Cute SMS collection by Laketempest 2011/01/21 19:16

Here you can post all your favourite shortCUTE SMS that you may wish to share!

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_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:14
meaningful thought of
read twice-
"u can hurt a heart only till..
it loves u,.
not after it starts hating u"...

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:15
if people criticise u,
hurt u,shout at u,
don't be bothered...
just remember, in every game
audience makes noise,but not
the player..

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:17
shakespear said:
"i always feel happy"
you know why?
because i dont expect anything
from anyone!!!.
expectations always hurt ..

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:18
rule of my friendship:
"i would never mind if u dont
miss me or u dont need me,
but u will really hurt me wen u
need me and u dont tell me."

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:19
rule of my "friendship":
i wud never mind if u dont miss
me or u dont need me, but u will
really hurt me when u need me n
u dont tell me

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:21
wen u luv, u get hurt.
wen u get hurt,u hate.
wen hate,u try 2 4gt.
wen u try 2 4gt,u start missing.
wen u start missing,u fal in love

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 20:23
a meaningful thought to
'you can hurt a heart only till it
loves you,
not after it'....

Marlou 2011/01/22 00:37
It's amazing to realize that living in simplicity gives true c0ntentment. We go as we c0me to this world. In the end, n0thing is our to keep. So, let us share what we have:smile, kn0wledge, hug, g0odwords, things, and m0st of all LOVE.
Marlou 2011/01/22 00:38
Live simply, be c0ntent for God loves a Humble Heart.
_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 02:50
never hurt a heart that loves
you ,
never care its needles pain ,
for wounded hearts are like
flower that will blooms again

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 02:51
hurting someone is as easy as
cutting a tree.
but making someone happy is
like growing a tree.
it takes a lot of time
dn't hurt anyone

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 02:53
"success is never depend on the
size of your brain
it is always depepnd on the size
of your

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 02:57
good , ! /, morning _- o -_ ,_,.+""-._
,.+""-._ ,+"" """"""""""""""""""" feel
the freshness & beauty touch of
morning sunrise.

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 02:58
" without crossing the worst
situations no one can touch the
best corners of life"./smiley
good morning.

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 02:59
, ,',':,|,:'/,', , sun
. -(~_~): . - rise
' ','/,:'|':,',' '
good morning
'have a nice day':-

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 03:02
night is a nice gift.
so open the gift by closing ur
eyes u will c the another world
waiting 4u..
enjoy it with sweet drms..../smiley
good night

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 03:03
moon is happy,,
sun is angry,,
u now why..?
sun is missing u,
moon is wishing u...a special
good night... sweet dreams...

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 03:03
sleeping is a
break between
today's experience
enjoy d break
good night.
swt drms

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 03:04
"lover" is a flower..!
that will stand for a hour....!!
but ..!
"friendsp" is a river..
dat wil flow 4r ever.. good night...

_dreamprince_ 2011/01/22 03:05
;' = ( """"""""!"=l
pam! pam!
sorry my sms was in traffic jam.
so its late to wish you..
good night.

Replies: 465

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