of getting to the "bare bones" or the significance of "having a bone to pick with someone."
To dream of broken bones, represents the discovery or realization that that there is a weakness in your plans or in your thinking. Your dream may call for your immediate attention to a particular situation or relationship.
To see a dog eating or chewing a bone, represents your basic desires and instincts.
To see a bonfire in your dream, suggests that you need to find a new path and set forth toward a different goal. It is time to express yourself more freely and let go of the old outdated ways of thinking.