*CHEAT TENT FOR MTN, ETISALAT,ZAIN & GLO* by NinthElement 2010/11/18 02:14
Maclanry : M
(10:40) Tue, 10 Aug 10

Come in for free unlimited browsing to all network in 9ja.....all you need to do,just make request for them and get solution instantly.let go there!



Original topichere

noblex9 2011/01/15 10:31
am here to help u pple today if u want browse with operamini on mtn download this opera cast rebirth from dis link

Opera cast 4 mtn http://www.sharemobile.ro/file.php?id=577308

and Bolt 4 mtn http://www.sharemobile.ro/file.php?id=583404.

Then use ur default mtn setting and in ur operamini ht
tp server
host put


and 4 bolt front querry


it is handler where u will have use proxy just select host

and put

dejian4u 2011/01/15 10:44
What of the cheat 4 bolt handler.and must it be a cast bolt.
noblex9 2011/01/15 10:49
only opera must be cast in bolt handler scroll down to use proxy and choose host then put www.mtnonline.com in proxy server.
Quote: dejian4u: What of the cheat 4 bolt handler.and must it be a cast bolt.

Buchi 2011/01/15 13:41
Symbian fone/smileylex with dis cheat 4 ur opera cast on mtn: host:www.mtnonline.com
Buchi 2011/01/15 13:43
My java cheat 4 mtn has been blocked pls i need ur help
dejian4u 2011/01/15 14:46
Where can i download cast opera apart 4rm sharemobile?
dushiwhite 2011/01/15 15:16
GOODNESS thanks well well D bolt tweak work wella but depend on the type of bolt u hav, i hav 2 bolt on my phone but it work perfectly on 1 all D same thanks@GOODNESS
James49 2011/01/15 18:38
Guys sombody downloded prov frm net mtn 4my nokia2626 d operamin4.2 is installd but nt browsing free help me wit cheat.or if i want 2brows wit airtel do i ned 2crate anoda prove 4airtel? If yes how can i do dat which site,what do i ned b4 i can crate it?
salak 2011/01/15 19:24
Please i need airtel configuration free browsing on my nokia 2626
2leg 2011/01/16 07:38
AIRTEL OPERA Ip= port=80 http=Airtellive.com/ng.zain@ AM STIL LOADING MORE 4 OUR ENJOYMENT
James49 2011/01/16 08:40
I av operamini4.2 on nokia2626 it as ben installd wit mtn,if i want to browse wit airtel do i need to create prov.if yes pls pm me how to do it.
Alias007 2011/01/16 09:23
Opera mtn socket:// front querry: host: 9ja guys i dont have enough time so as to come to dis site tanx
2leg 2011/01/16 11:22
Mtn opera 4.2 4 ucustomhttp= socketsava=server4.operamini.com:1080 host=www.mtnonline.com-lovehug-
2leg 2011/01/16 11:30
My ppuse my update will start from 2pm i luv u all/smiley
dushiwhite 2011/01/16 11:34
Quote: 2leg: AIRTEL OPERA Ip= port=80 http=Airtellive.com/ng.zain@ AM STIL LOADING MORE 4 OUR ENJOYMENT
do we need prov ?

abmoney 2011/01/16 11:51
plz any bdy who hv etisalat n glo cheat shld plz pm me or post it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzy
abmoney 2011/01/16 15:10
Quote: Alias007: Opera mtn socket:// front querry: host: 9ja guys i dont have enough time so as to come to dis site tanx
ur cheat nt workin plz post d right one

Edd 2011/01/16 15:45
I nid applicatn for ebuddy and snaptu
Rilwan 2011/01/16 17:59
Quote: 2leg: AIRTEL OPERA Ip= port=80 http=Airtellive.com/ng.zain@ AM STIL LOADING MORE 4 OUR ENJOYMENT
let me confirm your trick

Rilwan 2011/01/16 18:06
Quote: noblex9: am here to help u pple today if u want browse with operamini on mtn download this opera cast rebirth from dis link Opera cast 4 mtn http://www.sharemobile.ro/file.php?id=577308 and Bolt 4 mtn http://www.sharemobile.ro/file.php?id=583404. Then use ur default mtn setting and in ur operamini ht
tp server
host put www.mtnonline.com
and 4 bolt front querry
it is handler where u will have use proxy just select host
and put www.mtnonline.com.
great job your trick is confirmed and working well

Replies: 2046

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