What's your favourite season? by Tamanna2010/10/23 10:25 Spring
Winter spesify why you its your favourite season
Laketempest2010/10/23 10:48 I only know about rain and sun since i live in the caribbean -jump2- but i like the sun more cuz i can have fun in the sun with my queen and my princess
SAGITTARIUS2010/11/08 07:03 Summer,because its more romantic.
ReAl_PrincEss2010/11/08 10:16 i like all seasons bt dr s 1 s gud like summer coz we cn hav fun wd our friends.
AGOS20102010/11/09 08:02 I like all,cos i like appreciating God work.
Kanchan2010/11/10 09:45 i like rainy season and spring. .
Saintless2010/11/10 14:50 Not sure which one because I haven't experienced seasonal weather. But I like autumn and I get the feeling that autumn would be nice. It's sentimental and I love the rusty colours.
SAGITTARIUS2010/11/11 08:24 Summer here in sa and winter back in sub-continent.