Amulets, Charms & Talismans by Laketempest 2010/04/29 15:20
In magic and witchcraft, certain objectives are used which act as mystical telephone numbers, summoning a specific power, be it a God, an angel, an elemental force or kind of luck. These mystical objects can differ for witches and for ceremonial magicians. Witches tend to use charms and these are natural objects. Ceremonial magicians, however, will make items specifically for their working. They make these using astrological principles and with particular thought for the purpose in mind. Talismans are a means of drawing down power of the planets into a scrool, or an object, which can then be used as a powerful magical tool.

There are many types of amulets, charms and talismans, they can be a very powerful and effective tool in the hands of a master or mistress of the craft. Talismans-making is a skill that is important for every witch to learn. They are made from way or metal or, more commonly now, coloured paper, if you want to make a talisman you will need to establish the colour, materials, day and god forms related to the subject of your talisman, and gather such equipment as you need in order to make it. You can simply manufacture the charm and then consecrate it on your own, or you can make it magical. As you become more experienced, you will find it easier.

Now here i will give some of the many amulets, charms and talismans out there and its use, so it will be easy to find them if ever anyone need it, feel free to add yours in this topic if you have knowledge on them!

Laketempest 2010/04/29 19:16
Mecury rod of healing and peace, used for settling quarrels, driving away sickness, and giving eloquence and youthfulness, was called the caduceus. The original rod and wings were said to have been given to Mercury by Apollo. One day, Mercury saw two snakes hissing at eachother about to engage in a deadly fight, so he decided to try out the rod power by laying it between the fighting snakes and, lo and behold, the snakes went peacefully on their way. Since that time, two snakes have been included in the symbol so that humans may rid themselves of their lower nature and rise to greater spiritual heights.

Spoon 2010/04/29 22:44
hehehehehe mayb it really does explain y i have 13 cats lol
Laketempest 2010/04/30 18:55
BAT EYE: add one to your charm bag for protection, for the bird of night will watch over you against spirits of the dark. During troubled times it will guard you from harm.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 18:58
BAT HEART: this is placed in a red flannel drawstring bag and pinned or tied to the left sleeve of a jacket to attract luck when gambling or playing any games of chance.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:03
BLACK CAT BONE: a legendary powerful luck charm. Include one in your gambling bag, along with a John the Conqueror root, a bat heart, mandrake root, and a pair of lodestones. Just before going out to play, sprinkle the bag with gamblers oil and carry it in the left pocket during the game.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:05
BLACK CAT EYE: carried for good luck, based on the belief that the eye of a bat perceives that which is not easily visible to human beings.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:08
COON BONE: a piece of bone from the raccoon, a small flesh-eating animal who lives chiefly in trees, is a good luck charm which is carried in ones conjure bag. It is particularly popular in the southern United States.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:12
MULE TOOTH: a popular talisman being used in many conjure bags, symbolic of steadfast strength and perseverance in spite of overwhelming odds.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:17
MOLE HEART: by carrying the heart of a mole in a bag with some hemlock herb, one is protected so that no enemy can harm him. Placed in a bag and tied about the neck, the charm brings prosperity for as in an aged rhyme, "mole on the neck, money by the peck." the heart of a mole is used as a charm by women who want to get rid of a lover - placed in a bag and tie it on the leg in the belief that he will soon crawl away, burrow a hole, and disappear into it.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:19
RABBIT FOOT: one of the most widely used of all lucky charms, the rabbits paw is also regarded since the Middle ages as a protection from evil witches and their sorcery.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:23
QUICKSILVER: as a charm against the evil eye, fill a quill with quicksilver, seal the ends with wax, and wear bound to the body. For extra-strength to your lucky nutmeg, drill a hole in one end about half way through the nut. Pour quicksilver into the hole, and seal it with green wax. This fixed nutmeg is considered a most potent charm for luck in gambling.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:27
SEA URCHIN SPINE: these are talismans symbolic of protection. They can be used in place of the sea horse in most rituals, and they are a favourite charm included in bags made up for protection purposes.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:29
SHARK TOOTH: a symbol of power, strength, and cunning, these are carried in the pocket, in mojo bags, or made into necklaces to be worn as jewelry.
Laketempest 2010/04/30 19:33
STEAL DUST: shavings used to "feed" magnetic lodestones. The steel dust adheres to the stones, and a pinch or two is added to the bag in which the stones are carried ever three days to keep them alive and strong and powerful.
Laketempest 2010/05/03 21:25
WHEEL: wear a wheel emblem when your luck needs to be changed (or for the wheel of fortune to turn in your favour) and also for success in law suits. In Roman mythology, this was the symbol of the goddes fortuna.
Laketempest 2010/05/03 21:34
A CHINESE LOCKET: a small silver lock on a necklace is an ancient lucky symbol. This was originally made from of a few silver coins that had been melted down and is traditionally given to a young boy to wear. It was believed to preserve the boy from evil spirits, lock him into life, and act as an aid to health and longevity.
Laketempest 2010/05/03 21:38
THE AX: another ancient contender is the double-headed ax today favoure by bikers. The ax represented the strength of a tool that made heavy work possible in ancient times.
Laketempest 2010/05/19 19:50
THE SWASTIKA: the oldest-known talismanic symbol is the swastika, which has been found engraved on stone implements from the Neolithic period. The legs of the swastika have been turned both ways at various times. In India today, it is usually seen with the legs pointing clockwise, whereas the infamous Nazi symbol had its legs pointing anticlockwise. In Sanskrit, the symbol means happiness, pleasure, and good luck. The swastika is still used all over the orient as a lucky talisman. Hitler was interested in mystical symbols, hence his use of the swastika.
Godric 2010/05/28 17:07
thjanks god father
Class 2010/07/04 06:29
Dts thru

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