What's your favourite season? by Tamanna 2010/10/23 10:25



spesify why you its your favourite season

Ezekel 2011/02/23 15:19
Raining season
Raul09 2011/02/23 21:04
Ubah04 2011/02/24 07:21
I like summer
Rilwan 2011/02/24 23:02
Rain i love rain lol
Manal 2011/07/26 03:56
SAGITTARIUS 2011/07/26 07:44
i like summer.its the time when people are in their full swing./smiley
SAGITTARIUS 2011/08/01 05:49
SAGITTARIUS 2011/08/03 07:23
my favourite season is summer,which is about to start in a few weeks time.i love summer.
jokie 2011/08/03 15:40
Autmn n summer
Ilandra 2011/08/03 22:10
Summer i also live near to da caribbean
Terry 2011/08/04 02:05
ShAhZaDa 2011/08/04 22:56
AmouR 2011/08/06 10:20
Winter /smiley
princ3z 2011/10/30 15:06
DARkN3Ss_aNG3L 2011/10/30 15:48
Summer and autumn both are colorful..
PrEM 2011/10/31 11:29
I like winter ..
--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2011/11/01 10:02
_EmpTYnesS_ 2011/11/01 10:50
Me its raining seas0n
SAGITTARIUS 2011/11/01 12:34
I love summer.
Pr1ya 2011/11/03 08:16
Spring because of the immense beauty of blossoming flowers and the noise of birds chirping, bees buzzing. I also get to see my favourite white butterflies flying all around my garden. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets, warmer days and crisp morning dew and the awesome smell of rain.


Winter, because I can snuggle up warm and have more of my favourite mocha with cream, without feeling guilty. Hehe. I can also fall asleep by the fireplace /smiley... and I have an excuse to go shopping for the cutest jackets and boots.

Replies: 73

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