Amulets, Charms & Talismans by Laketempest 2010/04/29 15:20
In magic and witchcraft, certain objectives are used which act as mystical telephone numbers, summoning a specific power, be it a God, an angel, an elemental force or kind of luck. These mystical objects can differ for witches and for ceremonial magicians. Witches tend to use charms and these are natural objects. Ceremonial magicians, however, will make items specifically for their working. They make these using astrological principles and with particular thought for the purpose in mind. Talismans are a means of drawing down power of the planets into a scrool, or an object, which can then be used as a powerful magical tool.

There are many types of amulets, charms and talismans, they can be a very powerful and effective tool in the hands of a master or mistress of the craft. Talismans-making is a skill that is important for every witch to learn. They are made from way or metal or, more commonly now, coloured paper, if you want to make a talisman you will need to establish the colour, materials, day and god forms related to the subject of your talisman, and gather such equipment as you need in order to make it. You can simply manufacture the charm and then consecrate it on your own, or you can make it magical. As you become more experienced, you will find it easier.

Now here i will give some of the many amulets, charms and talismans out there and its use, so it will be easy to find them if ever anyone need it, feel free to add yours in this topic if you have knowledge on them!

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:36
a padlock brings health and also happiness. The Chinese give silver lockets to children as a protection from diseases and for longevity

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:39
eastern divers carried pearls as a charm against sharks. The Chinese use ground pearl for stomach upsets and the Romans used them as a cure for lunacy.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:42
although attributed to the druids, this is a norse charm that was said to be good for lovers. Mistletoe should never be carried into any sacred building or used in church decorations, probably due to its pagan origin.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:43
for attracting luck and also for good health.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:47
a key talisman is for love to last and for projects and ideas to come to fruition. It is so ancient that it goes right back to Neolithic times and was used to guard the doorway of a hut against evil entering. Three keys unlock the doors to love, health, and wealth.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:49
if you keep a hot cross bun from one year to the next, your house will not burn down.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:51
a fish will help you to realize your dreams. It is also an ancient Christian symbol.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:52
for recovery from illness, or to win love and friendship, obtain a frog talisman.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 17:58
the horseshoe has a very ancient history. Originally denoting the crescent of Isis and made of iron, it was supposed to guard against the evil eye. Greeks and Romans nailed horseshoes on the doors of their houses as a charm against the plague.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:00
a fang denotes strength, fertility, and protection from accidents in injury.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:02
for health and happiness, choose a fan.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:04
an eye wards off evil spirits, brings clairvoyance and clear speaking and writing. It is a favoured charm in the Middle East.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:05
an elephant gives success in business and at work.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:06
a disk brings luck, particularly in games and sports.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:07
a Chinese charm for happiness and long life.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:12
the ancient idea of pulling petals from a daisy and reciting "he loves me, he loves me not" comes from the belief that daisies come under the rulership of Venus, the goddess of love, are symbolic of loyalty in love. If a friend gives a person a bunch of daisies, this is supposed to bring happiness. If your lover has left you, sleep with a daisy root under your pillow, and he will come back.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:43
BUSINESS: for success in business, carry any one of the following charms; an amethyst, bee, bull, cornucopia, cricket, beer, dragon, grasshopper, elephant, fish, fox, hammer, moonstone, narita stone, or olivine stone.
Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:55
some Gypsies say that if an ill-wisher approaches your house, you should place a broomstick across the threshold in a slightly offset manner so that a cross is made. If the enemy enters, he will be powerless.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 18:59
all cats are considered lucky, even black ones, as long as they are treated kindly. If a cat comes to you and asks for your help, you must give it, or bad luck will surly follow. Cats, of course, were considered to be witches familiars, so upsetting a cat would definitely not be a good thing to do.

Laketempest 2010/04/29 19:05
this is one of the oldest charms in the world. Children were placed near bells to keep danger at bay and for an improvement in health. Bells were put on horses, and later bikes, for luck and safety while traveling rather than as a warning for people to get out of the way.

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