How to make ur own theme with ur own picture by GOODNESS 2010/04/09 14:00

GOODNESS 2010/04/10 06:17
Now after pressing the extract option on that theme u renamed, go back to ur phone gallery and enter the where the theme is, u will see that all what is in the theme would ave been on ur phone like ringtone which is .mp3, .jpg and .gif images, and some unsopported content type....
feminem 2010/04/10 06:51
Thanks 4 d posting, but its quite unfortunate dat since u hav been explaining all these things, u hav not mention how 2 attach ur own pics to dis theme set up, but u rather mention downloading of anoda theme and editing it. Please state explicitly how 2 use ones pics
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 06:58
Farabale............stay tune.
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 07:20

u must be very careful here,,,,,,,. All u now need 2 do is to study the images u want to change to urs and go back to mobyexplorer,locate where the folder is. On getting there first delete the theme that u extracted.

secondly, cr8t another folder NAME IT FOLDER B Or anytn inside that new folder and copy ur own image u want to be in ur new theme to that folder.

Boyzozo 2010/04/10 07:21
Dis is really nonsense. Stop creating useless thread. If u wanna create ur own theme in a couple of minutes. Just goto create ur theme online and downld it direct 2 ur phone.
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 07:26
3rdly, copy one of the image in folderB to the first folder, then change its name to the one u want to replace it with for example ur own img is gbenga.jpg and the real name of the img in d theme is kitchen.gif..............
U will change gbenga.jpg which is ur own img to kitchen.gif and DELETE THE REAL KITCHEN.GIF

GOODNESS 2010/04/10 07:30 these 4 all the one u want to change......i mean copy ur own img frm folder B and paste to the first folder then rename to the one u 1nt to change it to which is the existn one and delet it..............leave the unsoppsrted ones............after all dis,,,go back to ur JZIPMAN.........


GOODNESS 2010/04/10 07:59
Inside the jzipman locate where it is and start pressing ok on those things, there will be no changes just make sure u press the ok botton on everytn....after dat, press d option key and u will see LIST press dis and wait a moment then after dat press option again u will see PACK click on dis and the jzip will name it to JZIPMAN.ZIP press ok and wait till it performs some operatns...lastly,
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 08:09
After the jzip finish, u will now rename the toANYTHING.NTH FOR NOKIA S4O PHONE AND .THM AND OTHERS.
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 08:41
Quote: Boyzozo: Dis is really nonsense. Stop creating useless thread. If u wanna create ur own theme in a couple of minutes. Just goto create ur theme online and downld it direct 2 ur phone.
ur father is cr8tn useless thread.

Tenny 2010/04/10 13:00
Keep it on
Tenny 2010/04/10 13:02
U are to good keep it up
Jamotech 2010/04/10 14:14
Burning burning burning...........
Mensah 2010/04/10 14:21
9ice one
romeo1178 2010/04/10 15:10
@boyzozo,Gud of u
princeken 2010/04/10 18:55
I u sure
Jamotech 2010/04/10 21:55
Run hard.......
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 22:05
Do it ones, get it and it will be very simple
GOODNESS 2010/04/10 22:09
Quote: sirolue: @boyzozo,Gud of u
fools never work alone. Dindinrin

veni 2010/04/11 04:36
does it really work? imma trying it but unfortunately my phone doesn't support downloaded themes and composed
Replies: 77

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