LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:19 Echinacea, a wildflower found growing all throughout the central United States, is used as an immune system booster. Native American tribes have used it for centuries for treating
many different conditions.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:22 There is a flower called the Scarlet Pimpernel that can forecast the weather. If the flower is closed up, rain is coming and if it is opened up, the day will be sunny. It is also called 'the poor man's weatherglass'.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:23 In one year, the average tree gives off enough oxygen to allow four people to breathe for a year. You breathe 6 liters of air per minute.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:24 One tree can filter up to 27 kg of pollutants from the air each year.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:26 4000 square meters of trees can remove about 13 tons of dust and gases every year from the surrounding environment.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:27 In a day, a mature oak tree can draw approximately 190 liters of water.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:28 Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/17 16:30 Oak trees can live 200 (or more) years.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:32 BAMBOO Bamboo plants can grow up to 90 cm in one day.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:35 APPLE - Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
- Apple pips contain cyanide. There once was a man who really liked the taste of apple pips, so he saved up a cupful of them and ate them in one go, and promptly died of cyanide poisoning.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:39 A full moon always rises at sunset.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:40 The speed of an average sized raindrop under normal conditions is 11 km per hour (7 mph).
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:41 A volcano has enough power to shoot ash as high as 50 km into the atmosphere.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:44 The typical thunderstorm drops about 500000 tons of water.
- Some large clouds store enough water for 500000 showers.
- Thunderstorms cause an average of 200 deaths and 700 injuries in the United States each year.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:44 Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 02:46 Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 1438 liters of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy and 26500 liters of water.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 04:49 by combining nitrogen and oxygen, lightning creates 100 million tons of plant food a year, raining down far more than is produced by all the commercial fertilizer plants.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 04:54 The dolphin has special membranes analogous to man's vocal cords. It can make a variety of noises such as chirps, pops, clicks, squeaks, groans, whines, and other sounds in frequencies from 3000 to 30,000 cycles per second.
researchers say the dolphin can mimic human- created sounds such as laughter, whistles, and even word syllables in high frequency ranges. An electronic device, the sceptron, has been contrived to "memorize" sounds of the dolphins, to catalog dolphin-sounds, and record
communication patterns. It is even speculated that the fish could ultimately inform man about such matters as missile cones falling into the sea, current temperatures, land formations, and so on.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 04:57 Venus rotation All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
LoneLy_heArt2010/10/18 04:59 Dead Sea Did you know fishes cannot live in the Dead Sea because the water has too much salt in it.