*CHEAT TENT FOR MTN, ETISALAT,ZAIN & GLO* by NinthElement 2010/11/18 02:14
Maclanry : M
(10:40) Tue, 10 Aug 10

Come in for free unlimited browsing to all network in 9ja.....all you need to do,just make request for them and get solution instantly.let go there!



Original topichere

Jadex 2011/01/16 18:27
I need symbian opera and bolt cheat
Waliyx 2011/01/16 19:53
Etisalat..d 1 am usin na snail.he slow die
dejian4u 2011/01/16 20:55
Can i use the cheat 4 bolt 211 handler.
Rilwan 2011/01/16 20:59
Quote: dejian4u: Can i use the cheat 4 bolt 211 handler.
yes any bolt with fr0nt query and host

noblex9 2011/01/16 21:24
Here http://djmates.com or http://naijamobile.tk
Quote: dejian4u: Where can i download cast opera apart 4rm sharemobile?

HolySaint 2011/01/17 05:05
Pls i jst downloaded opera on my nokia5300 bt its nt installing hw can i install
Alias007 2011/01/17 06:17
Mtn opera http://mtn8.mtnonlinefootball.com@ socket:// host://www.mtnonline.com
Rilwan 2011/01/17 07:17
Quote: HolySaint: pls i jst downloaded opera on my nokia5300 bt its nt installing hw can i install
what sim do u use (q)

HolySaint 2011/01/17 07:19
Were shld i write the settings is it in the opera or in the personal configuration settings
abmoney 2011/01/17 09:11
Plz any one dat hv cheat 4 mig33 on any network shld plz pm me or post it
josif 2011/01/17 09:14
Quote: 2leg: AIRTEL OPERA Ip= port=80 http=Airtellive.com/ng.zain@ AM STIL LOADING MORE 4 OUR ENJOYMENT
not working! i tried it!

abmoney 2011/01/17 09:41
9ce work lol it works more power to your elbow
plz if any one hy cheat 4 mig33 on any network shld plz pm me or post it thanks
Quote: Alias007: Mtn opera http://mtn8.mtnonlinefootball.com@ socket:// host://www.mtnonline.com

2leg 2011/01/17 14:31
MTN D4ULT SETINZ 4 OPERA 4.2&5BETAhttpsava= Frontquery= Host= FEEL D SWAGGER!!!
Teddy-G 2011/01/17 17:25
New technogy. Hack ur freind phone through ur phone and make free call and sms . You dont need to touch is phone. Mesage me if u need d tips.
Rilwan 2011/01/17 17:47
AIRTEL WEB BROWSER Ip:goproxing.com Port:80 Apn:internet.ng.airtel.com hompage: http://airtellive.com/ Airtel OPERA Ip: Port:80 http//airtellive.com/ng.zain@ Ip195.189.142.132Port:80 =>airtellive.com @ AIRTEL BOLT ip= select d h0st or pr0xy server=airtellive.com MTN FOR OPERA Ip: Port:8080 Host www.mtnonline.com OR Host: ip: port:8080 put in frontquery host: www.mtnonline.com ip> p0rt> 8080 tweak> @ socket:// frontquery: host: THIS ROCK WELLA ON 4.2 & 5.0 ON ETI IP: PORT: 80 Then Put this in your Custom Server http://www.etisalat.com.ng/ Another public server FOR INDIAN WEB PROXY http://www.beatapp2.1x.net/beatapp.php http://www.olakaz.1tt.net/phone.php http://www.config.1.vg/101.php http://www.pelloatiirimbey.1.vg/tutorial.php http://www.tlexgovlog.1.vg/tutorial.php http://www.slimzyy.1.vg/tutorial.php Create your java fone prov offline now wit java_proxy_generator download here http://einsteinlodge.com/index.php?action=downloads%3Bsa%3Ddownfile&id=17
2leg 2011/01/17 18:01
MTN OPERA 4.2 http= Socket=wap.idjczonethack.ng@ Host=www.mtnonline.com
2leg 2011/01/17 18:07
DIS NA 4 AIRTEL OPERA IP= Port=80 httpsava=airtellive.com/go/nph-go.cgi/IDJC/http/
tosyno 2011/01/17 18:12
Quote: Rilwan: AIRTEL WEB BROWSER Ip:goproxing.com Port:80 Apn:internet.ng.airtel.com hompage: http://airtellive.com/ Airtel OPERA Ip: Port:80 http//airtellive.com/ng.zain@ Ip195.189.142.132Port:80 =>airtellive.com @ AIRTEL BOLT ip= select d h0st or pr0xy server=airtellive.com MTN FOR OPERA Ip: Port:8080 Host www.mtnonline.com OR Host: ip: port:8080 put in frontquery host: www.mtnonline.com ip> p0rt> 8080 tweak> @ socket:// frontquery: host: THIS ROCK WELLA ON 4.2 & 5.0 ON ETI IP: PORT: 80 Then Put this in your Custom Server http://www.etisalat.com.ng/ Another public server FOR INDIAN WEB PROXY http://www.beatapp2.1x.net/beatapp.php http://www.olakaz.1tt.net/phone.php http://www.config.1.vg/101.php http://www.pelloatiirimbey.1.vg/tutorial.php http://www.tlexgovlog.1.vg/tutorial.php http://www.slimzyy.1.vg/tutorial.php Create your java fone prov offline now wit java_proxy_generator download here http://einsteinlodge.com/index.php?action=downloads%3Bsa%3Ddownfile&id=17
the mtn cheat is it 4 java phone or symbian phone

tosyno 2011/01/17 18:26
All mtn cheat are not working on java phones
Simeon081 2011/01/17 18:41
i dey use java phone and mtn cheat dey work
Replies: 2046

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