Cute SMS collection by Laketempest2011/01/21 19:16 ARE YOU A LOVER OF CUTE SMS?
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_dreamprince_2011/01/22 04:16 And if it all falls apart, I will know
deep in my heart, the only dream
that mattered had come true. In
this life, I was loved by you.
Marlou2011/01/22 07:51 When life gets difficult, when everything turns bad, always remember that..."even a turtle can win a race as l0ng as he never give up"!
Marlou2011/01/22 07:58 Time may be so fast that we cant guess how long the friendship would stay, but even if time keeps us apart, even when chances pushes me out and away, remember...I'll never stop to care. Coz despite my absence, between gaps and distances... The pr0mise of you and me being friends Remains. Lasts and persists. It may n0t be under the arms of togetherness and b0nding, bey0nd words. Bey0nd spaces. Bey0nd hindrances.... Friends till the end.
Zaphara2011/01/22 10:09 Love is not sumthg that is born
in the morning, shines in the
noon and dies at night.
It borns when its not needed
and dies wen you need it the
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:15 When U want
More time to take Correct
Den remember "Even a correct
Decision is
When it is too late"
"LIFE" is
Game of
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:16 Every nice friend
Is a gift of God.
Its one of lifes
Best blessings
A priceless gift
That can never
Be bought,sold,
Or forgoten.
Just like U
Zaphara2011/01/22 10:17 "SpeciaL friends" R reaLLy reaLLy hArd 2 fiNd.. SpeciaLy tHosE wHo r "CuTe" & "pure in heart", So mY aDviSE 4 U is. Never let me go..
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:17 Be In Touch With
Dose Who Care 4U
Give U'r Care to Those Who Like U
Bcoz U'r Simple Words &
Reactions May Mean
A Lot to Them..
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:18 Nothing is old Nothing is new,
Jus a matter of
Point of view,
Enjoy life as
Happy days r few. Bcz life is
Happy moments
r like dew.
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:19 The caliber of person is not how
well he prepares for everthing to
go right
But how he stands up & moves
on after everything has gone
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:21 Every Girl May
Not be a Queen
To her Husband..
She is Always a Princess to her
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:22 Everyday, Everywhere,
May not b with U. My thinking,
My care,
My Messages,
My prayers &
My lovely wishes
R always with
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:25 Height of insult:
Son:Y did u use thumb impression
on my report? Fathr:Wid ur
marks one cannot possibly hav a
father who can read or write.
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:25 When ambition exceeds
The gap is called Frustration..
When the performance exceeds
ambition, The overlap is called
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:26 We are what our thoughts have
made us;
So take care about what you
Words are secondary.
Thoughts live;
They travel far.
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:27 Dont depend a lot on Anyone's
Advice,coz no one is so
Experienced than u about ur life.
You are the only one going to
Live & Lead ur Life.
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:27 Life may not b the party u hoped
Bt dat doesnt mean u stop
Always remembr u r the DJ of ur
SPIN it, ROCK it & LIVE it.
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:29 You cannot change your future,
But you can change your habits,
belief, system, And surely they
will change your future.
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:32 Great sports persons do not just
play only for personal glory,
They often carry the burden of a
nations expectations on their
_dreamprince_2011/01/22 10:33 No One gets a sudden Rise,
Even the sun.
No one gets a Sudden fall,
Even the moon.
So Stabilize ur life With the
positive Approach.