Quote: GOODNESS: Here u will see many thing including extract and others............now click on extract , and wait until this jzip performs some operations............let me slow down here 4u to download it nd see what am sayn.....................
Request and let me continue.
note after extracting,press the select key on all then click option and select all then press the list botton frm option nd follow goodness
Raphael_DEmedion2010/04/15 11:53 can q0u p0st an app name 0r link t0 d0wnld and create it and n0t editinq it all the same thats a qud inf0 ab0ut editinq!
xtimer2010/10/23 15:19 Ma wa ohohnhohohoinhniniohoh
dareyboy2010/10/23 18:40 Not quite interesting s40 phone cant download zip...
RAPHEALZ2010/10/24 01:03 I hope someone said dat blue ftp application can create ur themes 4u ,but i collected the app,but i did nt kown how 2 create
Armaldo2010/11/08 12:33 A suitable application for this issue in only FExplorer for s40. Yes, the jar version, the so called THIRD PARTY APPLICATION. Just download it and use the extract option then select CREATE THEME. Then thats all it.
Quote: Boyzozo: Dis is really nonsense. Stop creating useless thread. If u wanna create ur own theme in a couple of minutes. Just goto http://ownskin.com create ur theme online and downld it direct 2 ur phone.
it's not nonsense if you understand him, but it will be easier with bluetooth ftp application alone, instead of the other 2.