The sun is a great power
plant. If you were to mark off
one square yard on the sun you
would find that it is giving of
70,000 horsepower of energy
continuously. There are a
tremendous number o square
yards on the sun's surface: more
than 10,000 times the number of
square yards on the surface of
the earth.
Supposethat we decide to buy
the energy that the sun gives off
for a period of twenty-four
hours. Suppose we can buy this
energy for one-fourt cent per
kilowatt-hour. To pay for this
energy in silver dollars would
require enough money to cover
the United States four miles deep.
This represents a tremendous
amount of energy. Yet when God
created the sun, He had to put
into that act of creation all of the
energy that has come from the
sun and all that which may yet to
come from the sun. There is still
enough energy in the sun to last
for some thirty billion years.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/21 16:22 Snowflakes have six sides. It is claimed there are no two snowflakes alike, yet all are hexagonal in shape.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/21 16:25 The camel is enabled, by the peculiar construction of its stomach, to carry a supply of water sufficient for seven or eight days together.
This power adapts it to the region in which it is found, and to the service of man in traversing the desert. It has, also, great acuteness of scent, and, when ready to fail through the weariness of a long march, will detect the distant stream or fountain.
Then new vigor animates it, and, sniffing the air, it strides on till it can imbibe the refreshing waters.
Quote: Laketempest: In many rainforests, female inhneumon wasps lay their eggs in the body of another insect, while it is still alive. When the eggs hatch, the wasp grubs feed on the insect. They leave its vital parts until last, to keep it alive and fresh for longer.
i saw dat,very interesting. The wasp prefer a big fat spider, then inject a small am0unt of p0is0n in2 d spider just t0 paralise it. Wasp make a h0le in d gr0und n pull d spider int0 d h0le, lay eggs n cick sand over d spider
joshirai2011/03/24 11:56 please avoid ploy thin covers..... thanking you
_cowboy_2011/04/15 02:38 Never does nature say one thingand wisdom another.
stacey12011/05/21 16:23 Wow so much 2 learn and here is another 1 did u knw that the ant have 2 stomachs and that although they collect so many food they hardly eat frm it the food is rather for the little ones so interesting how god created the world and the nature.